The Assassination of JFK, the ‘Lone Gunman’ Mythology and the CIA’s Weaponizing of ‘Conspiracy Theories’
“We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American people believe is false.” – William Casey, Director of the CIA under Ronald Reagan (1981)
“’Conspiracy theory’ is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events as off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States, raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs.” – Professor James F. Tracy
(To read the original CIA Document 1035-960, that is the origin of the term that weaponized the term “conspiracy theory, go to this site)
It has been 54 years since President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Many eyewitnesses who were on the scene heard multiple gun shots, some of them coming from the “grassy knoll” at Dealey Plaza. One expert eyewitness at Parkland Hospital ER, a surgeon, has testified many times that he saw a small round entry wound in the front of the neck and large exit wound in the back of his head, which contradicts the official “no-conspiracy” “single shooter” theory.
Ever since that fateful day, every attentive, alert, non-distracted, truth-seeking American patriot who wants and needs to know the truth of the matter has been asking questions and doing independent investigations because they don’t believe the official, approved story and have no reason to believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission. With every deceptive, dismissive or untruthful answer, these patriots know that they have been duped.
Being treated as ignoramuses or loony “conspiracy theorists” has a way of energizing intelligent folks who have seen through official attempts at obfuscation, which is why more and more inquiring people are losing confidence in our nation’s over-privileged and often sociopathic, serially-lying elites, politicians, corporatists, multibillionaires, militarists, talking heads, media celebrities and other so-called leaders.
I also have been energized to find out the truth about what were the institutions or who were the individual conspirators that behind the obvious, censored-out plans to assassinate JFK, MLK, RFK and orchestrate the many false flag operations (which, by definition, are conspiracies in that more than one conspirator has to have been involved in planning a false flag op.
Two of the most obvious false flag ops that justified recent US wars were 1) the Gulf of Tonkin incident that justified the massive bombing campaigns against North Vietnam and 2) the controlled demolitions of 9/11/01 that justified the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq (for simply planes hitting skyscrapers wouldn’t have done it by itself).
Being treated with disdain by elites who can punish whistle-blowers (and their paid trolls) is why 9/11 Truth-seekers are such committed tellers of unwelcome truths.
The examples of false flag operations from history are legion (google “The Ever-Growing List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks” for scores of examples of US military and/or intelligence service false flag ops).
Over the 50+ years since the JFK assassination (which could rightfully have been considered a coup d’etat) many honorable, patriotic and independent investigators have uncovered a plethora of documented proof that has directly contradicted the “no conspiracy” theories about
1) the “lone gunman” Lee Harvey Oswald,
2) the “lone gunman” James Earl Ray” (MLK’s falsely accused killer),
3) the “lone gunman” Sirhan Sirhan (one of RFK’s assassins) or, for that matter,
4) the “lone gunman” James Holmes (the ‘Batman shooter’ of Aurora, CO who undoubtedly did not act alone), or
5) Stephen Paddock (the alleged ‘Las Vegas shooter’ who, it appears, may have been only a patsy rather than the “lone gunman”. Thus each of those history-altering events actually were conspiracies as has been documented by many expert observers who have examined the evidence and connected the dots).
Every attempt by independent, courageous, non-brain-washable investigators to establish documentary proof that contradicts official secret service agency stories provokes studied outrage and vigorously attempts to discredit the whistle-blower or otherwise tries to debunk incriminating information.
The same type of attempts at pseudo-scientific debunking happens all the time when corruption in Big Business is exposed. Every Big Business has full-time lobbyists that are well-placed in positions of power. These lobbyist/trolls are – as part of their job description – supposed to try to obfuscate or contradict any unwelcome information that weakens their paymaster’s profitability or credibility.
