The Threat of Information, Electromagnetic and Psychtronic Warfare
According to the Project of the New American Century PNAC), which broadly defines the Bush adminstration’s military doctrine:
“It is now commonly uderstood that information and other new technologies… are creating a dynamic that may threaten America’s ability to exercise its dominant military power. Potential rivals, such as China are anxious to exploit those transformational technologies broadly, while adversaries like Iran, Iraq and North Korea are rushing to develop ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons…” [13].
Does this mean that nuclear weapons are passing into history and will be replaced by “information war” in possible future major conflicts?
In February 2000 the Russian daily Segodnya in the article “Riders of Psychotronic Apocalypse” [1] informed that in 1996 Russian government’s information agency FAPSI warned that the effect of “informational means of war” is comparable to “the effect of use of weapon of mass destruction” and produced a report entitled “Information Weapon as a Threat to National Security of Russia”. In reaction the Russian State Duma and then Interparliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States, as well, addressed the United Nations, OBSE and European Council with a proposal for an international convention banning the use of informational weapon and its circulation. According to newspaper Segodnya in March 1998 the matter was discussed with U.N. secretary general Kofi Anan and it was included on the agenda of General Assembly of the U.N. Most probably the USA vetoed this proposal.
According to the director of FAPSI, Alexander Starovoitov, the information attack could place out of order all electronic systems controling Russian defense as well as electronic systems of government infrastructure, transportation, energetics and nuclear systems. In this way the army would lose ability to fight and the government ability to direct defense of the country. It is known that such effect could produce an electromagnetic pulse following nuclear explosion, but the Russian daily Segodnya described in most of the article “mysterious information-psychological” means capable not only to harm human health (and according to Russian scientist A. F. Okhatrin to kill people [2] ), but as well to “block on subconscious level human free will, cause loss of ability of political, cultural and other self identification of human being” and even “cause destruction of indivisible informational and spiritual space of the Russian Federation.” Underneath the article the daily Segodnya published a review of weapons affecting human psyche which it obtained from the Russian Department of Defense. Together with ultrasound and microwave weapon there is listed as well “psychotronic weapon” which is, aside of capability to “transfer information among people” able to act on communication and electronic systems [1].
In November 2000 the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma stated that means enabling remote control of human nervous system or health impairment are available to many modern governments [3]. However there is no direct evidence in the public domain of the existence of such technologies except for sound and light technologies as is exemplified, for example, by psychowalkman industry. In the bill proposed by Dennis J. Kucinich in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2001 the following technologies enabling access to human brain, human health impairment or killing of people are named: “land-based, sea-based or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood managment or mind control of such persons or populations” [4]. The existence of the electromagnetic mind control technology is confirmed in the Conclusion of the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma [3]. As well in the Russian Federation the experiment with mass manipulation by microwave radiation was published [5]. “Psychotronic weapon” introduced in the Dennis J. Kucinich’s bill is described as a “torsion fields” technology in the book “Psychotronic Weapon and the Security of Russia” by Vladimir Lopatin [6] (a politician, who worked on Committees on Security in Russian Federal Republic, State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States). “Torsion fields” is possibly a false term used because of the National Security Information concerns as well as “scalar fields” used by military scientists in the USA. “Scientific” publications on “torsion” and “scalar” fields are regularly available to readers and contain scientific mystifications. However the book on “microleptonic fields” “Microleptonic Conception” by A. F. Okhatrin and V. Yu. Tatur, referenced in the bibliography of the book by V. Lopatin, is subject to the National Security Information law in the Russian Federation. (A. F. Okhatrin was the first Russian scientist to be approached by Russian journalists when they started their search for Russian mind control technology in 1990. He told them that microleptonic fields can act on human nervous system, impair human health or kill human beings [2]). In 1991 a respected Russian scientist Victor Sedlecki published a statement in the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda that psychotronic biogenerators are mass produced in the Soviet Union and were used during the failed coup d’etat against Gorbachov [7]. In the article with the interview with A. F. Okhatrin the microleptonic field is described as biofield as well [2] so the “biogenerators” are probably microleptonic generators. As well concept of microleptonic fields appears to be identical with the concept of “subatomic particle beams” named also in the bill by Dennis J. Kucinich proposed in the U.S. congress.
