
One day before the 9/11 attacks, the dad of the sitting President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush was meeting none other than Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.
Twin Towers
9/11 marks the onslaught of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), used as a pretext and a justification by the US and its NATO allies to carry out a “war without borders”, a global war of conquest. A far-reaching overhaul of US military doctrine was launched in the wake of 9/11.
In his latest weekly address to the nation, President Obama asserts that America’s questions about 9/11 have been answered. If only it were so.
if the Saudis were indeed the State sponsors of 9/11, why on earth did the US and the Atlantic Alliance (under the doctrine of collective security) choose to wage a "Just War" of retribution against Afghanistan. Did they get their countries mixed up?
Obama, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. The PSD-11 “Secret Blueprint” to Implement Regime Change across the Middle East By F. William Engdahl, December 26, 2018
In Afghanistan, Ignorance Has Become a Crucial Part of the War on Terror By Emran Feroz, December 26, 2018
Trump’s Retreat from Syria: Why Is the US Withdrawing Its Forces? By Abdel Bari Atwan, December 23, 2018
9/11: The Evidence. “Conclusive Evidence that Federal Crimes were Committed”. Grand Jury Breakthrough vested with Subpoena Power By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 13, 2018
9/11 Truth Movement: Towards A Successful Grand Jury Investigation By AE911Truth, December 12, 2018
‘Terrorism’ Database Cites ‘Islamophobic’ Sources in Muslim Profiles By Richard Assheton and Peter Oborne, December 11, 2018
HuffPost’s Attack on Academic Integrity, Truth and Justice By Elias Davidsson, December 06, 2018
Video: 15,000 Al-Qaeda-linked Terrorists Remain in Idlib Province By South Front, December 01, 2018
The Long, Brutal U.S. War on Children in the Middle East By Kathy Kelly, December 01, 2018
George H.W. Bush, the CIA and a Case of State-Sponsored Terrorism By Robert Parry, December 01, 2018
Scolding the Art World for Showcasing ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ The Nation Doubles Down on Its Defense of the Official 9/11 Narrative By Ted Walter, November 30, 2018
Afghanistan, No Peace in Sight: The US Intends to Dissolve the Local People’s “Anti-Terrorist Uprisings” By Sami Karimi, November 29, 2018
Israel and the Jihadi Connection By Richard Galustian, November 29, 2018
The Language of 9/11 Unmasked: Edward Curtin By Edward Curtin and The Mind Renewed, November 25, 2018
230,000 “Jihadists” in 70 Countries: Since 9/11 the Number of Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists Has Quadrupled. Study By RT News, November 25, 2018
US-Israeli Open Secret: Supporting Al Qaeda, Recruiting Jihadists By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2018
America’s “War on Terrorism”: Dispelling the Fiction By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 21, 2018
Eight Million Tonnes of Unexploded Mines and Munitions Endanger All Children in Northern Iraq By Laura Cappon, November 20, 2018
Money, Silver, Gold and Cars: ISIS Fighters Received “Bonuses” for Using Chemical Weapons – Report By South Front, November 16, 2018
Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi: The Most Important Torture Story Never Told, Used as a Pretext to Invade Iraq By Clive Stafford Smith, November 10, 2018
Scolding the Art World for Showcasing ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ In Defense of the Official 9/11 Narrative By Ted Walter, November 10, 2018
Yemen War Intensifies After Washington and London Call for Ceasefire By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 09, 2018
Video: Saudi-led Coalition’s Military Operation to Capture Yemen’s Port City of Al-Hudaydah By South Front, November 08, 2018
Debunking the Real 9/11 Myths: Plane Impacts, Fire Damage and Melted Steel By Adam Taylor, November 07, 2018
A Chance for the US to Distance Itself from Saudi Arabia By Gareth Porter, October 26, 2018
The Saudi Butchery in Yemen and the World’s Apathy By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, October 26, 2018
Griffin and Woodworth Release New Book on the 9/11 Consensus Panel’s Findings By David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, October 25, 2018
Northeastern Syria: Kurdish Anarchy and Sultan Erdogan Dreams By Firas Samuri, October 25, 2018
Why Do Yemen’s Dead Not Merit the Attention of Jamal Khashoggi? By Pete Dolack, October 25, 2018
US Fueling Terrorism in China By Tony Cartalucci, October 25, 2018
Khashoggi’s Murder and Saudi War Crimes in Yemen Were Facilitated by US By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, October 22, 2018
Statistics: 1300 Days of Saudi Crimes in Yemen By Yemenpress, October 18, 2018
The Anatomy of a Great Deception
The Anatomy of a Great Deception. 9/11 is Not About the Past. It’s About the Future By David Hooper and Richard Gage, October 11, 2018
