Crimes against Humanity

The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
Corporations invest in the art of destruction. It is a lucrative trade. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”. A 1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program launched under Obama, and approved under Trump is underway.
For three and half years, the Saudi’s have waged a horrendous war on Yemen. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of Yemenis, more than 50,000 children died by Saudi air raids with UK supplied bombs, and US supplied war planes...
According to Trump, who "loves children" Israel has the right to defend itself. Eight-month-old Laila is the youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday, the deadliest day since the 2014 war
The History of Dakota Resistance, The Crimes Committed against America’s First Nations (1492-2016) By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 22, 2016
350 Palestinian Minors Held in Israeli Jails. Some Palestinian Children Slapped with Life Sentences By Middle East Monitor, November 22, 2016
Five Times Corporate Media Got Caught Publishing “Fake News” Causing the Death and Suffering of Millions By Claire Bernish, November 20, 2016
War Crimes Accusations: Guess Who’s Talking By Martin Berger, November 20, 2016
Body Organs of Over 15,000 Syrians Sold in Six Years: Coroner’s Office By Fars News Agency, November 18, 2016
The Unspoken War on Yemen, Anglo-American Crimes against Humanity, U.N. and Media Silence, Complicity of “The International Community”, Destruction of an Entire Country… By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 17, 2016
“Anti-Americanism” in the Philippines. President Duterte’s Subaltern Counter-Hegemony By Prof. E. San Juan Jr., November 14, 2016
Haiti: How Bill and Hillary Clinton Wrecked an Entire Country By Jean Saint-Vil, November 14, 2016
Donald Trump Predicted to Appoint Mastermind of Bush Torture Program as CIA Chief By RT, November 13, 2016
What the Clintons Did to Haiti By Nathan J. Robinson, November 13, 2016
Where are UN Calls for Regime Change in Saudi Arabia? Barbaric Punishment of 1000 Lashes Continues to Be Inflicted on Saudi Journalist Raif Badawi By Carla Stea, November 12, 2016
The ICC and Afghanistan: The “War Crimes Game” Continues By Christopher Black, November 08, 2016
Moscow Accused by HRW: Attack on Idlib School ‘War Crime,’ Russian MoD Slams HRW Report as Work of ‘Liar or Madman’. “False Flag” By RT News, November 07, 2016
Living In Fear: One Palestinian Family’s Struggle to Survive in the Occupied West Bank By Jack Jenkins, November 05, 2016
International Women’s Boat to Gaza: U.S. Military Aid Used to “Imprison the Palestinians of Gaza” By Mairead Maguire, November 05, 2016
Will the US Actually Be Tried in An International Court for Afghanistan War Crimes? By Sputnik, November 04, 2016
The 1833 Blackburn Rebellion in Detroit: African Resistance, Emigration and the Burgeoning Anti-slavery Struggle By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 03, 2016
ICC to Investigate US War Crimes in Afghanistan? Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2016
Video: Syria, Lies and Videotapes By Prof. Tim Anderson, November 02, 2016
How Israel Is Gradually Privatising Its Occupation of Palestine By Antony Loewenstein and Matt Kennard, November 01, 2016
How Saudi Arabia Makes a Mockery of Human Rights and the UN By Adam Garrie, October 31, 2016
Syria’s War For Humanity By Mark Taliano, October 30, 2016
UN Warns US-Saudi War Threatens Mass Starvation in Yemen By Bill Van Auken, October 30, 2016
US Sponsored “Moderates” “Have Sown Terror Everywhere”: Testimony of the Archbishop of Aleppo By Mgr Jean-Clément Jeanbart, October 29, 2016
Russia Loses UN Human Rights Council Place, Saudi Arabia Re-Elected By RT, October 29, 2016
Crossing the Acheron: “The American War in Vietnam: Crime or Commemoration?” By Luciana Bohne, October 29, 2016
Israel Imposes ‘Two Hour Per Week’ Water Supply Limit On Palestinians. Is it a Crime against Humanity? By Al-Jazeera, October 27, 2016
Where Are The “Disappeared Persons” of Iraq in the Wake of the “Liberation” of Fallujah from ISIS By Geneva International Centre for Justice, October 26, 2016
“Genocide Denial” in Canada By J. B. Gerald, October 26, 2016
Aleppo Cancer Kids Denied Medical Aid and Food As Part of US-EU Sanctions Against Assad By RT News, October 26, 2016
US Impunity Erodes World Justice: African Countries to Withdraw from International Criminal Court (ICC)? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 25, 2016
Denied a “Human Standard of Living” by the State of Israel: The Gaza Blockade has Entered its Tenth Year By United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, October 25, 2016
Haiti’s Cholera Spreading, Money Grubbing, United Nations Plague By Dady Chery, October 23, 2016
Monsanto Tribunal: Five Renowned Judges Hear Witnesses Describe Crimes Against Humanity By Watcharapol Daengsubha, October 22, 2016
The Sana’a Massacre. America’s War on Yemen By David Macilwain, October 21, 2016
Hillary’s War Crime: The Murder of Muammar Gaddafi. “We Came, we Saw, he Died.” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 21, 2016
The Siege of Mosul and the Crimes of US Imperialism By Bill Van Auken, October 21, 2016
Ecocide: Chair of the Monsanto Tribunal Explains What it Means and What it Might Do By GMWatch, October 20, 2016
Al Nusra Terrorists Carry out Public Executions of Residents Attempting To Flee Aleppo By South Front, October 18, 2016