Such “trolls” have often carefully developed cozy relationships with politicians, bureaucratic agencies and the mainstream media, which gives them powerful control over any message that gets past the censorship and manages to get out to the public. The same thing happened my medical clinic offices, when Big Pharma’s sales “reps” used to wine and dine me in order to get me to listen to their sales pitches. This time-honored technique has been used by snake oil salesmen, political lobbyists and legitimate salespersons from time immemorial. The professional lobbyist reality explains how it is that pro-corporate legislation gets such favorable treatment by politicians whose corporate paymasters, behind closed doors, demand a return on their “investment” (AKA demanding pay-back for their campaign bribery/donations). He who pays the piper, calls the tune.
Peace and justice activists have learned similar lessons about clever sales techniques as well, having to endure spooks, cunning FBI agents or secret service “agents provocateur” who infiltrate their groups in order to spy on them or to get them to engage in dubious activities that could lead to legal charges and destruction of the group.
Last week the Trump administration tried to OK the lawful release of some of the previously top secret, censored-out Warren Commission papers that were sealed from public scrutiny after their infamous hearings had been completed. The release of the censored-out documents had been legislated to occur after 25 years had passed. But the scheduled releases had been repeatedly delayed by every subsequent administration since the 1980s. As has become obvious, the CIA and FBI have been very selective in what documents were released. Knowing the nature of the Deep State that is in control of our alleged democracy, we will probably never know everything that needs to be known in order to make sense of America’s conspiratorial history.
Planning and executing secret conspiracies is what all spy agencies do. and the CIA and FBI are no exception. Keeping secrets and planning conspiracies is their nature and the justification for it is in their founding documents and traditions; and since they refuse to talk and reveal what those conspiracies are all about, the duty of every patriot who is a seeker of justice is to investigate the secrets. Hence being a conspiracy theorist is an honorable endeavor, especially when the conspirators may be performing unethical activities or cover-ups of crimes.
The Warren Commission was charged to investigate the JFK assassination, but the appointed individuals, especially the arch-spook Allen Dulles, were all rabid Cold Warriors. The decision to regard certain testimony as top secret national security issues came about because the members of the commission felt that we naïve and simple-minded taxpayers couldn’t handle the truth. Instead, fearful of incurring the wrath of their own CIA or FBI operatives (or risking assassination themselves?), the commission criminally conspired to hide the hideous truths about those agency’s involvement in the JFK assassination.
Knowing the track record of the many covert operations that American intelligence agencies have orchestrated around the world ever since World War II, there are no politicians that have dared to oppose the power of the CIA or FBI (or the Mafia, for that matter). JFK, MLK, RFK and Paul Wellstone were the last ones to try. JFK famously proclaimed that he was going to “smash the CIA into a million pieces and scatter it to the wind” and every politician who similarly wanted to “drain the swamp” at Langley or the Pentagon has learned the lesson about who is really in charge in DC. RFK was going to expose the real conspirators, especially the Mafia, when he became president, and Wellstone was going to investigate 9/11 when he was re-elected Senator.
I end this column with a recent piece about the JFK Assassination by Paul Craig Roberts, [posted on Global Research October 29, 2017]
Roberts has also written about many of the events mentioned above. Specific references can be found in my biographical notes further below.
The Kennedy Assassination
By Paul Craig Roberts – October 28, 2017
Dear Readers, some of you are pushing me to continue with the Las Vegas shooting story (ballistics evidence proving multiple shooters using different weapons at different locations – GGK Note) while others are asking to know what to make of the release of files pertaining to President Kennedy’s assassination. I appreciate that you are interested and are unsatisfied with official explanations.
My answer is that we already know, thanks to exhaustively researched books such as James W. Douglass’ JFK and the Unspeakable (Simon & Schuster, 2008), far more than is in the released files.
My answer is also that it doesn’t matter what we know or what the facts are, the official story will never be changed. For example, we know as an absolute indisputable fact that Israel intentionally attacked the USS Liberty inflicting enormous casualties on US Navy personnel, and the US government continues the coverup that it was all a mistake despite unequivocal statements to the contrary by the Moorer Commission, led by Admiral Tom Moorer, former Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
My answer also is that time is better spent in trying to prevent conspiracies in the making, such as the endless stream of lies and accusations against Russia that are turning a friendly country into an enemy and renewing the risk of nuclear armageddon. Indeed, the biggest conspiracy theory of the present time is the one issuing from the military/security complex, the Democratic National Committee, and the presstitute media that Russia in collusion with Donald Trump hacked the US presidential election.
