A Technocratic War on Farmers, Oil Dependency, and Homemade Apple Pie

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In this article, I raise the following topics and questions:

  • Memories of food and water produced/available locally; 
  • Historical perspective: The onset of monetisation, globalisation, and oil-based industrial farming gradually displaced traditional farming culture and methods;
  • How farmers, food security, and local resilience are being undermined by baseless climate alarmism and the technocratic agricultural policies of the EU; and by the World Economic Forum (WEF) reset agenda involving the IoT, mega-corporate control, and the electrification of everything. 
  • Food security – the systemic issue of oil dependency, and the question of ‘peak oil’. Without farmers and without affordable oil the supermarket shelves will quickly become empty. What could happen if affordable oil become unavailable long-term, or if predictions about peak oil are correct? or is peak oil yet another propaganda hoax (like manmade CO2-induced climate change) designed to increase prices, and hasten a transition to the UN/WEF-promoted deceptive green economy?
  • Rather than the smoke and mirrors of the incorrect and deceptive manmade climate change agenda, oil availability is fundamental to the future of industrial farming. Even if the predictions regarding peak oil are correct, it appears that there are vast reserves of coal and gas in the world that would theoretically sustain an industrial economy for many decades to come, see a list of countries by coal reserves in note [1]. So why is an energy-poor mathematically-nonsensical wind-solar energy structure being incessantly promoted?
  • How will farming be powered in the future? By oil? By an electric-grid powered by a mix of energy sources, including oil, coal and renewables? or independent of fossil-fuels with labour, animals, and intermediate technologies? 

I also welcome constructive input/feedback from farmers and persons with insights on the above topics here.

Ireland Before Industrial Oil-powered Farming – Memories of Food and Water Available Locally and Home-made Apple Pie

My father describes that when he was a young boy growing up in Ireland it was common for people (not just farmers) to have on their own plot, a few cows or goats for milk, chickens and ducks for eggs; to grow their own vegetables, flowers, rhubarb, herbs, etc; make their own butter and cheese; grow their own apples in the village orchard, etc. Undoubtedly farming without the use of diesel-powered machinery was much more labour intensive, yet we can see that communities in the past were more self-sufficient and food-secure than they are today. Many farmers and consumers were not dependent on oil for production, or dependent on driving to a supermarket in a motorized vehicle to obtain food. As a child I remember being on my grandfather’s farm and eating home-produced food, including delicious apple pies. 

In the times before industrial farming there was no such thing as organic food as all food was, in essence, organic. There was no widespread use of chemical-based pesticides, herbicides, and problematic GMOs. I am not referring to the ancient past, I am referring to recent generations. Let us take a glimpse into the not-so-distant past of life in Ireland prior to the widespread adoption of oil-powered industrial farming. The following video provides a glimpse into rural life in Ireland in 1930s.

As a child I also remember drinking fresh water from roadside and village pumps. Whereas, nowadays, some water tables, rivers, and lakes have been polluted by industrial and agricultural runoff, and roadside pumps are no longer used. Many people purchase water in plastic junk bottles from supermarkets, or drink tap water treated/contaminated by fluoridation additives. Is this progress?   

Unfortunately, generally speaking, rural culture in Ireland has been fast dying and has been systematically undermined by decades of EU-led government policy – policy that has clearly been aligned with corporate globalisation. Nevertheless, networks, seed savers, and expertise for growing your own food locally are available[2].

Next, it may be interesting to juxtapose the farming practices and food culture of the past with the onset and widespread adoption of oil-dependent industrialised farming. 

The onset of monetisation, globalisation, and oil-dependent industrial farming gradually displaced traditional farming culture and methods that had existed for thousands of years.

Despite the huge labour reducing benefits of fossil-fuels it appears to me that farmers today face challenging times. Farmers have been born into times of monetization and inflation, commercialisation and globalization, government taxes, excessive government regulations, and corporate-driven technocratic policies etc. The ‘system’ appears to squeeze small and mid-scale operators – it appears millions of small to mid-scale farmers worldwide are struggling, and in some countries, for example in India, many have gone bankrupt.

