The New York Times: Hillary’s Press Agent
Throughout the political season, the NYT represented the Clinton campaign, acting as a pseudo-official mouthpiece, turning journalism into PR promotion.
Branding four days as “Hillary’s Convention,” The Times continues promoting an agenda threatening world peace, supporting monied interests over popular ones, and tyranny masquerading as democracy.
Times editors, correspondents, columnists and contributors portray Hillary as being “left-leaning…on social, economic and political issues.” Her agenda, if elected, assures dirty business as usual, likely elevated to an unprecedented level – notably risking global nuclear war by recklessly challenging Russia and China, along with exclusively representing monied interests at the expense of popular ones.
Times editors claiming Hillary “adopt(ed) elements of the Sanders program” is willful deception, failing to explain his “political revolution” was smoke and mirrors demagoguery, illusion substituting for reality.
“Hillary Clinton’s new Democrats,” as Times editors call them, aren’t democratic, progressive, anti-war, or anti-America’s imperial agenda.
According to the WSJ,
“Hillary Clinton to Take Command of a Changed Democratic Party: Presumed nominee’s party is more liberal than the one that helped elect her husband in 1992”
They’re polar opposites on steroids, a neocon/war goddess-led scourge – the greatest threat to world peace, stability, and fundamental freedoms crucial to oppose.
Endorsing Clinton is further proof of The Times representing wealth and power interests over all others.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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