The Russian government knows that this is a lie, and when they see a lie repeated endlessly now for one year without a shred of evidence to support it, the Russian government naturally concludes that Washington is preparing the American people for war. I cannot imagine a more reckless and irresponsible policy than destroying Russia’s trust in Washington’s intentions. As Putin said, the main lesson life has taught him is that “if a fight is unavoidable, strike first.”
If you really want to know who killed President Kennedy and why, read JFK and the Unspeakable. Yes, there are other carefully researched books that you can read.
Douglass concludes that Kennedy was murdered because he turned to peace. He was going to work with Khrushchev to end the Cold War. He refused the CIA US air cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion. He rejected the Joint Chiefs’ Operation Northwoods, a plan to conduct false flag attacks on Americans that would be blamed on Castro to justify regime change. He refused to reappoint General Lyman Lemnitzer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. He told US Marine commandant General David Shoup that he was taking the US out of Vietnam. He said after his reelection he was going to “break the CIA into 1,000 pieces.” All of this threatened the power and profit of the military/security complex and convinced military/security elements that he was soft on communism and a threat to US national security.
The film of the motorcade taken by Zapruder shows that the bullet that killed Kennedy hit him from the front, blowing out the back of his head. You can see Kennedy’s wife Jackie reaching from the back seat onto the trunk of the limo to recover the back of his head. Other tourist films show moments before the shot the Secret Service agents being ordered off of the presidential limo so that a clear shot at Kennedy is possible. The film shows one Secret Service agent protesting the order.
The medical “evidence” that Kennedy was hit from behind was falsified by medical doctors under orders. Navy medical corpsmen who helped the Navy doctors with the autopsy testified that they were dismayed by orders from Admiral Calvin Galloway to ignore entry wounds from the front. One of the corpsmen testified “all at once I understood that my country was not much better than a third world country. From that point on in time, I have had no trust, no respect for the government.”
Dr Charles Crenshaw, one of the doctors forced to lie, later broke his silence with a book and was rewarded with a fierce media campaign to discredit him.
Lt. Commander William Pitzer, director of the Audio-Visual Department of the Bethesda Naval Hospital, filmed the autopsy. The film clearly showed the entry wound from the front. Pitzer was found shot to death on the floor of the production studio of the National Naval Medical Center. It was ruled a suicide, as always.
J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI knew that Oswald, who Douglass believes was on the payroll of both the CIA and FBI, was sent to Cuba by the CIA in order to establish the story for the patsy role Oswald was unaware was being prepared for him. However, Hoover, along with LBJ, Earl Warren and the members of the Warren Commission understood that it was impossible to tell the American people that their president has been assassinated by the US military and US security agencies. At a dicey time of the Cold War, clearly it would have been reckless to destroy Americans’ trust in their own government.
Finian Cunningham presents a summary of much of the accumulated evidence. All experts long ago concluded that the Warren Commission report is a coverup.
I am not an expert. I have not spent 30 years or longer, as has Douglass, investigating, interviewing witnesses, tracking down unexplained deaths of witnesses, and piecing together the available voluminous information. if you want to know what happened, put down your smart phones, close your video screens, and read Douglass’ or a similar book.
Dr Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. In the decade prior to his retirement, he practiced what could best be described as “holistic (non-drug) and preventive mental health care”. Since his retirement, he has written a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, an alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns mostly deal with the dangers of American imperialism, friendly fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, and the dangers of Big Pharma, psychiatric drugging, the over-vaccinating of children and other movements that threaten American democracy, civility, health and longevity and the future of the planet. Many of his columns are archived at;; or at
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