I note also that various aspects of modern commercial farming are viewed as problematic and health-impacting by many people that value organic produce. These contentious aspects include the use of vaccines, growth hormones, chemical-based fertilisers, chemical-based pesticides and herbicides, GMOs, genetically-modified terminator seeds, etc. None of the aforementioned were needed in thousands of years of traditional farming cultures, and appear to have been imposed by corporate forces, in particular, over the past two or three generations.

[Aside: Health problems have been linked with modern processed food that is laced with ingredients containing manmade chemical compounds and various toxins. I note that Professor Karl-Henrik Robèrt, environmental expert and former cancer scientist, has described that human breast milk now contains traces of over 200 manmade chemical compounds and toxins.

In my book Godless Fake Science I refer to the demonic processed food and drinks industry.

Supermarkets contain thousands of different processed food products that have little to do with the food that nature intended us to eat. Substances such as the preservative E211, sodium benzoate have been linked with a whole array of diseases and cell damage. According to the author Andreas Moritz, genetically modified soybeans are heavily contaminated with the toxic herbicide, Roundup, and are found in most baby food formulas, and is an ingredient in thousands of common food products. Moritz also asserts that substances including aspartame and MSG (processed free glutamic acid) have been linked with serious health problems, yet we see that these substances are contained in thousands of processed foods, drinks, supplements, pharmaceuticals, and medicines for human consumption.] 

We know that in centuries past what was known as the ‘commons’ land was used by communities throughout Europe to sustain themselves. For centuries the common land was under shared ownership by the people for the welfare and sustenance of all. However, power hungry groups of early modern times instigated the destruction, and takeover, of the common land, in order to create a culture of dependence in which the masses depended on the monetary schemes of the would-be controllers. Over a duration of around 300 years those seeking to be the ruling class instigated the takeover of this land, thereby gradually destroying community self-sufficiency. Various political and legal mechanisms created a culture of dependence on paper money and wages earned from labour. See this article for more information on the takeover over of the commons land. With the onset of monetisation, the commons land gradually became unavailable. To be a famer you then had to earn paper money to buy or rent land, or be born into land wealth. 

In modern times, globalisation, and oil-based industrial farming has been rapidly displacing traditional organic farming cultures and local and domestic food production worldwide. For example, author Alberto Villoldo, describes the demise of sustainable village life in India as follows:

“subsistence farmers in India… planted what naturally grew well and did not over farm the land.  then western economics introduced the belief that these farmers had to produce more than they could consume in order to create wealth so that they could attain “quality of life”. Consequently, Indians left their family land to live in squalor in cities such as new delhi, and subsistence farming gave way to huge farms and agribusiness. Today, between 250 and 300 million Indians who once farmed on family plots survive on less than one dollar a day; and they don’t have clean drinking water, healthcare, education, or the prospect of a future for their children. Yet cling to the old dream that if they could just create more wealth or join the march of progress, their problems would magically disappear.” 

What progress has the pseudo-science of modern economics and the debt-money system brought? In 2019, the average monthly income for agricultural households in India was about 10,000 rupees ($120) a month, and about half of the families were in debt. I also note that, at the moment, more than 20,000 farmers, riding on tractors and trucks, have been protesting in India (since February 13), in an attempt to pressure Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government into meeting their demand for guaranteed minimum support prices for crops[3].

Without Farmers and Without Affordable Oil the Supermarket Shelves Will Quickly Become Empty

The globalist EU do not seem concerned with the fact that without European farmers the 750 million people of the EU and wider Europe would be without food production on the entire European continent. All food would have to be imported using up yet more fossil fuels in transport – an obvious contradiction to the fossil-fuel/CO2 reduction agenda. Clearly the real agenda involves creating dependency; and suppressing local or regional self-sufficiency. Furthermore, if peak oil manifests the so-called ‘cheap’ food imports to the EU will stop due to a shortage of oil and vastly inflated oil prices. 