Washington and London Call for Yemen “Ceasefire” amid Escalation Of U.S. Bombings… Dangerous Crossroads in Syria and Iraq By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 18, 2016
Haiti Relief Efforts Fail to Address Mounting Humanitarian Crisis. What Happens to the Money? By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 18, 2016
Hiding America’s Role in Yemen Slaughter: US Bombing of Civilians Portrayed as “Self-Defense” By Adam Johnson, October 17, 2016
Cover-Up at Guantánamo: “Torture” and “Suicide”. What Does the NCIS Have to Hide? By Jeffrey S. Kaye and Milicent Cranor, October 17, 2016
Yemen, The Forgotten War. Savage Airstrikes, Saudi Led “Coalition” Armed and Advised by US and UK By Drone Warfare, October 17, 2016
Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan Exposed By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 16, 2016
Haiti’s Hurricane Devastation: A Tragedy Rooted in Capitalist Oppression By Bill Van Auken, October 14, 2016
US Congressman to John Kerry: Are We Committing War Crimes in Yemen? By Daniel McAdams, October 14, 2016
Yemen: The Anguish, Bloodshed and Forgotten Heroes in a Forgotten War By Vanessa Beeley, October 14, 2016
US Hypocrisy: Preaching Human Rights, Inviting Mass Murderers As Guests By Joseph Thomas, October 13, 2016
Yemen Is the Unspoken Shame of Our Generation By Darko Lazar, October 12, 2016
New Documents Show US Knew Helping Saudis in Yemen Could Be War Crime By Nadia Prupis, October 11, 2016
Yemen: Imperialist Engineered Disaster. US Navy Destroyer Says It Was Fired on by Resistance Forces in Yemen By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 11, 2016
No Coverage, No Accountability – Palestinian Child’s Brutal Death At Hands Of Israeli Soldiers By Ben White, October 08, 2016
Iraqis Use 9/11 Victims Bill To Demand Compensation From US For 2003 Invasion By Sputnik, October 04, 2016
Ex-CIA Detainees Describe ‘Terrifying’ Unreported Torture Techniques By Common Dreams, October 04, 2016
Barbarism in Words and Deeds. Barbarism of U.S. Imperial Wars is Unmatched By Prof. James Petras, October 03, 2016
How Rwanda’s “Genocide Liberator” Paul Kagame Became an Absolute Dictator By Alex King, October 02, 2016
World War III? How the Ceasefire in #Syria Broke Down. “John Kerry Wants to Protect Al Qaeda” By Syrian Girl, October 01, 2016
The US, France and Britain Scrap United Nations Diplomacy, Embrace Terrorism against the People of Syria… By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 01, 2016
Dr. Leopold Munyakazi Deported from U.S. to Reinforce Rwanda’s Official Genocide Narrative By Ann Garrison, September 29, 2016
US Propaganda Machine in Overdrive: Fake War against ISIS-Daesh, Protect the “Good Terrorists”, “Fight Russia in Syria” By Joachim Hagopian, September 28, 2016
Voices from Syria: “The US-Supported Terrorists Control Occupied Territories with Unspeakable Barbarism” By Mark Taliano, September 25, 2016
Turkish “Manual for Terrorists” on How to Burn Cities, Execute Prisoners, Use Nukes By Sputnik, September 25, 2016
The Art of War, Destroying Countries: Libya, Syria and Hillary Clinton’s “Explosive Emails” By Manlio Dinucci, September 24, 2016
The New Rwanda National Congress’s Declaration on Genocide against Rwandan Hutu By The Rwandan, September 22, 2016
The napalm-like chemical can burn skin to the bone. By Telesur, September 22, 2016
Voices from Syria: “This Country is being Violated by Terrorists who Destroy History, and People” By Mark Taliano, September 21, 2016
Syria: Attack on Humanitarian Convoy is an Attack on Humanity. Official Statement of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent By Syrian Arab Red Crescent, September 21, 2016
How the Clintons Destroyed and Impoverished Haiti: Hillary’s “Dream Government” and Haiti’s Pay-to-Play “Recovery Commission” (IHRC) By Dady Chery, September 20, 2016
62 Dead, 100 Wounded as US Bombs Syrian Army Near Deir ez-Zor. Bombing Was in Support of ISIS-Daesh Militia By Alex Lantier, September 20, 2016
US Massacre of Syrian Soldiers Combating ISIS-Daesh Terrorists Exposes Washington’s Mendacity By John Wight, September 20, 2016
Syria: No “Dusty Boy” Outrage for Seven Year Old Haider, Sniped by NATO Terrorists in Idlib Village of Foua By Vanessa Beeley, September 19, 2016
Monsanto Merges with Bayer, “Their Expertise is War”. Shady Historical Origins, IG Farben, Part of Hitler’s Chemical Genetic Engineering Cartel By Dr. Vandana Shiva, September 18, 2016
US Media Ignores CIA Cover-up on Torture. How the CIA Tried to Block the U.S. Senate’s Torture Investigation By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, September 17, 2016
Standing with Syria, “US and NATO Aggressions Must be Opposed Wherever they Surface in the World” By Margaret Kimberley, September 17, 2016
Assad’s Death Warrant By Mike Whitney, September 16, 2016
Deadly Radioactive Dust and Dying Children: US-NATO Use of Depleted Uranium (DU) Ammunition By Sputnik, September 16, 2016
Fifteen Years After 9/11, Perpetual “War on Terror” Continues Unabated. Afghanistan Did Not Attack America on 9/11 By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 13, 2016
Transforming a Country into “Collateral Damage”: US Cluster Bombs Killed Children for Decades in Laos, and Now Yemen By William Boardman, September 12, 2016
Inside Saudi Arabia’s Yemen “War Rooms”. Saudi Forces Target Civilians… By Annie Slemrod, September 11, 2016