
One day before the 9/11 attacks, the dad of the sitting President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush was meeting none other than Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.
In his latest weekly address to the nation, President Obama asserts that America’s questions about 9/11 have been answered. If only it were so.
9/11 marks the onslaught of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), used as a pretext and a justification by the US and its NATO allies to carry out a “war without borders”, a global war of conquest. A far-reaching overhaul of US military doctrine was launched in the wake of 9/11.
if the Saudis were indeed the State sponsors of 9/11, why on earth did the US and the Atlantic Alliance (under the doctrine of collective security) choose to wage a "Just War" of retribution against Afghanistan. Did they get their countries mixed up?
Heroes or Murderers? Colombian Government Defends Its Mercenaries By José Manuel Blanco Diaz, August 13, 2021
Video: Mozambique to Finally Get Rid of Terrorists By South Front, August 11, 2021
Obama Did Not Kill Osama bin Laden By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 09, 2021
Syria-Jordan Border: Daraa Suffers Terrorist Occupation Again By Steven Sahiounie, August 08, 2021
Video: “Moderate Opposition” Carries Out Terror Attacks Outside Greater Idlib By South Front, August 06, 2021
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Video: Afghanistan. The Taliban Push into Kandahar, Herat and Lashar Gah By South Front, August 03, 2021
Video: Turkish-backed Militants Against Everybody Including Themselves in Northern Syria By South Front, July 30, 2021
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US Sanctions Against Syria Fuelling Extremism and Radicalization By Paul Antonopoulos, July 29, 2021
Video: Daraa’s Month-long Saga Comes to an End By South Front, July 29, 2021
The 1946 Explosion of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem: A Personal Story By Lina Gress, July 26, 2021
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Graveyard of Empires By Eric Margolis, July 21, 2021
Leaving Afghanistan: Why Not Iraq and Syria? By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 21, 2021
Renewing a Lifeline for the Hapless in Syria’s Idlib By Michael Jansen, July 15, 2021
The War on Syria: ISIS-Daesh Taking Advantage of Deteriorating Conditions, Recruiting Disaffected Young People By Michael Jansen, July 08, 2021
The Dirty War on Syria: Washington Supports the Islamic State (ISIS) By White Nettle, July 07, 2021
More on Domestic Terrorism: Who Will be the Target? By Philip Giraldi, June 25, 2021
Western Powers Are Using Aid as a Cover to Keep a Terrorist-ruled Syrian Region Afloat…Just Because It’s Anti-Assad By Kevin Karp, June 19, 2021
New Book: Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission By Ray McGinnis, June 16, 2021
How Washington is Positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda’s Founder as Its ‘Asset’ By Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal, June 13, 2021
Syria and COVID: Refuting the Lies with Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano and John Shuck, June 09, 2021
Video: Northern Syria’s Tug of War, Renewed Chaos By South Front, June 08, 2021
Video: Syrian and Russian Forces Contain ISIS Terrorists Amid Fears of a Future Resurgence By South Front, June 07, 2021
Video: Drone Warfare in the Middle East By South Front, May 25, 2021
Israel: Profile of a Terror State By Donald Monaco, May 23, 2021
Video: Month of Celebration Unearths Civilian Woes in Syria’s North By South Front, May 20, 2021
Russian Air Strikes against ISIS Positions in Central Syria By South Front, May 04, 2021
“Syria Has Been a Victim of the Terrorists’ Use of Chemical Weapons” By Dr. Al Hakam Dandy and Steven Sahiounie, May 04, 2021
Video: “Turkish Falcon” Protracts Its Claws over Kurdistan Yet Again By South Front, May 02, 2021
America’s Long War against Afghanistan (1979-) By Donald Monaco, April 25, 2021
The US War in Afghanistan: A Historic Crime By Patrick Martin, April 19, 2021
Video: Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen is Failing. Houthi Counter-Attacks By South Front, April 14, 2021
US, British and French Covert Operations in Syria By Shane Quinn, April 08, 2021
Video: War in Syria and “Terrorist Democracy” in Greater Idlib By South Front, April 08, 2021
Video: Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Has Been Plagued by ISIS for Years By South Front, April 07, 2021
A Fresh Voice Debunking Disinformation on Syria with Real Eyewitness Testimonies and a Genuine Anti-Hegemonic Context By Dr. Ibrahim Alloush, April 06, 2021
Turkey Supported Armed Groups in Syria: On Their Way to Bankruptcy Strategically and Financially By Khaled Iskef, April 04, 2021
“American Style”: US-backed Fighters Seize US-made Missiles Heading to Other US-backed Fighters in Syria By South Front, March 30, 2021
