The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
a conversation with James DiEugenio
” It counts napalm and counts nuclear warheads and armored cars for the police to fight the riots in our cities. It counts Whitman’s rifle and Speck’s knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play.
It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.”
– Robert F. Kennedy (March 18, 1968) [1]
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It is really quite amazing to reflect on the series of events that unfolded in the 1960s.
At the start of the decade, the U.S. State stood continuing to defend segregation based on race. A few years later, a generation of Americans saw themselves in many jurisdictions embracing more freedom and equity. In the first few years, America’s war campaign in south-east Asia was hardly questioned. Good men upon leaving high school suited up to be dispatched to a mission of battle with little regard to the patriotic necessity of the task. In the later years, the popular opposition to the war in Vietnam grew to the point of abandoning their country as a draft dodger rather than participate in a questionable horror.
With the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, so also ended the dream of the 1960s.
In 1968, Kennedy was running to replace as president his older brother John F Kennedy shot while in office under suspicious circumstances. Following a successful result in the California primaries, he finished speaking in the Embassy Room ballroom at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, and headed down a passageway to the kitchen, the pantry, and the press room where reporters were waiting. Along the way, a young man named Sirhan Sirhan popped in front of him where over a dozen witnesses saw him, and fired at Kennedy. Several people tackled Sirhan, but in the process, Kennedy went down and several other people present were shot as well, though none had died. [2]
Kennedy was rushed to hospital. Twenty six hours after the incident, Kennedy passed away. All at once, hopes for a future with increased promise, health, education and peace as opposed to war pretty much died as well in the public imagination. [3]
His was the fourth assassination in less than five years of a mighty leader guiding the populace towards a more just and prosperous future. The other three, of course, were John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King. In one sense, the deaths of those four people in such a limited span of time may have been enough to throw dark clouds over the sunshine chasing away the despairing evils nesting in the tarnished nation.
Over the next four weeks, the Global Research News Hour spends time looking into each and every one of these shocking crimes. It assesses what might have been different had the murders not been successful. It examines the various holes in the official stories revealing truths that are hidden, and arrives in the end at how those in power operate, control and cover-up the crimes affecting us all.
This week’s instalment focuses on the last of the four deaths: Robert F. Kennedy. Not only is it the most visibly provable crime committed by someone other than Sirhan Sirhan, but the individual in question is facing a parole hearing at the end of march.
The investigator who will be playing a role directing us through the 60s assassinations is a remarkable chronicler of every single one of these cases. He has even been referred to as the guru of the probers into the assassinations. His name is James DiEugenio.
James DiEugenio has an MA in Contemporary American History from California State University Northridge. He authored the book Destiny Betrayed, probing the Garrison investigation of the JFK assassination, expanded in 2012. He also wrote Reclaiming Parkland in 2013 expanded again in 2016 and then re-issued again with additional material in the 2018 book The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today. He co-authored the book The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X.
Mr DiEugenio also has a website: with materials related to one or more of the assassination targets.
(Global Research News Hour Summer 2021 Series)
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Other stations airing the show:
CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.
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CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am.
Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.
Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time.
- Robert F. Kennedy speaking at the University of Kansas (March 18, 1968);
- Lisa Pease (2018), ‘A Lie to Big to Fail: The Real History of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy’, Feral House;
- ibid