Biotechnology and GMO

A major new technology known as Gene Editing has gained significant attention in recent months. Its advocates claim it will revolutionize everything from agriculture production to disease treatment. Is this technology a stealth way to introduce GMO genetic manipulation by way of another technique.
Many scientists lobbying for the deregulation of agricultural biotechnology ‘new genomic techniques’ (NGTs) in the European Union have either direct or indirect interests in commercialising and marketing new genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Last November, He Jiankui, a Chinese biology professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Shenzhen announced that he and his team had created the World’s first “genetically edited babies”: twin babies Lula and Nana.
The shocking news that a team of Chinese scientists have managed to gene-edit the DNA of recently-born human twins is more than bizarre and irresponsible. It suggests that certain researchers are making dangerous experiments to create ultimately the eugenics master dream: custom-designed humans.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Could Open EU to ‘New Biotech’ GMO Seeds and Foods By Global Research News, July 08, 2015
UN Hunger Relief Group Pushes For New Genetic Engineering Techniques By Heather Callaghan, July 08, 2015
“I Love GMO”: The Warped World Of The Pro-GMO Lobbyist By Colin Todhunter, July 06, 2015
GMO Corn Makes Rats Infertile, New Study Finds By Christina Sarich, July 02, 2015
France Bans the Sale of Glyphosate (Monsanto Roundup) By Kristina Martin, June 30, 2015
“Intolerable Levels” of Monsanto’s Glyphosate (Roundup) Found in Breast Milk By Christina Sarich, June 29, 2015
Capture, Smear, Contaminate: The Politics Of GMOs By Colin Todhunter, June 29, 2015
Russian Deputy Prime Minister: GMOs Will Not be Tolerated By Christina Sarich, June 26, 2015
The Royal Society’s Assault on the Science of GM Foods Must Cease By Steven M. Druker, June 26, 2015
Senate Passes TPP ‘Fast-Tracking’ That Could Make GMO Labeling Illegal By Anthony Gucciardi, June 25, 2015
Herbicide-Resistant Insects Are Destroying GMO Crops Like Never Before By Christina Sarich, June 23, 2015
Farmer Suicides in Rainfed Areas of India Correlate with Genetically Modified Bt Cotton Adoption: Study By GMWatch, June 22, 2015
Oxitec’s GM Moths Released in New York – Citizens, Organic Farmers and Environmentalists Are Outraged By Christina Sarich, June 19, 2015
100,000 German Beekeepers Call for GMO Cultivation Ban By GMWatch, June 18, 2015
French Minister Asks Stores to Stop Selling Monstanto Roundup By Christina Sarich, June 18, 2015
The Pro-GMO Lobby’s Latest Scapegoat: “Organic Farming is Starving The Poor”. Monsanto Can Save the World from Hunger By Colin Todhunter, June 17, 2015
MSM and Biotech Try to Re-Brand GMO’s Due to Negative Response By Christina Sarich, June 15, 2015
Ignoring Reality, Subverting Morality: GMOs and the Neoliberal Apologists By Colin Todhunter, June 14, 2015
Monsanto Now Billing Itself as a “Sustainable Agriculture Company” By Christina Sarich, June 12, 2015
German Companies Stop Sales of Monsanto’s “Roundup” Herbicide By Eric Zuesse, June 12, 2015
Roundup Ready, Bt-Toxin and GMOs — A Dangerous Trinity That Encourages Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease By Carolanne Wright, June 11, 2015
The Monsanto We Know and “Love” Could Soon Be “Dead”. CEO Says Name Change Could Be Coming Soon By Nick Meyer, June 11, 2015
Monsanto’s PR, Organic Farming vs. GMO: How the Great Food War Will Be Won By Dr. Jonathan Latham, June 10, 2015
BBC Panorama: Promoting GMO and Cultivating Ignorance By Colin Todhunter, June 09, 2015
Sri Lanka’s President Bans Glyphosate Nationwide to Protect the Health of the People By J. D. Heyes, June 09, 2015
Monsanto Ordered To Pay $93 Million For Poisoning Residents With Agent Orange By Amanda Froelich, June 08, 2015
Former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Scientist Speaks Out Against GMOs By Christina Sarich, June 08, 2015
Organic Farming Thrives in India as Growers Revert Back to Traditional Methods By Julie Wilson, June 08, 2015
Former EPA Scientist: Biotech Companies Encouraging Pesticide Treadmill By Ken Roseboro, June 02, 2015
“Altered Genes, Twisted Truth”: The Silence of Britain’s Royal Society is Deafening By Colin Todhunter, June 01, 2015
The End of Monsanto By Julie Lévesque, May 30, 2015
Monsanto is Running the USDA: Two GMO Crops Approved This Year By Christina Sarich, May 29, 2015
Why Did the US Army Ship Live Anthrax? By Patrick Martin, May 29, 2015
Britain is Set to Open the Door to Cancerous GMO By Steven MacMillan, May 29, 2015
Follow the GMO Money Trail By Global Research News, May 28, 2015
Sri Lanka’s Newly Elected President Bans Glyphosate (Monsanto Roundup) – Deadly Chronic Kidney Disease Increased 5-Fold By Christina Sarich, May 26, 2015
German Ministers Call for EU-Wide Ban on Monsanto’s Deadly Glyphosate Herbicide (Roundup) By Daniel Barker, May 26, 2015
Monsanto Bids to Take Over Syngenta—A Move to Assure a Pesticide-Saturated Future? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 26, 2015
Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media By Christina Sarich, May 25, 2015
Netherlands Bans Monsanto’s Roundup to Protect Citizens from Carcinogenic Glyphosate By Jennifer Lilley, May 25, 2015
Hillary Clinton Endorses GMOs. White House Meals are Organic By Stephen Lendman, May 25, 2015
Global March Against Monsanto Day By Stephen Lendman, May 23, 2015
A Challenge to Monsanto By Steven M. Druker, May 22, 2015
“Altered Genes, Twisted Truths” : A Challenge to Monsanto By Colin Todhunter, May 22, 2015
Women and Biodiversity Feed the World, Not Corporations and GMOs By Dr. Vandana Shiva, May 21, 2015
Monsanto Sued for Deliberate Falsification to Conceal that Glyphosate (Roundup) is Harmful to Humans and Animals By Christina Sarich, May 19, 2015
Monsanto’s Worst Fear May Be Coming True: The End-Game for GMOs?
