The Taking of America 123. The Deep State Thrives on Money and Power

Conspiracy Theory

The above title was influenced from Joseph Sargent’s 1974 classic The Taking of the Pelham 123. In the film (remade again in 2009, and not bad actually) gunmen hijack a NYC subway train and hold the passengers of one car as hostages, demanding a one million dollar ransom (lots of moolah for 45 years ago). If the city of NY does not comply, they start executing them one by one. Well, it looks to me that we passengers on Choo Choo America have really been hijacked, along with our flag, our economy and our national honor… and they didn’t even have to use guns!

There is a Deep State operating in what is now Amerika, and it was always there in force, especially during the 20th and now 21st century.

No, this is not the so called Deep State that the Trump people keep parroting as their enemy. You see, Trump was and is handled by this Deep State.

If they did not want this Reality Television/Real Estate buffoon to obtain office, he never could have. Of course, since this Deep State owns and controls our phony Two Party/One Party system, anyone who obtains high office must be approved by this cabal. As far as the actual voting, we serfs are allowed  to choose between TweedleDum and TweedleDee.

The most recent exception was when Junior Bush was both elected and re-elected. He had been ordained to be the boy emperor by this Deep State while Cheney pulled the puppet strings for them. Therefore, it was fixed by this Deep State to assure his election (check out what went on in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004). Looking back at this most recent presidential horserace in 2016, most likely the Deep State would have preferred Ms. Hillary to fulfill their Neo Con visions… especially via a new Cold War with the Russkies. Yet, they knew they had ‘the Donald’ just where they wanted him as well.  Of course, once Trump got into the White House this same Deep State made sure he was surrounded by their Neo Con goons to fulfill their plans… and he does!

You can forget about all that Russian meddling etc. The real crux of the matter is about what the Deep State thrives on: Money and Economic Power. You see, when the owners of our nation had their monopoly with a strong US dollar being used as a petrodollar, and our ‘jackbooted’ control of the majority of what many term ‘The Third World’, all was copacetic.

With the emergence of China as the new primary economic power, and Russia in much better financial shape than us, something had to be done. With these two countries making strides in Africa (the source of the greatest mineral resources anywhere), the Middle East, Eurasia and of course even in our once ‘Monroe Doctrined’ Latin America, “This means war!” the Deep State shouted from their private clubs, think tanks and embedded Congress & Media.

Looking back to see how this always plays out, why do you think the Bush/Cheney Cabal made war on Iraq? The excuse was WMDs , which intelligence said there weren’t any, but the main thrusts were twofold:

A) Saddam was going to start trading his oil in Eurodollars instead of US dollars and

B) the Deep State needed to stop the Chinese and Russkies from getting too popular in that region.

It was ALL about keeping US influence Numero Uno in the Middle East…and of course our desire to NOT have Iraqi oil sold directly to our economic enemies. You can now say the same about Venezuela, one of the two largest sources of Oil in the world. The ‘regime change’ rhetoric is not so much about Socialism, but more so about OIL, and of course maintaining US power in that hemisphere.

This formula for control is so easy for this Deep State. As long as our nation continues to allow money to legally flow into electoral politics, nothing will change. It is a proven and sad fact that the candidate who spends the most money usually gets the suckers to vote that way. This is why the Two Party/One Party system, owned by the Deep State, has thrived for so long.

They have the means to get money funneled to their candidates, so that 3rd party types have little or NO chance. Period!

If one ‘Follows da money’ one sees how much their benefactor, this Deep State, controls everything. They use the media they own and the politicians they own (via campaign coffers) and their Military Industrial Empire chugs along on railroad tracks that were supposed to be owned by We the People. Alas, WE are the hostages ready to be executed through a myriad of means formulated by that Less than 1%. So few of our fellow citizens say but a word about all this. Ignorance is not bliss and Silence is not golden!  They allow tyranny!


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Philip A Farruggio is the contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 300 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid’ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].

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Articles by: Philip A Farruggio

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