The Sutherland Springs, Texas Mass-Shootout, The Deadliest in State History


A gunman identified as 26-year-old Devin Kelley received a bad conduct discharge from the military in 2014. 

Reportedly he entered the town’s First Baptist Church, lethally shooting two dozen worshipers, another two outside, wounding around two dozen others.

The incident was the deadliest mass-shooting in state history. Texas Department of Public Safety regional director Freeman Martin said Kelley “was seen dressed in all black. He started firing at the church.”

“He moved to the right side of the church and continued to fire, then he went in the church. (He was) dressed all in black tactical type gear and was wearing a ballistic (bullet-proof) vest.”

They’re legal, available over-the-counter in some states or can be bought online. In Illinois, my home state, it’s illegal to wear body armor while armed with a dangerous weapon during the commission or attempted commission of an offense.

It’s standard police attire in Chicago and elsewhere in America. Alleged shooter Kelley reportedly was armed with a Ruger AR assault rifle.

It’s a legal semi-automatic weapon, typically loaded with a 30-round magazine. Larger  magazines carrying 75 to 100 rounds are commercially available. They’re unwieldy and prone to jamming.

If Kelley used the smaller capacity magazine, he had to reload several times. He killed or wounded around 50 individuals.

Not every round fired hits targets. In multiple shootings, most rounds usually miss them. Alleged shooter Kelley could have fired a couple of hundred rounds or more, requiring multiple reloadings – unless multiple gunmen involved.

No one tried intervening until the gunman or gunmen left the crime scene. An unidentified individual chased Kelley while allegedly fleeing. He was found dead, lethally shot in his vehicle some distance from the church – conveniently unable to tell tales.

Local authorities claiming it’s unknown if he was lethally shot attempting to escape or by a self-inflicted gunshot leaves key questions unanswered?

If Kelley wanted to take his own life, why did he flee the scene, that’s what happened? Makes no sense.

Who was the unidentified individual chasing him, likely responsible for his death?

Reports indicated all worshipers inside the church were killed or wounded. Were multiple gunmen involved? Solid evidence proved the Las Vegas one-gunman claim was a bald-faced lie.

Shooting came from multiple directions. Suspect Stephen Paddock is dead so he can’t talk. From what’s known, he appears used as a convenient patsy.

So were all others accused in previous high-profile US and European violent incidents – proven false flags. Was Sutherland Springs, Texas the latest one?

Kelley’s pursuer was likely outside the church since everyone inside was reportedly killed or wounded.

Texas gun laws are lax. Residents can carry them openly. Americans can easily obtain semi-automatic weapons wherever they live, even if local ordinances ban them. They’re practically as available as toothpaste, yet high-priced.

If Kelly was responsible for what happened, no motive is known. Ealier he was a bible studies teacher. His wife teaches children at the church where the shooting took place.

They have two young children. They reportedly live in the luxury home of Kelley’s parents. All of the above are reasons to live, not die, or be imprisoned.

First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy and his wife were out of town at the time of the shooting – not preaching to parishioners on Sunday.

High school friend Patrick Boyce called Kelley “fairly normal.” From what’s known so far, there’s reason to be suspicious about the official account of what happened.

High-profile incidents like Sunday’s always warrant suspicions. Virtually always, official accounts turn out to be false, important evidence conveniently suppressed to conceal hard truths – the FBI taking over investigations to control the information flow.

Sutherland Springs, Texas could be the latest US false flag?  The fullness of time will likely explain more.

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Articles by: Stephen Lendman

About the author:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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