The United States-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act
Full Text
The US Congress approved the special aid package to Israel to complete the “Iron Dome” missile defense system. The package, passed by a decisive majority of 401 representatives of both parties, will amount to $205 million. Only eight representatives opposed the package.
US President Barack Obama requested that Congress approve the budget required for completing the development and production of the batteries in addition to the annual security aid of $3 billion which Israel receives from the US. [1]
“With nearly every square inch of Israel at risk from rocket and missile attacks, we must ensure that our most important ally in the region has the tools to defend itself. The looming threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, and the persistent threat posed by Iran’s allies Hamas and Hezbollah, only serve to reinforce our longstanding commitment to Israel’s security. The President’s unprecedented request and the House’s quick approval speak for themselves— both President Obama and the Congress are actively and unshakably committed to Israel’s security.”
[Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee Howard L. Berman, statement on the passage of the US-Israel Rocket and Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act, 20 May 2010] [2]
Full text of the United States-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act:
H. R. 5327
To authorize assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system.
MAY 18, 2010
Mr. NYE (for himself, Ms. GIFFORDS, Mr. MCMAHON, Mr. HIMES, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. BERMAN, Ms. KOSMAS, Mr. BISHOP of New York, Mr. TURNER, and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
To authorize assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘United States-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act’’.
Congress finds the following:
(1) The State of Israel is under grave threat and frequent attack from missiles fired indiscriminately by Hamas terrorists on its southern border and Hezbollah terrorists on its northern border.
(2) The Jewish State of Israel, as a close ally of the United States, requires and deserves all necessary assistance to defend itself from such indiscriminate attacks on its citizens.
(3) The United States remains committed to Israel’s qualitative military edge, including its ad-vantage over non-state actors such as Hezbollah and Hamas, which boast increasingly sophisticated and powerful weapons as a result of support from Iran and other state actors.
(4) Regional stability and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians requires that Israel can en-sure the safety of its population against missile and other threats.
(5) The United States can help to advance the cause of peace by supporting Israel’s ability to de-fend itself against missile and other threats.
(6) The State of Israel announced in January 2010 the successful testing of its Iron Dome anti-missile defense system which is capable of intercepting short-range missiles launched by militants in Gaza and South Lebanon.
(7) In the face of threats from its neighbors and non-state actors, Israel historically has requested it be given the means to defend itself, by itself.
(8) President Barack Obama has stated: ‘‘Our commitment to Israel’s security is unshakable.’’.
(9) Vice President Joe Biden has stated: ‘‘From my experience, the one precondition for progress is that the rest of the world knows this — there is no space between the U.S. and Israel when it comes to security—none.’’.
(10) Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates has stated: ‘‘President Obama has affirmed, the United States commitment to Israel’s security is unshakable, and our defense relationship is stronger than ever, to the mutual benefit of both nations.’’.
(11) President Obama recently requested funds to help the State of Israel procure and maintain Iron Dome missile batteries.
The President, acting through the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State, is authorized to provide assistance to the Government of Israel for the procurement, maintenance, and sustainment of the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system for purposes of intercepting short-range missiles launched against Israel.
[1] Congress approves Iron Dome aid package
by Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynetnews, 5 May 2010,7340,L-3892175,00.html
[2] Berman applauds passage of the US-Israel Rocket and Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act
U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs website, 20 May 2010
[3] United States-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act
Library of Congress website, 18 May 2010