
One day before the 9/11 attacks, the dad of the sitting President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush was meeting none other than Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.
In his latest weekly address to the nation, President Obama asserts that America’s questions about 9/11 have been answered. If only it were so.
9/11 marks the onslaught of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), used as a pretext and a justification by the US and its NATO allies to carry out a “war without borders”, a global war of conquest. A far-reaching overhaul of US military doctrine was launched in the wake of 9/11.
if the Saudis were indeed the State sponsors of 9/11, why on earth did the US and the Atlantic Alliance (under the doctrine of collective security) choose to wage a "Just War" of retribution against Afghanistan. Did they get their countries mixed up?
Why do US “Experts” Who Supported the “Moderate” Al Qaeda Terrorists Suddenly Find Syrian Rebel Sectarianism “Extraordinary”? By Moon of Alabama, August 05, 2016
The Enemy Of My Friend Is My Friend: Israel Accepts Billions From The US, But Maintains Ties With Al-Nusra By Richard Silverstein, August 05, 2016
Syria: CNN “Normalizes” Suicide Bombers and “Embeds Reporters” with ISIS and Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” By Vanessa Beeley, August 05, 2016
West Support Al Qaeda
U.S. State Department Refused Entry to Jihadist It Employed for Overthrowing President Al-Assad By Eric Zuesse, August 05, 2016
The Afghanistan Quagmire: Time for an Exit Strategy By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, August 05, 2016
John Kerry And Al-Qaeda Join Hands: “Very Different Track” Attack On Aleppo Fails By Moon of Alabama, August 05, 2016
Ten Facts the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About the War in Syria By Darius Shahtahmasebi, August 05, 2016
Syrian Endgame: The Battle for Aleppo and ‘Plan C’ By Prof. Tim Anderson, August 04, 2016
U.S. Says New Bombing Campaign Against ISIS in Libya Has No “End Point at this Particular Moment” By Alex Emmons, August 04, 2016
Canada Supports Syria’s “Moderate” Terrorists, Endorses Saudi Arabia By Mark Taliano, August 04, 2016
Bombing Libya Again, This Time Because of 9/11 By Edward Curtin, August 03, 2016
Dangers of Military Escalation: Russian Helicopter Shot Down By US-Backed Syrian “Opposition” as Battle Rages over Aleppo By Alex Lantier, August 02, 2016
Pentagon Bombs Libya Again: Under the Guise of “Fighting Terrorism” By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 02, 2016
ISIS-Daesh Video Threatens to Stage Terrorist Attacks Inside Russia By Alahednews, August 02, 2016
The Larger Context Of The Al Qaeda Attack On Aleppo By Moon of Alabama, August 02, 2016
Battle for Aleppo: Jihadist Rebels Attempt Major Counteroffensive. Rebranded Al Qaeda Group Involved By The New Atlas, August 01, 2016
Anti-Russian Hysteria, Rigged Primaries: America’s Longest War Gets Longer By Eric Margolis, August 01, 2016
Syrian Army Captured Major ISIS-Daesh Warehouse, Weapons Made in USA By South Front, August 01, 2016
Almost 90 Percent of the People Killed in US Airstrikes were not “The Intended Targets”. Prof. Marjorie Cohn By Prof. Marjorie Cohn and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, August 01, 2016
Fleeing Libya’s Sirte: ‘Islamic State Arrived, and the End of Our Lives Began’ By Francesca Mannocchi, August 01, 2016
Hillary to Deliver Syria to Jihadists? By Daniel McAdams, July 31, 2016
Abu Ghraib Torture Company Re-Hired For Syria – How ISIS Will Benefit By Moon of Alabama, July 30, 2016
US Warplanes Massacre Syrian Civilians Unaccountably By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2016
False Flags Fluttering in the Empire’s Hot Air By The Saker, July 30, 2016
Al Nusra Rebranding: They are No Longer Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists, Henceforth They are “Moderate Rebels” By South Front, July 29, 2016
ISIS Razed University to the Ground in Mosul, Destroys Historical Heritage By American Herald Tribune, July 29, 2016
The Neo-Con “West” And Global Destruction. A “New World Order” of Globalized Despair By Mark Taliano, July 29, 2016
How Israel Benefits from “Living with Terror” By Karin Brothers, July 27, 2016
French Police Officer Harassed by Interior Ministry Into Altering Nice Attack Report By Press TV, July 26, 2016
Are Muslims the Enemies of Australia? Has the Grand Mufti of Australia Condemned Terrorist Attacks Overseas? By Clarke Jones, July 25, 2016
Declassified 9/11 Report Portrays US-Saudis as Partners in Crime By Tony Cartalucci, July 25, 2016
No Plans to “Invade” Bangladesh to Fight Terrorism : US Ambassador By nsnbc international, July 25, 2016
Nice Attacks: A Mass Murderer Becomes a ‘Terrorist’–Based on Ethnicity, Not Evidence By Jim Naureckas, July 24, 2016
US-Led Airstrikes Kill as Many Civilians as Nice Attack–but Get No Front-Page Headlines in Major US Media By Adam Johnson, July 24, 2016
“Stories within Stories”: The CIA’s Strategies to Dupe the American Public By Mark Taliano, July 24, 2016
ISIS-Daesh Training Camps in Kosovo, Recruitment of Terrorists by NGOs By Sputnik, July 24, 2016
“Collateral Damage” of the War on Terrorism: US Airstrikes Kill Civilians in Syria By Press TV, July 24, 2016
