The Food and the Energy crisis, fiction or reality?
In these murky times, where priorities and values have been turned upside down by the political propaganda machines, where revenge is rendered into self-preservation, aggression transformed into courage, fanaticism into a mark of the real man, dissent into betrayal, sadism into protectionism, pathology into normalcy, and pre-emptive war into peace, the push to assassinate the middle class remains active and healthy.
As a result, wages are down, inflation is up, commodities have spiraled out of control, and the greenbacks have plummeted into low records. The US dollar supremacy is in doubt, which might pave the way for a new currency within a new order under the security and prosperity partnership process.
Not surprisingly, the price of oil keeps going up negating the laws of supply and demand, and the food prices has also become so increasingly inflated that a food shortage is promoted creating a worldwide panic.
The question is why? Reshaping economies, indebting nations, and controlling the petroleum of the world is essential for total world domination, where all nations are subdued and impoverished. Therefore, all nations will suffer weakened sovereignty, and become dependent on the global tans-national masters of the universe.
However, controlling governments of nations does not directly correlate to the total control of the masses. Therefore, the next logical step would be to control the food supplies, by creating a contrived food shortage, manipulate prices, and create starvation.
That in return would provide total control of every citizen in the world, since food happens to be a basic element for self-preservation. Contrived starvation have been historically essential to control and reduce populations.
What other political incentives are there behind this recent contrived food crisis? Are we heading in the direction of a staged global depression?
The problem with the theory of the food crisis especially in the US is the lack of its credibility. If you collect all of the daily wasted foods in the US restaurants and supermarkets only, you could actually feed millions of people. How can food be so scarce when the waste is so abundant? Are the leaders using the same argument of scarcity that they use for oil, in order to increase prices and profit margins. Has commodity speculation become the new or the housing bubble?
Is the energy crisis also a contrived scheme designed to increase control of government over the people, which would in turn facilitate drilling everywhere that the oil industrial complex pleases? Is there a relationship between the capitalization process, personal freedom, and the market economy? Could drilling for oil in the United States cheapen this commodity, and as a result, would lead to a global economic problem? Is it easier to blame the environmentalists for our lack of refineries and offshore drilling? Is it imperative to invade Iran to avoid a total collapse of the dollars and the US economy, in case the Iranians flood the global market with cheap oil posted only in Euro?
Russell Train, a past administrator of the environmental Protection Agency stated in the 1970s energy crisis the following:
“We can and should seize upon the energy crisis as a good excuse and great opportunity for making some very fundamental changes that we should be making anyhow for other reasons.”[1]
Anthony C. Sutton economist and historian debunked the myth of scarcity and running out of oil during the 1970s energy crisis in his enlightening book “Energy the created crisis.” He stated the following during the Carter administration energy crisis:
“There is no energy crisis in the sense of a physical scarcity of energy resources. There is however, a manipulated and artificially created energy situation. There is no absolute shortage of energy resources for our planet in the foreseeable future, only a mythological energy Armageddon in the minds of social activists, or a utopian search for a zero risk world by environmental dreamers.
Sutton added that our mythical energy shortage can be dismissed with a few statistics. America’s present energy reserves are enough for the next 2000 years.” [1]
A 1977 Wall Street Journal editorial went even further than Sutton by stating the following:
“The energy crisis is a snare and a delusion. Worse, it’s a hustle. We’re now prepared to explain it for once and for all.”
Does history repeats itself? We know for certain that man who writes and makes history tends to repeat it sometimes for political purposes and gains, and other times, repetition is a human compulsive need for self-destruction and/or both.
Could the current energy crisis be a repetition of the past to achieve further political motives and incentives, besides record profits.
What about the current food crisis? Is it another snare and hustle devised by our global hybrid elites who carry the heads of politicians and the bodies of corporations? [5]
Should we all accept the food shortage, panic, hoard food, then, switch to genetically modified foods? Many countries have been strongly opposed to the use of GMO, due to the lack of honest information about its impact on health, and due to its total control over farmers, in which they have to repurchase the seeds from the global corporation over and over again every year, in order to have a crop to sell. Therefore, changing the nature of the land and of traditional farming for marketing and profit purposes.
What better strategy is there to force everyone to switch to GMO, than to create a food shortage, multiply the cost of food, and make it hard for people to get their most basic need met? Monsanto would be grateful!
The reason is, Monsanto happens to be the giant global company that brought the world the cancer causing cornucopia of insecticides and pesticides, and has become in the past few years the main dominant force in the genetically modified food chain. Monsanto also happens to be a major lobbyist in Washington . The Center for public integrity has published a condemning report titled “Unreasonable Risk” that exposes the top pesticide and agri-industrial complex contributors to congressional and senatorial campaigns. [4]
Vanity Fair has recently published a fascinating report that discusses Monsanto’s global tentacles of death over the farming industry. Monsanto developed G.M. seeds that would resist its own herbicide, Roundup, offering farmers a convenient way to spray fields with weed killers without affecting crops. Monsanto then patented the seeds. The report also added that Monsanto genetically modified seeds have transformed the company and are radically altering global agriculture. So far, the company has produced G.M. seeds for soybeans, corn, canola, and cotton, Many more products have been developed or are in the pipeline, including seeds for sugar beets and alfalfa. The company is also seeking to extend its reach into milk production by marketing an artificial growth hormone for cows that increases their output, and it is taking aggressive steps to put those who don’t want to use growth hormone at a commercial disadvantage.
So brace yourself, Monsanto and other GM manufacturing global corporations are on to the rescue, and hopefully we will never go hungry again!!
I leave it to the reader to make their own conclusion, to review the literature and to investigate the truth. So what do you think? Is the food and oil crisis a fiction or reality?
1. A. Sutton, (1979). Energy. The Created Crisis. Books in focus Inc.
New York , NY , 10016
2. Editorial. (May 27, 1997) Wall Street Journal.
3. D. Bartlett, J. Steele (2008). Monsanto Harvest of Fear. Vanity Fair, May 2008 issue.
4. The Center for public Integrity (1998). Unreasonable risk. CPI, 1634 I Street, N.W. Washington DC
5. R. Skaff (2007). The Human Manifesto. PA, Frederick, MD
Richard Skaff is the author of The Human Manifesto