A country overly dependent on food imports and oil imports is like a hospital patient on life support waiting for the power plug to be pulled out of the socket. Wherever you live in the world, access to imported food depends on the availability of affordable oil. 

Note also that in this era of globalisation, prices can be rigged, and often do not reflect the reality that shipping food thousands of miles requires vastly more fuel and labour than producing food in your own country or region. If these externalities i.e., the true costs of transport, labour, and the polluting impacts on nature, were factored in, then the price of imports would be higher. It does not make sense to ship food thousands of miles when it can be produced within your own locality, country or region.

Given that Ukraine is a huge country with vast tracts of rich fertile land, we can see that the country has long-term strategic importance.  It appears the globalists’ war against humanity, includes this war against farming. and against local food security. Author, Rosa Koire has described that UN Agenda 2030 aims to push people off of the land, become more dependent, and come into the cities: 

“UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a global plan that is implemented locally. Over 600 cities in the U.S. are members… The costs are paid by taxpayers…  Although counties say that they support agricultural uses, eating locally produced food, farmer’s markets, etc, in fact there are so many regulations restricting water and land use (there are scenic corridors, inland rural corridors, baylands corridors, area plans, specific plans, redevelopment plans, huge fees, fines) that farmers are losing their lands altogether… The push is for people to get off of the land, become more dependent, come into the cities…”  – Rosa Koire, Author[4].

The EU/UN/WEF Technocratic War on Farmers – Climate Alarmism, Corporate Control, the IoT, and Electrification of Everything

The WEF reset agenda involves the worldwide adoption of smart devices that utilise electromagnetic frequency technologies, specifically, the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is supported by 5th generation cellular technology, 5G. Note, however, that thousands of scientific studies assert that EMF-based technologies can be harmful to human health[5]. According to the WEF:

“The internet of things (IOT) now connects 22 billion devices in real time, ranging from cars to hospital beds, electric grids and water station pumps, to kitchen ovens and agricultural irrigation systems… this number is expected to reach 50 billion or more by 2030” 

In the farming sector this involves the electrification and wireless connection of everything under the misleading banner of combatting climate change. Smart technology ostensibly marketed for achieving nonsensical ‘net-zero carbon’ is already being implemented in the agricultural sector. Consider this quote from a report to the UK’s Food & Drink Sector Council, by its Agricultural Productivity Working Group:

“If the net zero carbon ambition is to be achieved by our industry, electrification of heavy farm machinery must be facilitated. Nationwide reinforcement of rural electricity infrastructure, including buffer battery storage systems, will be essential to deliver the required electrical flow for ‘smart charging’ of multiple high-capacity batteries… in the farming calendar. … Facilitating the management of land by those who will adopt new tools, technologies and practices could have a subsequent positive impact on productivity. The following actions are required: 1. Invest in 5G infrastructure to enable required future data flow 2. Upgrade the rural electricity network to enable electrification of farm equipment… ” – UK Food and Drink Sector Council

Clearly there is another agenda behind the WEF reset, and UN Agenda 2030, that has nothing to do with real environmentalism, see also the article Driving an electric car is fake environmentalism. I note that the author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture, and that he describes this agenda in a recent article as follows: 

“The plan also involves removing farmers from the land (AI-driven farmerless farms) and filling much of the countryside with wind farms and solar panels… this misguided agenda is a recipe for food insecurity… neoliberal trade policies that lead to the import of produce that undermines domestic production and undercuts prices… or the implementation of net-zero emissions policies that set unrealistic targets…. farming is deliberately being made impossible or financially non-viable. The aim is to drive most farmers off the land and ram through an agenda that by its very nature seems likely to produce shortages and undermine food security… Big agribusiness and ‘philanthropic’ foundations position themselves as the saviours of humanity … Integral to this ‘food transition’ is the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, a commentary that has been carefully constructed and promoted… This predatory commercialisation of the countryside uses flawed premises and climate alarmism to legitimise the roll-out of technologies to supposedly deliver us all from climate breakdown and Malthusian catastrophe.”