Six Billion Dollars Spent Fighting ISIS-Daesh, 50,000 Bombs Dropped on Iraq and Syria, Is The ISIS “Loosing Ground”? By Kit O'Connell, July 23, 2016
Video: France Mourns Nice Victims, Hollande Government Supports ISIS in Northern Syria: Michel Chossudovsky By Press TV and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 23, 2016
Nice – 14th July – Lie Propaganda in Overdrive – Murder Is the New Normal By Peter Koenig, July 22, 2016
President Al-Assad Interview: The Priority is to Fight ISIS, Al-Nusra and Al Qaeda Linked Organizations By Bashar al Assad, July 22, 2016
U.S. “Vetted” And Armed Syria Terrorist Group That Beheaded Boy, Gave Them TOW Missiles By Brandon Turbeville, July 22, 2016
The Nice Massacre: Another ‘Known Wolf’? Inconsistencies, Shifting Narratives and the Role of ISIS By Shawn Helton, July 21, 2016
Is the Alleged Saudi Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks Part of the Deception? US Intelligence “Creates Stories inside Stories” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 21, 2016
CIA Rebels Behead Kid And Other U.S. Successes in Syria By Moon of Alabama, July 20, 2016
Terrorism and “False Flags”. “Dead Men Don’t Talk”… By Peter Koenig, July 20, 2016
Milestone: We’ve Just Dropped Our 50,000th Bomb on ISIS By Daniel McAdams, July 20, 2016
Nice Terror Attack, A Harvest of Horror. French Government Support of Terrorism By Tony Cartalucci, July 20, 2016
SYRIA: Beheading of Palestinian Child Prompts US to Disassociate from its Proxy “Moderate Terrorists” By Vanessa Beeley, July 20, 2016
Syria’s “Moderate Rebels” Are Not Moderate, Not Rebels By Tony Cartalucci, July 18, 2016
Saudi NGOs Send Cash to ISIS Under Guise of “Helping Fallujah Children”: Iraq UN Envoy By Fars News Agency, July 18, 2016
US Government Releases Redacted “28 Pages” Missing From 9/11 Report By Zero Hedge, July 17, 2016
Failed Military Coup in Turkey Strengthens Autocratic Erdogan By nsnbc international, July 16, 2016
The Terror Attack in Nice: Open Letter to President Hollande, The French Republic’s Frankenstein By Bruno Guigue, July 16, 2016
Five Revelations From the 9/11 Joint Inquiry’s 28 Pages By Kevin Ryan, July 16, 2016
The Attack in Nice: How Western Imperialism Breeds Terror By Steven Chovanec, July 16, 2016
President Hollande: “We Will Strike Those Who Attack Us”. France to Escalate Strikes in Syria and Iraq In Retribution for Nice Terror Attack By Telesur, July 15, 2016
Video: Fierce Fighting in Aleppo. Syria Government Seeks Encircling Terrorist Forces. Islamic State (ISIS) Shoots Down Syrian Government Mi-24 Gunship Helicopter By Brian Betts and Daniel Deiss, July 15, 2016
Nice, 14th of July Massacre: Towards Martial Law? The Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Claims Responsibility? By Peter Koenig, July 15, 2016
The Nice Terror Attack, France’s Prime Minister Manuel Valls: “We Must Learn to Live with the Terror, Like Israel” By 21st Century Wire, July 15, 2016
The War We Forgot to End: Why Are We Still in Afghanistan? By Eli Massey, July 14, 2016
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad © SANA / Reuters
Video: President Bashar Al-Assad: “The Supporters of those Terrorists …Have the Endorsement of Some Western countries Including the U.S” By SANA, July 14, 2016
Video: Watch the US State Department Try To Explain Why US Weapons Keep Ending Up in Al-Qaeda Hands By Alex Christoforou, July 14, 2016
Video: Russian Strategic Bombers Strike ISIS in Syria By South Front, July 13, 2016
Video: Syrian Army Advancing in Aleppo City. Turkish Military Advisers in Al Qaeda Affiliated Forces? By South Front, July 13, 2016
Syria Shocker: John Kerry Torpedoes US ‘Moderate Rebel’ Narrative By Vanessa Beeley, July 13, 2016
U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebels Committing War Crimes, Torture, Abductions; Imposing Harsh Sharia Law: Report By South Front, July 13, 2016
Video: Syrian War Report: Heavy Clashes in Aleppo City. Al Nusra Orders Massive Shellings of Residential Areas By South Front, July 12, 2016
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad © SANA / Reuters
President Bashar Al-Assad Accuses West of Sponsoring Terrorism By Al-Masdar News, July 11, 2016
The Bloodiest Ramadan Month on Record: ISIS Linked to Multiple Terror Attacks. But Who is Behind ISIS? By Joachim Hagopian, July 11, 2016
Eleven Years Ago: The London 7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 10, 2016
Revealed: Leaked Tapes Expose Western Support for Renegade Libyan General By Karim El-Bar, July 10, 2016
Terror Information and State Secrecy Talks by Binoy Kampmark and Paul Zarembka By Michael Welch, Dr. Binoy Kampmark, and Paul Zarembka, July 10, 2016
US Mission to Train Syrian “Opposition Forces” Goes Awry By Alex Gorka, July 10, 2016
President of the Philippines: “It is the US that Imported Terrorism Into the Middle East!” By Middle East News Agency, July 09, 2016
Putin Denounces Western Support for Terrorists and Neo-Nazis By Steven MacMillan, July 09, 2016
Video: Who is Behind the ISIS? Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 08, 2016
From Winston Churchill to Tony Blair: How British Leaders Destroyed Iraq for over a Century By Garikai Chengu, July 07, 2016
Russia Deploys More Airpower to Syria: It’s Aircraft Carrier will Conduct Air Strikes against ISIS-Daesh and Al Qaeda By South Front, July 06, 2016
Video: John McCain is “Directly Responsible” for ISIS By Dr. Kelli Ward, July 06, 2016