Electromagnetic technology enabling remote control of functioning of human organism is subjected to National Security Information law in the USA [8] and technologies enabling access to human brain are subject to the same law in the Russian Federation [9]. Under such condition the mass media and world general public can not get engaged in the ban of the use of those means. Clearly the ownership of such means of control creates opportunity for any government which owns such means to use them against individuals without giving them any chance of legal defense. In this way the concept of the world respecting freedom and human rights is getting corrupt.
Russian politician Vladimir Lopatin indirectly admitted the existence of people exposed to remote manipulations of their organisms in the Russian Federation by proposing compensation for those people [14]. The article from the U.S. army weekly Defense News confirmed that mind control technologies were used by Israelis against Palestinians [12]. As well there are rumors that microwave mind control technology is being actually used by U.S. soldiers in Iraq [15].
The Russian Federation [1] and The European Parliament (Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy from January 28, 1999, Nr.A4-005/99) have already proposed international ban of the use of such means and it seems rather evident that the major obstacle on the road toward the international ban of influencing of functioning of human organism is the government of the United States of America which, so far, made no effort, at the international scene, toward the ban of remote manipulation, health impairment or killing of human beings. Dennis J. Kucinich, the author of the bill proposing the ban of deployment of “mind control” weapons in the U.S. congress in October 2001 was quoted to assert that those weapons actually exist and “those people who control them are deadly serious and intend to use them, if we don’t stop the weaponisation of space” [10]
V. Lopatin proposed in his book “Psychotronic Weapon and the Security of Russia” [11] a State Defense Initiative among the fundamental principals of which he suggested: “To admit a c t u a l f e a s i b i l i t y of informational p s y c h o t r o n i c war (as a matter of fact it is already taking place without declaration of war) and the f e a s i b i l i t y of exerting violence by means of the u s e of PSW” (psychotronic weapons) [11]. Apparently without intervention of international organisations against remote manipulation of human organisms the secret arms race among the world governments may continue until the information war actually breaks out. In this way the human world may sink into some kind of virtual reality where the independence of human thinking, feeling and decision making will be destroyed as a part of an “information war” or, in the worst case, large masses of people may be killed and unlike with nuclear weapons the world will still remain inhabitable for the winners.
After the warning of the Russian government that the U.S. invasion of Iran could have “grave and unpredictable consequences”, president Bush stopped talking about military action in Iran. Probably the U.S. military preeminence in the world is no more as overwhelming as the Russian daily Segodnya wrote in the year 2000. With the rising oil crisis and ensuing new divide of the world along the lines of competition for access to the world oil reserves, as is proved by U.S. invasion of Iraq and development of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the world war could errupt. Will people accept irresponsibility of their governments or will they engage in the ban of classified means of remote control of fucntioning of human organisms and brains?
[1] – Russian original, concise English translation of “Riders of Psychotronic Apocalypse” –
[2] English translation of the article “The Project Zombie is a Bluff or…?”
[3] see Russian original – , translation: the Conclusion and Resolution of the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma –
[4] and search for Bill number h.r.2977
[5] – Installation Radiosleep
[6] pg. 27-37 concise overview of the book
[7] Russian original – , English translation – – “Authors of Project Zombie Discovered in Kiev”.
[8] – see memorandum of the Department of the Air Force and Communicating via the Microwave Auditory Effect
[9] – “Secret Superweapon in Action”
[10] see the article from Berkeley Daily Planet”
[11] – at the end of the site
[12] – Israel Fields Means to Suppress Palestinian Violence
[13] , pg. 4
[14] pg. 36
Petition to Amnesty International and International Red Cross asking those organisations to publish a call for an international ban of remote manipulation of human organisms can be signed at the address