Note also that the wind-solar-electric economy being promoted by the UN/WEF is fake environmentalism as the production of millions of large batteries for electric vehicles involves extensive use of fossil fuels during the mining, production and processing of rare earth metals. Furthermore, electric vehicles are still driven by electricity produced from fossil fuels and will most likely continue to be. Despite decades of government subsidies wind power provides less than 5% of the world’s energy, and solar just 1%. The use of electricity to charge vehicles and devices is also an extremely in-efficient use of energy, according to a study by the European Association for Battery Electric Vehicles commissioned by the European Commission (EC):

“The ‘Well-to-Tank’ energy efficiency (from the primary energy source to the electrical plug), taking into account the energy consumed by the production and distribution of the electricity, is estimated at around 37%”.

Furthermore, the move from mine-and-burn hydrocarbon economy towards a wind-solar-electric economy in itself requires a vast expenditure of fossil-fuel energy to re-purpose the entire worldwide industrial system, as well as build vast new energy grids for wind and solar energy. The idea that this new economy reduces CO2 emissions is simply not true – it has just been marketed as such. A new electric industrial framework in itself will still be very polluting to land, air, and water in virtually the same ways as the old framework as it creates more and more ‘product’ to be marketed and sold, such as electric cars, which we are now incorrectly told is okay because its ‘green product’.

Food Security in Modern Times – The Systemic Issue of Oil Dependency and the Question of ‘Peak Oil’

The potential impact of ‘peak oil’ on industrial society has been the subject of discussion for decades. Many analysts have written about this subject and I wrote about this subject on my blog back in 2009. Peak oil does not mean there is no more oil left in the ground, it appears peak oil occurs, or is defined as, the point at which the cost of oil extraction exceeds the price consumers will pay[6]. Over the decades there have been many and varying estimates of when ‘peak oil’ will occur – it appears nobody can quite agree on it. Some analysts and consulting firms maintain we have already reached the point of peak oil, whilst others say it is yet to occur. Petroleum geologist Colin Campbell, a founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO), once estimated that peak oil had occurred around 2010, but his views have shifted somewhat as new data have become available. According to an article in Forbes[7]:

“Nobody can quite agree on when we will reach the point of Peak Oil or even what will cause it. Norwegian state-owned oil company Equinor and energy researcher Rystad Energy predict a peak around 2028 owing to low investments in oil supply… McKinsey Consulting and French oil and gas company TotalEnergies, estimate peak oil in the early and mid-2030s respectively due to slow growth in the chemical industries as well as peak transport demand. A recent OPEC outlook report estimated steadily increasing demand, which would result in peak oil in approximately 2040… According to BP’s outlook, international oil demand may double as the developing world buys more ICE cars and builds Western-style consumer societies, and peak oil not hit until 2050 based on known oil resources with the application of today’s technology.”

It appears the availability of affordable imported oil, and the Energy Returned on Investment (EROI) for oil extraction are crucial factors in relation to long-term food security and the viability of industrial oil-driven farming. In the early twentieth century EROI appears to have been as high as 100:1, however, since then it has been reported that the EROI of fossil fuels has dramatically reduced to the extent that some analysts maintain it is becoming too low to sustain trans-national globalised industrial economies. 

If the reported decline in EROI is correct and should continue to decline, how should farmers plan for the future based on these factors?  What will happen if predictions about peak oil manifesting now or in the near future are correct? Traditional farming methods functioned successfully without oil-based inputs for thousands of years, but it appears knowledge of such methods has been disappearing the past few generations. Will a resurgence of traditional farming methods occur in a peak oil scenario? 

Is ‘Peak Oil’ a Hoax and a Propaganda Tool to Justify Higher Prices and to Promote So-called ‘Green’ Energy?