African Branch of ISIS Plans to Form Islamic Caliphate in Mozambique By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 29, 2021
North-Eastern Syria: “We Will Kill You, We Have Prepared Killings for Infidels.”: ISIS Childrens’ Vow By Steven Sahiounie, March 28, 2021
Western Media Quick to Accuse Syria of ‘Bombing Hospitals’ – But When Terrorists Really Destroy Syrian Hospitals, They Are Silent By Eva Bartlett, March 28, 2021
Terrorists Launch a Deadly Missile Attack on Aleppo By Steven Sahiounie, March 24, 2021
“We Don’t Do Body Counts”: The Iraq Death Toll 15 Years After the US Invasion By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 19, 2021
Video: Seven. Collapse of Building Seven on 9/11 By AE911Truth, March 18, 2021
Syria’s First Lady Supports the Fight Against Al Qaeda and ISIS By Steven Sahiounie, March 18, 2021
“Voices from Syria” and “The Dirty War on Syria”: Mark Taliano and Tim Anderson Analyze the War on Syria By Global Research, March 17, 2021
War Crimes and Fake News: Peering into Syria – with Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano and Unusual Sources, March 17, 2021
Video: Assad Against Northern Syria’s “Democratic” Oil Smuggling Business By South Front, March 16, 2021
Syria: Undeclared US-NATO War of Aggression, Using Al Qaeda Terrorism as An Instrument of Death and Destruction By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13, 2021
10 Years after Daraa: The Stalemate in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, March 10, 2021
The Problem with Conspiracy Theories By Kevin Ryan, March 07, 2021
The US Airstrike on Syria: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss, and the Boss before that By Scott Ritter, March 01, 2021
Cuba on Terrorist List, Just Latest in Long List of Victims of Terrorism By Arnold August, February 28, 2021
Biden’s Reckless Syria Bombing Is Not the Diplomacy He Promised By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 28, 2021
Video: Turkey’s Eternal Crusade on the Kurdistan PKK Continues By South Front, February 23, 2021
Video: Chaos in the Middle East, Turkey and US Pursuing Separate Goals in Northern Iraq By South Front, February 17, 2021
Video: US Military Deployment in Syria. Arranging the “Middle East Narrative” to Push the Biden Agenda Forward By South Front, February 12, 2021
Video: Israel Strikes Syria to Celebrate Whitewashing of Al-Qaeda in Idlib By South Front, February 05, 2021
The Dark Side of the Kurdish Militias Revealed in Qamisli Stand-off By Steven Sahiounie, January 28, 2021
Double Suicide Bombing: Baghdad Blast Responsibility in Question By Steven Sahiounie, January 24, 2021
So President Biden – I Call on You to End this Murderous Madness in Syria By Janice Kortkamp, January 23, 2021
US Backs Al-Qaeda in Yemen while Dubbing Its Houthi Enemies ‘Terrorists’ By Ben Norton, January 22, 2021
Shut Down Dissent. Going After the New “US Domestic Terrorists” By Stephen Lendman, January 21, 2021
Cuba Solidarity Campaign Statement on the United States Listing of Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism By Cuba Solidarity Campaign, January 21, 2021
The New Domestic War on Terror Is Coming By Glenn Greenwald, January 20, 2021
A Belligerent Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East: The Legacy of US President Donald J. Trump By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 20, 2021
Wednesday, January 6, 2021: The Siege on Capitol Hill. The Impeachment of Donald Trump By Michael Welch, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Barrie Zwicker, and Jason Bermas, January 16, 2021
The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) Intrusion in Albania, Threatens Regional Stability in Middle East and Balkans By Robert Fantina, January 08, 2021
The New Film “Seven”. Scientific Study of WTC Building 7 By Kevin Ryan, December 30, 2020
How Will Joe Biden “Resolve” the Syrian Crisis? The Viewpoint of a French Diplomat By Steven Sahiounie, December 27, 2020
Video: Turkish Attack on Ain Issa Turns into Failure By South Front, December 22, 2020
“Walk the Streets of Damascus, and Listen to the People Concerning US Sanctions and Aggression Against Syria” By Janice Kortkamp and Steven Sahiounie, December 22, 2020
Did the UK’s Secret Libya Policy Contribute to the Manchester Terror Attack? By Peter Oborne, December 21, 2020
Video: Is Israel Searching for A Pretext to Invade Southern Syria? By South Front, December 20, 2020
Video: Russian Forces Establish Presence on Syrian-Iraqi Border By South Front, December 17, 2020
Outgoing Syria Envoy James Jeffrey Reflects on “What Everyone Got Wrong” By James Jeffrey and Jared Szuba, December 15, 2020
Aleppo’s Liberation Three Years Ago Today: Anybody Ashamed? By Jan Oberg, December 15, 2020
Will Biden’s America Stop Creating Terrorists? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 14, 2020