The West should Embrace a Multipolar World Order

There have been many obvious signs of Western defensiveness, protectiveness and isolationism against the emergence of a multipolar BRIC ascendancy, which is interpreted as a threat to hegemon America’s unilateral geopolitical strategy, so brutally imposed on the ever evolving politics of world order, to the understandable dismay of humanitarian diplomats.

The most important expression of scepticism towards the BRICs consists in the cynical, calculated engineering of hostility towards China by the CIA, who exploit racist orientalist sentiments to stoke an irrational hatred, sinophobia, which prevents the west taking lessons from a -misunderstood – superpower which, when studied with no agenda, has greatly improved the quality of life of its citizens, as well as benevolently assisting in alleviating poverty internationally.

The progressiveness of China’s policy is shown by the fact that they evidently view international diplomacy as a non zero sum game, an economic negotiation where net benefits for one actor is shared by other parties. To the contrary, America approaches diplomacy as a zero sum game and fiercely fights for exclusive rights to the winner’s spoils. The average American has been deeply conditioned by the supremacy of neoliberal doctrine to exhibit the traits and reflexes of a ‘rational utility maximiser’ who privileges self gain before all else. China, where this highly propagandised model of human behaviour is rejected by the dominant culture, promotes collectivism, diplomatic cooperation and mutual aid.

The diplomacy of the BRICs is radically different from preceding logics of statecraft that sought to ensure intrusive global dominance for the markets and trade of the West. Arguably the most important facet of BRIC diplomacy is the anchoring internationalist ethic of the UN, which enshrines mutual, multilateral, peaceful development as its core goal. America is still trapped in an obsolescent quest for global dominance that makes peaceful coexistence difficult. Money/oil is their answer and Iran their question. The “democracies” of the west are ruled by banking dynasties who exert influence over domestic policy and global war making. On the other hand, emerging BRICs are ruled by experts in public policy administration who reached high office through skill, not inherited wealth.

But despite their clear moral lead over the West, the BRICs aren’t impervious to corruption. The West has its devious strategies for subverting them politically. One has to question whether the dubious psycho-geographical powers of Cambridge Analytica helped far right Bolsonaro gain power in Brazil, where he is creating existential struggle for indigenous communities. One also has to ask whether the controversial social credit scheme in China is a Cambridge Analytica beta.

Nevertheless the BRICS are the truest hope for internationalism, who honour their citizens with bold democratic gestures, because it pays to not put ones soul up for trade.

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Articles by: Megan Sherman

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