Is ‘peak oil’ real? or is it simply a sort of propaganda tool that has been utilized to raise oil prices? Is it another hoax (like the manmade climate change caused by Co2 hoax) being used to hasten a transition to the UN/WEF promoted wind-solar-economy? 

I note that some commentators maintain that peak oil is not real and is a myth, it is not due to any lack of oil resource, a physical limitation or an economic constraint related to cost of extraction. Rather, they argue that it is actually due to the availability of affordable oil being intentionally limited by geo-political forces or by a globalist cartel. Indeed some commentators have asserted that peak oil is dead and that the theory has turned out to be nonsense. It also appears that predictions about peak oil and an impending decline in production have been used in the past as justification for higher prices in anticipation of supply shortages.

Here is what Abdallah S. Jum’ah, Saudi Aramco’s president and CEO, during his address at the 11th Congress of the World’s Energy Council in Rome in 2007[8]:

“We have grossly underestimated mankind’s ability to find new reserves of petroleum, as well as our capacity to raise recovery rates and tap fields once thought inaccessible or impossible to produce….we still have almost a century’s worth of oil under the conservative scenario…and nearly 200 years’ worth under the target scenario. As a result I do not believe the world has to worry about ‘peak oil’ for a very long time.

I note Colin Campbell of ASPO is quoted as saying[9], that: “Firewood gave way to coal; and coal to oil and gas, not because they ran out or went into short supply but because the substitutes were cheaper and more efficient. But now, oil production does reach a peak without sight of a preferred substitute.” This is an interesting quote, but we can note that the so-called ‘green’ renewable energy technologies that have been rampantly promoted are not cheaper, and are not more energy efficient than oil, see also this article.

Furthermore, the definition of peak oil is interesting – it appears that if the cost of oil is artificially inflated, or if most people’s incomes are low, then the cost of oil could easily exceed the price most consumers will pay, even if abundant oil reserves exist. It can also be argued that that the concept or ‘threat’ of peak oil itself may create scarcity by reducing investment and confidence in the sector. 

Whatever the truth about peak oil, a fundamental issue remains, i.e., the vulnerability of farming and wider society to a lack of access to affordable oil. Note that industrialised farming utilizes oil-based chemical fertilisers and is dependent on diesel-powered machinery.

What Could Happen If Affordable Oil Become Unavailable Long-term?

It appears to me that peak oil due to a resource limitation is unproven, and is a contentious issue. However, let us take a hypothetical scenario in which the predictions that peak oil will occur in the not-so-distant future are correct. What could happen if these predictions are correct? According to analyst Tim Clarke, the current EROI for oil is too low to sustain industrial economies, he maintains the following (quoted with his kind permission):

“In the early twentieth century, the Energy Returned on Investment (EROI) of fossil fuels was sometimes as high as 100:1. This means that a single unit of energy would be enough to extract a hundred times that amount. But since then, the EROI of fossil fuels has dramatically reduced. Between 1960 and 1980, the world average value EROI for fossil fuels declined by more than half, from about 35:1 to 15:1. It’s still declining, with latest estimates putting the value at between 6:1 and 3:1.”[10]

The globalisation and hypergrowth that took place over the past century was made possible by the “money-creation as debt-with-interest” Ponzi scheme, and was enabled by the seemingly endless supply of cheap high-net energy fossil fuels. What would happen if affordable oil is no longer available? If the data above in relation to declining EROI is accurate, then, as Tim Clarke asserted in 2020: 

“We have entered a new challenging era of permanent net-energy contraction and economic decline… with the probability of major disruptions to global supply chains… To keep the ship afloat, central banks have promised to throw more and more “money (debt) at the problem, which will cause “fiat” currencies to hyperinflate… Thus, a complete reset of the financial system is inevitable… greening of the economy will not enable continued economic growth. These initiatives are designed to preserve and strengthen the position and status of the few. The reality is that as economies contract, people and countries will be increasingly impoverished and societal unrest will grow. Is it any surprise that all over the world governments are now instigating drastic surveillance and social control measures in the name of C-19…?” 

