The WHO and the EU Want a Covid Vaccine for the Entire Planet, What About Water and Food…

Lack of access to water: 1,922,148 deaths since 1 January worldwide . More than 5,000,000 deaths per year, many of them children

COVID-19: 324,990 deaths recorded worldwide …

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, has launched a Global Telethon to speed up the delivery of a corona vaccine for all.

Deaths attributable to lack of access to water on planet earth: 1,922,148 deaths since 1 January worldwide (more than 5,000,000 deaths per year, many of them children)!

Water for All? No World Telethon for Water and Food… 


A graduate in anaesthesia and resuscitation for 17 years in Belgium, I am used to wearing a mask and seeing others wearing one.

Why impose this far from insignificant gesture on a whole healthy population despite the strong opposition of a large number of specialists?

See this article: “Wearing masks is not necessarily effective, and can even promote contamination, experts warn.”

On the other hand, I do not hear any media campaign supported by all political voices, including that of Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission (image right) or Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO Director General since 2017), for the strengthening of the immune system of populations, to correct their deficiencies in vitamin D, vitamin C and zinc, essential elements of our anti-infectious defenses: see the references of this article “COVID 19 – An ocean of fears and lies“.

Fear and death oriented media are omnipresent and create a stressful morbid climate.

As far as I know, there is not a word about these shortcomings.

Although I am used to offering chemical, technological and modern solutions to my patients, I see above all the iatrogenesis of this mechanical and arrogant medicine:

“More and more frequently, drugs cause side effects, the pathologies caused by the treatments, including surgery, are worse than those that have led to the admission of patients who are increasingly poly-medicated (often more than ten drugs to be taken every day).”

For years, the state of health of Belgians admitted to intensive care following surgery or chronic diseases has been increasingly deplorable.

A plausible explanation comes from their bad eating habits, their addictions (alcohol, tobacco, sugar), increasingly morbid obesity (a real modern scourge – Today, 39% of adults (18 years and over) in the world are concerned by obesity (BMI>30)!) and sedentary lifestyles.

Where are the impassioned debates on these subjects, the real underlying problems highlighted by this current crisis in addition to the deterioration of environmental conditions (pollution) and the deterioration of the quality of public services for reasons of profitability.

Vaccines, masks and lock down (confinement)!

Our health authorities and journalists have only these words in their mouths.

See the article: Coronavirus: only a vaccine could allow “normality”, according to the UN chief.

What about water, food?

Vaccines OR water for everyone?

On our planet, in terms of good health for all and distributive justice, where are the priorities?

Faced with an emerging infectious disease, the usual response of “rich” countries to the mirage of safe and effective immunization is to rely on the mirage of safe and effective immunization, a source of recurrent controversy among their populations [1].

1. This was the case in 2009, during the H1N1 influenza epidemic, which the WHO quickly qualified as a pandemic. [It was a fraud] Following WHO guidelines, most countries purchased excessive quantities of vaccine in an emergency. Some spent excessive amounts of money.

2. In France, nearly 100 million doses were ordered while the vaccine had not yet obtained a marketing authorization! [2]. 6 million French people were to be vaccinated. 60 million worldwide.

3. In the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci [3], already director of the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), has also supported a multi-billion dollar influenza A H1N1 vaccine project in 2009. In Belgium, this H1N1 vaccine hysteria cost the Belgian State 85 million euros and 20 million euros to the Social Security while transferring 80.2 million euros to the pharmaceutical companies [4].

4. Money from the public purse wasted on an epidemic with alleged and exaggerated consequences according to the WHO and the alarmist predictions of its epidemiologists [already – 5], to which must be added a much more serious fact, neurological after-effects in a large number of vaccinated people.

The Pandemrix vaccine manufactured by GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) caused narcolepsy and cataplexy [6] in about one in 16,000 people. Across Europe, more than 800 children are known to have been made ill by this vaccine [7].



We must be vigilant to ensure that this does not happen again

Let’s not make the same mistakes again.

Thus, on the occasion of this new viral crisis 2020, the European Union and its president Ursula von der Leyen have already made a worldwide Telethon to finance research on vaccines against the new coronavirus [8].

The WHO (World Health Organization) has mobilized politicians and economic actors to provide a vaccine for everyone on the planet [9].

With the support of political authorities, research and scientific actors are all in a real race against time to bring to market a new vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the disease called COVID-19 [10].

Emergency, rush!

At the cost of once again taking risks with the health of populations, which raises ethical questions because this “covert” research involves deliberately subjecting healthy people to a dangerous virus [11], without going through all the necessary steps to develop the vaccine.