 By Dr. Jonathan Latham, May 18, 2015
GMO, Food Safety and the “Labeling of Natural Foods”: US Congress’ Anti-Consumer “DARK Act” Legislation.”Denying Americans the Right to Know” By Stephen Lendman, May 18, 2015
Americans Want Organic Food: A Surge in GMO-Free Imports By Global Research News, May 15, 2015
Monsanto Knew of Glyphosate (Roundup)-Cancer Link 35 Years Ago By GM Free Cymru, May 14, 2015
Chemtrails, Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineering: A Massive Biological Experiment of Unknown Purpose By James F. Tracy, May 13, 2015
Bermuda Suspends Glyphosate-Ridden Monsanto Roundup Indefinitely By Christina Sarich, May 13, 2015
Developed by Monsanto, GMO Eggplant Forced On Developing Countries By Eric Vinje, May 13, 2015
German Retail Giant Removes Glyphosate (Monsanto Roundup) from 350 Stores By Christina Sarich, May 12, 2015
Monsanto’s Glyphosate Blankets GMO Crops Near U.S. Schools. 3,247 Elementary Schools across America Affected By Mary Ellen Kustin and Soren Rundquist, May 11, 2015
Trade Wars: Monsanto’s Return to Vietnam By Desiree Hellegers, May 10, 2015
Monsanto Operatives Bully Academics Who Discuss Cancer Links to GMOs and Glyphosate (Roundup) By J. D. Heyes, May 07, 2015
Six FDA-Approved Foods Banned In Other Countries By Christina Sarich, May 05, 2015
Scientist Who Attacked Columbia University Dr. Oz Received Money from Junk Food, Biotech and Vaccine Companies By J. D. Heyes, May 04, 2015
Thousands of Farmers in India Rise up Against Monsanto: Biotech Giant Known for Causing Suicides By Christina Sarich, May 04, 2015
Unmasking The GMO Humanitarian Narrative By Colin Todhunter, May 02, 2015
EPA Placing Blame on Farmers for Monsanto’s Cancer-Causing GMO Crops By Christina Sarich, May 01, 2015
Organic Farming Can Save the World from Global Warming, Climate Change – Absorbs More Carbon than It Releases By Heather Callaghan, May 01, 2015
Monsanto Secretly Gave Money to Farmer Caught Contaminating Organic Farms with GMOs By Christina Sarich, April 30, 2015
The FBI Is Now Working for Monsanto By J. D. Heyes, April 30, 2015
How Monsanto’s Glyphosate Is Generating Deadly Antibiotic Resistance By Christina Sarich, April 29, 2015
Agribusiness and the The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse. The Globalized System of War, Poverty and Food Insecurity By Colin Todhunter, April 28, 2015
Obama Fights to Spread GMO Foods Throughout Europe By Eric Zuesse, April 28, 2015
30,000 Doctors in Argentina Demand that Glyphosate (Monsanto Roundup) Be Banned By Christina Sarich, April 27, 2015
Lobbyist Claims Monsanto’s Roundup Is Safe To Drink, Freaks Out When Offered A Glass By Global Research News, April 26, 2015
Who Needs Neil Young When We’ve Got Monsanto? By Colin Todhunter, April 26, 2015
Lawsuit Accuses Monsanto of Lying About Safety of Roundup By Carey Wedler, April 24, 2015
Who Granted The “GMO Evangelists” The Monopoly On Compassion? By Colin Todhunter, April 24, 2015
Monsanto Roundup is An Endocrine Disruptor in Human Cells at Levels allowed in Drinking Water. Study By Global Research News, April 20, 2015
Brazil Admits Monsanto’s Roundup Is Causing Cancer After Approving 3 GMO Crops By Christina Sarich, April 20, 2015
Globalization: Global Agribusiness Hammering Away At The Foundations Of Indian Society By Colin Todhunter, April 20, 2015
Monsanto Knew of Glyphosate / Cancer Link 35 Years Ago By Global Research News, April 19, 2015
Ukraine a Vector for GMO Poison’s Spread Through EU By Ulson Gunnar, April 18, 2015
Weaponization of the Food System: Genetically Engineered Maize Threatens Nepal and the Himalayan Region By Arun Shrivastava, April 17, 2015
Monsanto, the Producer of “Agent Orange” brings GMO Agriculture to Vietnam By Global Research News, April 14, 2015