
One day before the 9/11 attacks, the dad of the sitting President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush was meeting none other than Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of alleged terror mastermind Osama bin Laden.
In his latest weekly address to the nation, President Obama asserts that America’s questions about 9/11 have been answered. If only it were so.
9/11 marks the onslaught of the “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT), used as a pretext and a justification by the US and its NATO allies to carry out a “war without borders”, a global war of conquest. A far-reaching overhaul of US military doctrine was launched in the wake of 9/11.
if the Saudis were indeed the State sponsors of 9/11, why on earth did the US and the Atlantic Alliance (under the doctrine of collective security) choose to wage a "Just War" of retribution against Afghanistan. Did they get their countries mixed up?
9-11 Memorial Museum Officials Accept “Truther Art” into Permanent Collection. Anthony Freda By John Massaria, September 10, 2016
CNN Says Al-Qaeda Are “Heroes”. (Who Allegedly Brought Down the WTC Towers on 9/11) By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, September 10, 2016
Aleppo, ‘Chemical Attack’ Propaganda and the White Helmet Folly By Vanessa Beeley, September 10, 2016
Selected Articles: September 11, 2001. 9/11 Truth versus the Official Narrative By Global Research News, September 09, 2016
September 11, 2001: 9/11 Truth, Uncovering Fifteen Years of Deception By Global Research, September 09, 2016
Video: Syrian War Report, Iranian Fighters Arrive in Aleppo City, Heavy Losses incurred by Daesh-ISIS By South Front, September 09, 2016
The Villages in Aleppo Ravaged by America’s “Moderate” Rebels By Eva Bartlett, September 09, 2016
Syrian Government Forces Deployed in Outskirts of Aleppo, Al Qaeda Encircled By South Front, September 09, 2016
The Post 9/11 Era: Fifteen Years of America’s “War on Terror”. Years of Horror inflicted on the People of the Middle East By Red Flag, September 09, 2016
‘What Is Aleppo?’ Asks Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson–and NYT Gives Three Wrong Answers By Jim Naureckas, September 09, 2016
Syria – U.S.-Russian Deal Fails (Again) over Continued US Support for Al Qaeda By Moon of Alabama, September 09, 2016
The Destruction of All Three World Trade Center Skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, The Collapse of WTC 7. By Mike Bondi, P.Eng., September 09, 2016
JFK and 9/11, The Tide is Turning? The “Official Story” Is Now “The Conspiracy Theory” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 08, 2016
Terror Fraud Exposed: Congo (DRC) Massacres Not the Work of Islamic Extremists. U.S. Seeks Secession of Eastern Congo By Ann Garrison, September 08, 2016
Islamic State, Lone Wolf Attacks, and Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 08, 2016
Turkey Prepares Joint Action with US against Syria By Bill Van Auken, September 08, 2016
Syrian Marines Trained by Russia Deployed against US Supported Al Qaeda Rebels By South Front, September 08, 2016
September 11, 2001: The 15th Anniversary of the Crime and Cover-up of the Century By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 07, 2016
The Propaganda Preparation of 9/11: The Mysterious Death of John O’Neill, FBI Counterterror Chief in Charge of the Osama bin Laden Investigation By Chaim Kupferberg, September 07, 2016
Syria Army Restores Siege of Aleppo City. Extensive Russian Air Strikes against US Supported Terrorists By South Front, September 06, 2016
A Conference to Clear the Mind of the 9/11 Brainwashing By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 06, 2016
Saudi Arabia Training 5,000 Militant Terrorists from Libya in Eritrea for War in Yemen By Fars News Agency, September 05, 2016
Empowering Terrorism to “Stop” Terrorism: America’s Foreign Policy in Syria Summed Up in Three Headlines By The New Atlas, September 05, 2016
US Government Intentionally Destroys 9/11 Evidence By Washington's Blog, September 04, 2016
CIA Abuses “Journalist” Cover to Spy on Al-Qaeda in Syria – Media Acquiesce – Endanger Real Journos By Moon of Alabama, September 03, 2016
Syrian War Report: Heavy Clashes in Northern Hama. Islamist Rebels Counterattack, Targeting Russia Missile Battalion. Report By South Front, September 03, 2016
Terrorist Retreat? Syrian Army Overruns Militant Defenses in Aleppo By South Front, September 02, 2016
Australia Targets Daesh-ISIS “With Lethal Force” at Home and Abroad By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 02, 2016
US Striking Islamic State “Leaders” is Sheer Propaganda, Sustains the “Global War on Terrorism” By The New Atlas, September 01, 2016
“Terrorist Made in America”: US State Department Offers $3Mln Reward For Daesh-ISIS Leader Trained in US By Sputnik, September 01, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Destroy Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 01, 2016
Syria’s ISIS-Daesh Leader Al Adnani Reported Dead, Kurdish YPG Launch Attack on Strategic ISIS-controlled City of Al-Bab By South Front, August 31, 2016
Erdogan, You are A War Criminal Under International Law. Turkey Invades Syria, Kills Civilians. The “International Community” Applauds By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 30, 2016
International Law, Human Rights, The Fight against Terrorism: Which Country Holds the Legal and Moral High Ground, Canada or Syria? By Mark Taliano, August 30, 2016
