The Truth of 9/11 will set US Free!
I am writing to you to offer praise and thanks for your ongoing efforts to provide fact based support to the movement for 9/11 Truth. I understand that the search and agitation for truth, and the creation of forms and forums for attaining justice, has not been easy. Confronting the orchestrated manipulation, disinformation and obfuscation of the facts, you have nonetheless maintained a high level of inquiry. Accordingly, the movement for 9/11 Truth goes on, as it must. And like the rising sun, it shows no sign of letting up. And that is good news!
In broad terms, I believe that the current deterioration of the socio-economic conditions for the majority here in America will provide the context for greater and greater awareness of the truth of 9/11. Why? Because the crime of 9/11 helps to explain the current socio-economic crisis: the massive shifting of wealth away from the needs of the majority to the coffers of the war-makers, the oil-igarchy, munitions industries and the rich.
From another perspective: As one who has devoted considerable effort to the exposition of the increasing militarization of domestic law enforcement in America (with the consequent rise and consolidation of a police state), I have sought to emphasize the point that the crimes of 9/11 were and are an act of domestic terrorism on the part of the Pentagon Inc. Restated: 9/11 was, plain and simple, a US military operation, orchestrated by elements within the Pentagon and US intelligence sectors, with the cooperation and acquiescence of key policy makers, leading media figures in the know, utilizing foreign elements as so many patsies and cut-outs. The truth of 9/11 is part of a long history of US military domestic intervention and operations encompassing surveillance, “civil disturbance planning,” “executive action” and assassination, and now with 9/11 domestic state sponsored terrorism.
Consequently, I believe the message of 9/11 Truth needs be articulated in consonance with the message of anti-militarism. Sooner rather than later the peace movement will appreciate that the “perpetual” war-making rationalized and justified by 9/11 can be undone by the truth of 9/11! Further, that 9/11 gave birth to the modern police state in behest of the global domination project of the Pentagon Incorporated, a repression of our civil and human rights that has undone centuries of legal jurisprudence. In this regard, we need to stress that the attempt, for example, to introduce detention provisions of Americans within the recent National Defense Authorization Act legislation is being promoted by the very same sectors that brought the Towers down! I believe that this is a point that needs to be driven home.
I agree with Dr. Griffin’s point regarding the psychological and emotional blocks preventing larger sectors of the population as a whole from grasping the deep and dark truths of 9/11 (at least consciously). The exceptionalism (“can’t happen here”), denial that “our own” leaders could be so evil, the simple (though understandable) unwillingness to risk ridicule and persecution as “conspiracy theorists,” and so on, have prevented the spread and consolidation of the Truth of 9/11 and subsequently the realization of justice. As to how to overcome this mind-set, I don’t think that there is any other way than to continue, in the tradition of the prophets, to risk, to shout and to proclaim the truth from the rooftops regardless of the consequences; to continue to do so in a rational and logical manner. In the end, the true enemy of fascism is reason! Maybe I’m biased (I am an Episcopal priest), but I also feel in this regard that a more determined, focused and consistent intervention on the part of religious people in the 9/11 truth movement could help to ameliorate the psycho-spiritual blocks to 9/11 Truth on the part of those suffering the deleterious consequences of “blind faith” in the intrinsic goodness of our morally complicit government officials.
Finally, the US is a provocateur state, whose penchant for violent terrorist acts as a means of implementing elite policy shows no sign of letting up. Bloody, covert “special operations” on behalf of Western corporate agendas, both here and abroad, have become ubiquitous. The tactic of 9/11–“false flag operations” perpetrated by the hidden elite and then blamed on others in order to consolidate the support of frightened and exploited citizenry for its agenda– is bound to be used again. Why not? It’s worked thus far. It’s got them their carte blanche for “pre-emptive” occupation and destruction of sovereign nations. It’s got them their fraudulent “war on terror” which allows for the tightening noose of repression at home. It’s gotten them their profits, their resources and their geopolitical objectives.
So how might we prevent other such terrorist acts? By continuing to trumpet the truth of 9/11, the history of Operation Gladio, the anomalies of the Oklahoma bombing, the truth of the assassinations of JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK and all those myriad aspects of the “deep history” and hidden machinations of the class struggle from above that has so negatively shaped and determined the history of the last 50+ years in this country and the world.
Obviously, we can’t (as yet) prevent these truly demonic people from orchestrating such violence (hatched from “above” and behind the scenes) but we can undermine their ability to sell it to the public in their terms and hence to utilize the terror as a means of implementing elite policy. By preparing the people through exposure to the truth of 9/11, through demystifying and demythologizing the crime of 9/11 and the actual machinations of state repression, we can help to defend and protect the public, who in the end are the intended target! By fostering a vigilance of spirit founded upon a dedication to the truth of 9/11 we can progress, resting assured that someday we will overcome and overthrow the tyranny of lies which currently holds sway in America.
The Truth of 9/11 will set US Free!
Journal of 9/11 Studies Letters, September 2012
Keep up the great work, Venceremos, Frank Morales August 2012
Father Frank Morales is an Episcopal priest who resides in NYC, is the former host (2003-2008) of the 9/11 Info and Resource Series at Saint Marks Church, and author of “Police State America” (Arm the Spirit, 2002). A witness to the carnage, he was present at Ground Zero only days following the events offering prayers for the victims and support to the first responders. His most recent article “The Coup of 2012” appears on Global Research.