With each epidemic, each pandemic, the vaccine solution is offered to people as a universal panacea by official bodies such as the WHO and national health institutes and, in turn, by our governments.

Beyond the real risks of rushing to vaccinate everyone too early with expensive, unsuitable and dangerous products, as we saw in 2009, this race for vaccines always underlines the unequal priority of objectives between “rich” and “poor” countries.

It means forgetting that the best remedy for diseases, especially infectious diseases, is to improve living conditions, access to safe food and drinking water, the possibility of living in healthy environments and the adoption of basic hygiene measures.

It was by improving access to water and wastewater treatment that humans made a significant contribution to global health, long before the invention of vaccines.

It was “simple” hygienic practices such as hand washing that drastically reduced the rate of infections in hospitals.

For example, the pioneering Hungarian obstetrician Ignace Semmelweis (1818-1865) drastically reduced mortality in maternity wards at the Vienna General Hospital [12].

These “simple” solutions are still sorely lacking in too many countries of the world.


According to regularly updated global statistics [13], as of 15 May 2020, 1 million 923 thousand people have died since the beginning of this year due to lack of access to water in the world [14].

Lack of access to water causes more than 5 million deaths worldwide each year, many of them children.

Lack of access to water kills as much as tobacco.

As far as drinking water is concerned, there are still 786 million people (11% of the world’s population) who do not have access to it.

According to the UN, about 5 million more people die from infectious or parasitic diseases caused by wastewater that contaminates them every year.


Malnutrition is a serious condition caused mainly by the lack of essential nutrients.

Between 2 and 5 million malnourished children die each year.

According to Planetoscope, malnutrition is responsible for half of all deaths of children under 5 years old.

As Jean Ziegler [15], a Swiss politician, sociologist, writer and special rapporteur for the right to food (of populations) of the UN Rights Council from 2000 to 2008, puts it:

“Given the current state of agriculture in the world, we could feed 12 billion people without difficulty. To put it another way, every child who currently dies of hunger is, in reality, murdered. »

Health needs are very uneven across the world.

For example, a child born today in Sweden can expect to live for more than 80 years; but he or she will live for less than 70 years if born in Brazil, less than 63 years if born in India and less than 50 years if born in Lesotho [16].

These inequalities are unjust but avoidable.

Where is Ursula von der Leyen’s European Union Telethon to eradicate lack of access to water and malnutrition?

Is there no vaccine against malnutrition?

Why not devote these billions of euros or dollars, since they exist for vaccines, to ensure first and foremost access to basic health care for everyone in the world?

Why has the WHO not mobilised all its huge political and economic resources to provide everyone on this planet with drinking water and food (essential nutrients) once and for all?

Reading me, I think you know the answers to all these questions.


Dr. Pascal Sacré

First published by

Translation from French. Maya Chossudovsky-Ladouceur

Featured image: Liquid gold, by Marielle van Uitert, The Netherlands. Children in the Central African Republic pumping potable groundwater. Source:

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Notes :

[1] Respecter, promouvoir et protéger la liberté vaccinale dans toute l’Europe

[2] Grippe H1N1, exemple de manipulation internationale

[3] Anthony Fauci

[4] La grippe A/H1N1 de 2009 a coûté 85 millions d’euros à l’Etat et quelque 20 millions à la Sécu, selon la Cour des comptes. Le prix des vaccins se taille la part du lion (80,2 millions), Trends-Tendances, 23 décembre 2011

[5] La grippe H1N1 finit en coûteuse fumée, Paris Match, 25 septembre 2011, Virginie Le Guay

[6] La narcolepsie se caractérise par une somnolence diurne excessive chronique, fréquemment associée à une perte soudaine du tonus musculaire (cataplexie)

[7] Le vaccin contre la grippe H1N1 2009 a causé des lésions cérébrales chez les enfants. Ne laissez pas cela se reproduire

[8] Coronavirus: la Commission européenne organise un téléthon mondial pour financer la recherche d’un vaccin

[9] Coronavirus: l’OMS tente de mobiliser politiques et acteurs économiques en vue d’ »un vaccin pour tous » sur la planète

[10] Coronavirus: véritable course contre la montre pour mettre sur le marché un vaccin contre le covid-19

[11] Journal du Médecin 23 avril 2020, n° 2627, page 15, « La Course au Vaccin », par Corina Schmidt

[12] Ignace Semmelweis (1818 – 1865)

[13] Planétoscope

[14] Décès dus à un accès insuffisant à l’eau dans le monde

[15] Jean Ziegler

[16] Conseil de l’Europe HEALTH


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