
One day before the 9/11 attacks, the dad of the sitting President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush was meeting none other than Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.
In his latest weekly address to the nation, President Obama asserts that America’s questions about 9/11 have been answered. If only it were so.
9/11 marks the onslaught of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), used as a pretext and a justification by the US and its NATO allies to carry out a “war without borders”, a global war of conquest. A far-reaching overhaul of US military doctrine was launched in the wake of 9/11.
if the Saudis were indeed the State sponsors of 9/11, why on earth did the US and the Atlantic Alliance (under the doctrine of collective security) choose to wage a "Just War" of retribution against Afghanistan. Did they get their countries mixed up?
Syria, Propaganda, and the Anti-War Movement: Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, September 11, 2013
9/11: Twelve Years of War, Lies and Deception By Global Research and Global Research, September 11, 2013
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The Geopolitics of the Syrian War By Sharmine Narwani and James Corbett, September 09, 2013
Documentary Movie: September 11 and the New Pearl Harbor By Massimo Mazzucco, September 09, 2013
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The Deep State and 9/11: Prof. Peter Dale Scott By Prof Peter Dale Scott, September 05, 2013
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9/11 Truth: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects By Rowland Morgan, September 01, 2013
9/11 Truth: More from the Toronto Hearings Global Research News Hour Summer Series Episode 5 By Michael Welch, August 31, 2013
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ReThink911: A New Global 9/11 Truth Campaign By Richard Gage and James Corbett, August 26, 2013
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9/11 Truth: Evidence of Controlled Demolition of the World Trade Center Global Research News Hour Summer Series Episode 3 By Michael Welch, Richard Gage, Prof. David Chandler, and Prof. Graeme MacQueen, August 18, 2013
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Examining the Evidence of 9/11: Inside the Toronto Hearings Global Research News Hour Summer Series Episode 2 By Michael Welch, Lori Van Auken, Paul Zarembka, Jay Kolar, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 10, 2013
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The Boston Marathon, This Thing called Terrorism, and the United States By William Blum, May 04, 2013
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