Video: Al Qaeda Militant Strongholds Fall Near Damascus By South Front, August 30, 2016
“It Is Impossible to Defeat ‘Daesh’ [ISIS] in Syria without First Defeating It in Turkey”. Syria UN Envoy By The Syria Times, August 28, 2016
Pentagon Has No Idea Where Hundreds of Thousands of Guns Went in Iraq and Afghanistan By Nika Knight, August 27, 2016
How Islamic is the So-Called Islamic State? By Steven MacMillan, August 26, 2016
Hillary Clinton Is Spreading Islamist Extremism, Hillary’s Saudi Sponsors Support Terrorism By Andre Vltchek, August 26, 2016
Israeli Think Tank: Don’t Destroy ISIS; It’s a “Useful Tool” Against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria By Ben Norton, August 26, 2016
Turkey Invades Northern Syria — Truth of Turkish “Coup” Revealed? By The New Atlas, August 24, 2016
Turkey Crosses into Syria: Unipolar Conspiracy or Multipolar Coordination? By Andrew Korybko, August 24, 2016
The Dangerous Temper Tantrums of US War Hawks. Make Russia and Iran “Pay a Price” for Fighting Terrorism in Syria By Steven MacMillan, August 24, 2016
Washington Escalates Renewed Bombing Campaign in Libya: US Intervention in Africa has Triggered An International Crisis By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 23, 2016
Video: Syrian War Report: Deepening Crisis in Eastern Syria By South Front, August 23, 2016
China Joins Russia in Syria War? “Enhanced Military Aid” against US Sponsored Terrorists? By Stephen Lendman, August 22, 2016
US Government Refused US Entry to Jihadist It Employs for Overthrowing Assad By Eric Zuesse, August 22, 2016
How We Know ISIS was “Made in the USA”. It;s Official: “West Will facilitate Rise of Islamic State in Order to Isolate Syrian Regime” By Roger Stone, August 22, 2016
The “Wounded Boy In Orange Seat” – Another Staged “White Helmets” Stunt By Moon of Alabama, August 19, 2016
Yes, Obama and Clinton Created ISIS – Too Bad Trump Can’t Explain How It Happened By Glen Ford, August 19, 2016
The Day Before Deraa: How the War Broke Out in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, August 19, 2016
Concealing US Lethal Aid to ISIS-Daesh-Al Qaeda Terrorists. West’s Media-Driven Deception in Syria Falling Apart By 21st Century Wire, August 18, 2016
Video: Russian Air Force Operating against ISIS Operating Out of an Iranian Base By RT, August 17, 2016
Drones in the Sky: Operating the Mechanized Kill Machine By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 16, 2016
Religion of Terror? Leaked ISIS Documents Reveal that 70% of Recruits Don’t Even Know What Islam Is By Claire Bernish, August 16, 2016
Trump’s Aggressive Foreign Policy By Stephen Lendman, August 16, 2016
Documents Confirm CIA Censorship of Guantánamo Trials By Mattathias Schwartz, August 16, 2016
Syrian War Report: ISIS Rebels Attack on US Outpost, Russian Airforce Bombs ISIS Positions… By South Front, August 16, 2016
America’s Illegal Wars of Conquest. Terrorist Embedded Propagandists, Demonizing the Target Countries By Mark Taliano, August 16, 2016
Washington Task Force Confirms US Intelligence Produced Fake Reports on ISIS to Manipulate Public Opinion By Matt Agorist, August 14, 2016
Diplomatic Fence-mending with Russia? Is Ankara Ready to Close Its Border with Syria, Blocking Supply Routes to US-NATO “Moderate Terrorists” By Al Manar, August 13, 2016
Military Escalation: Turning Point in the Battle of Aleppo By South Front, August 13, 2016
Syria War Report: Opposition Terrorists Threaten Government’s Supply Lines By South Front, August 13, 2016
US Military Prepares New Offensives in Syria and Iraq By Peter Symonds, August 12, 2016
Spies Like Us: Pentagon Taps Private Intel Contractors to Fight ISIS in Syria By RT, August 12, 2016
Tensions Rise between Russia and Ukraine after Terrorist Provocation By Bill Van Auken, August 12, 2016
Serbia to Help Russian Aid Operation in Syria By Balkan Insight, August 11, 2016
The Battle for Aleppo and the Hypocrisy of US War Propaganda By Bill Van Auken, August 11, 2016
Russian Bombers Destroy ISIS Chemical Weapons Plant near Raqqa, Syria By RT, August 11, 2016
Interlocking Agencies that Conspire to “Create Terror”: We Do Not Need the Police to “Create More Terrorists” By Mark Taliano, August 10, 2016
Canadian Police “Manufactured” Terror Plot to Ensnare Couple By Roger Jordan, August 10, 2016
Washington Escalates Covert Backing for Al Qaeda Militias in Aleppo By Thomas Gaist, August 09, 2016
Al Qaeda Strikes Back: Aleppo Remains the Focal Point Of The War On Syria By Moon of Alabama, August 08, 2016
Detained for Terror: Proposed Indefinite Detention Laws in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 08, 2016
“Moderates” Fighting Under “Re-Branded” Nusra Means They’re Al Qaeda Too By The New Atlas, August 08, 2016
Al-Nusra’s Rebranding is More than Simply A “Name Change”. Al Qaeda Gave its Blessing to the Move By Mona Alami, August 08, 2016
Ten Facts About Aleppo By Ikhras, August 08, 2016
Washington Uses Terrorist Groups in Syria and Iraq in Order to Oppose the Growing Influence of Iran and Russia in the Region By South Front, August 06, 2016
British Paranoia: How a Book on Art and Culture Draws Suspicions of Terrorism By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 05, 2016
Video: “Moderate” Terrorists’ Attempted Counter-Offensive In Aleppo By South Front, August 05, 2016