The Globalization of War, Failures of the Antiwar Movement, “The Global War on Terrorism is Fake” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, October 04, 2018
Syria and the S-300s: Re-Centering the People in the Global Struggles for Power By Ajamu Baraka, October 03, 2018
Iraq: A Ticking Time Bomb for Oil Markets By Dr. Cyril Widdershoven, October 02, 2018
The US Has Delisted Anti-Iranian MEK Terrorists Still Openly Committed to Violence By Tony Cartalucci, October 02, 2018
The 17th Anniversary: 9/11 Family Members, Technical Experts Stand Tall for Truth and Justice at U.S. Capitol By Richard Gage, September 30, 2018
Terrorist Attack in Ahwaz, Southern Iran: New Chapter of Washington’s “Regime Change Wars”? By Marwa Osman, September 27, 2018
Global Watchdog Takes Saudi Arabia to Task for Lax Anti-terrorism Finance Measures By James M. Dorsey, September 26, 2018
Trump, Israeli Regime-Sponsored Terrorist Attack in Iran? By Stephen Lendman, September 23, 2018
Gunmen Attack Army Parade in Iran Leaving Dozens Dead By Middle East Eye, September 22, 2018
9/11 Unmasked
9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation By David Ray Griffin and Elizabeth Woodworth, September 22, 2018
US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Blasts America’s Support for Al-Qaeda in Syria, as Trump Threatens Further Military Action By Mohamed Elmaazi, September 19, 2018
Yemen’s Descent into Hell By Prof. Rajan Menon, September 19, 2018
‘The Evidence Is Very Clear’: The US Has Aligned Itself with Al-Qaeda in Syria. Ron Paul By Adam Dick, September 19, 2018
World Trade Centre
Who is Osama bin Laden. Interview with Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Philip A Farruggio, September 17, 2018
The Alleged Involvement of Saudi Arabia in 9/11: Bob Graham and the Missing 28 Pages of the 9/11 Joint Inquiry Report By Kevin Ryan, September 16, 2018
Eight Reasons 9/11 Could Not Have Been “An Inside Job” By Washington's Blog, September 11, 2018
The Costs of 9/11 Continue to Mount. The Official Government Account of 9/11 is False By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 11, 2018
Video: 9/11, Uncovering the Truth. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 11, 2018
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Evaluation Nearing the Finish Line: An Interview with Dr. Leroy Hulsey By Dr. Leroy Hulsey, September 11, 2018
9/11 Unmasked By Professor Piers Robinson, September 11, 2018
9/11 Unmasked
The Fakest Fake News: The U.S. Government’s 9/11 Conspiracy Theory By Edward Curtin, September 11, 2018
The 9/11 Plan: Cheney, Rumsfeld and the “Continuity of Government” (COG) By Paul Schreyer, September 10, 2018
Osamagate By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 10, 2018
Federal Grand Jury Petition Filed for New 9/11 Investigation By Bruce G. Morgan, September 10, 2018
The Military Drills of September 11th: Why a New Investigation is Needed By Elizabeth Woodworth, September 10, 2018
Why I Don’t Speak of the Fake News of “9/11” Anymore By Edward Curtin, September 09, 2018
Video: The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw By Barrie Zwicker and Michael Welch, September 09, 2018
War on Terrorism
Al Qaeda and the “War on Terrorism” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 07, 2018
9/11 Attacks: Thousands of 9/11 First Responders Have Cancer By Derrick Broze, September 05, 2018
UK Complicity in Post-9/11 Torture and Rendition, We’re Still Waiting for the Truth By Gracie Bradley, September 05, 2018
Saudi Regime Calls Premeditated Mass Murder in Yemen “Mistakes” By Stephen Lendman, September 03, 2018
UN Report on Yemen Ignores US Responsibility for War By Stephen Lendman, August 30, 2018
US Leaders Aid and Abet War Crimes in Yemen By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 23, 2018
Canada Should Not Accept White Helmets as Refugees By Prof. John Ryan, August 21, 2018
Complicity with Saudi Crimes Limits Canada’s Response By Yves Engler, August 19, 2018
Pakistan at a Crossroads as Imran Khan Is Sworn In By James M. Dorsey, August 18, 2018
Video: Syria’s Upcoming Battle for Idlib By South Front, August 17, 2018
Sweden’s Refusal to Prosecute Returning ISIS and Al Qaeda Foreign Fighters By Staffan Marklund, August 17, 2018
America’s “Global War on Terror”, Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 16, 2018
America’s War on Yemen Exposed By Tony Cartalucci, August 14, 2018
Southwestern Syria Liberated. Idlib Next? By South Front, August 01, 2018
Why Will The US Leave Syria Soon? The Kurds Are Waking Up. By Elijah J. Magnier, August 01, 2018
Damascus Is One Step Away From Liberating Entire Southern Syria By South Front, July 31, 2018
The U.S. Enables Deliberate Saudi Attacks on Civilian Targets in Yemen By Daniel Larison, July 26, 2018
Action Alert: It’s Been Over a Year Since MSNBC Has Mentioned US War in Yemen By Adam Johnson, July 25, 2018
The Might of Petro Dollar: Why Saudi Arabia Can Continue Its Atrocities in Yemen? By Paul Antonopoulos, July 24, 2018
Cost of UK Air and Drone Strikes in Iraq and Syria Reach £1.75 Billion By Chris Cole, July 20, 2018