It appears a multi-trillion-dollar financial reset took place under the cover of the fake Covid-19 pandemic, see this book. In addition, the orchestrated pandemic involving the purchase of billions of vaccines by governments added huge amounts of debt onto already debt-laden governments. Governments are always determined to grow economies in order to create tax revenues to repay debts plus interest to international bankers. However, if oil becomes very expensive, the GDP growth that governments have relied on to generate revenues (to pay back debts plus interest to the international private banking cartel) will not take place. 

It is affordable oil that powers GDP growth. Privately owned central banks printing trillions of new debt-money, which they can conjure out of “thin” air, can only create illusory growth. For example, consider the growth in the bio-pharma sector due to the sale of billions of vaccines purchased by governments worldwide (with debt-money that was created from nothing and must be repaid with interest by  taxpayers). In my opinion such growth is not ‘good growth’ and does not create real value in society – except, of course, a windfall for bio-pharma corporations.

As Tim Clarke points out in his analysis: “The lifeline of yet more debt money is seized gratefully by drowning governments, businesses and people, but most economists do not understand that the economy runs on energy – not money!”. Without an affordable energy source, contraction and eventual collapse of the current industrial economic system becomes inevitable. 

This would include the current oil-based systems of commercial and industrialised farming. Clearly, renewables cannot replace fossil fuels. Perhaps, Mr. Clarke is correct when he states that “These [green] initiatives are designed to preserve and strengthen the position and status of the few.” 

If affordable oil becomes unobtainable, do governments, farmers, communities, and families have a plan B? Without affordable oil, industrial society could come crashing down like a house of cards, economies cannot grow, and therefore all governments would have default on their debt repayments. This would seemingly play into the infamous ‘world debt forgiveness’ plan of the technocrats to cancel all debts if governments (and people) accept certain conditionalities of technocratic control – “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” says the WEF!. In replacing the oil-based economy with a so-called green economy, is the agenda of the UN/WEF to push society into this scenario?

It certainly appears that a consequence of the move toward a green wind-solar-electric economy is that electricity, energy and resources have become more expensive. I note an article by strategic risk consultant F. William Engdahl, in which he details that Germany has become the world’s most expensive electric generator due a 2001 government strategy to rely on solar and wind and other renewables, and that the energy inefficient wind and solar, today costs some 7 to 9 times more than gas.

How will farming be powered in the future? by oil? by an electricity-grid powered by a mix of oil, coal and renewables, etc.? or independent of fossil-fuels? 

What is the future of farming? Will farming ever become decoupled from the nonsensical climate change narrative, the WEF agenda, and from EU policy? If affordable oil become unavailable, it appears that there are other sources of energy available. For examples, there are vast reserves of coal and gas in the world that would theoretically sustain power stations and an electricity grid for an industrial economy for many decades to come, see a list of countries by coal reserves in note [11]. 

I am aware also that over the past decades a comparative few communities have been preparing for  a doomsday-like economic collapse, in which the availability of the fossil fuels, oil, coal, and gas has become severely limited – whether it be due to resource extraction limitations, or geo-political manipulations. In such a scenario communities would need to grow their own food as was the norm in generations past. 

Note, as previously detailed, that the so-called wind-solar-electric economy promoted by governments, the UN, and the WEF is, in reality, not a fossil-fuel free economy, and causes real environmental pollution via the mining and processing of rare-earth metals. 

[Aside: An interesting book on the mathematics of energy technologies is Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air by Professor David MacKay (1967 – 2016). Professor Mackay’s book is focused on energy consumption and energy production. He details how extremely difficult/unfeasible it is to achieve the levels of energy production required to sustain the current industrial economy without fossil fuels. A summary version in PDF format can be downloaded free from David MacKay’s website.]

Is There a Need for a Fossil-fuel Free Plan B?

If there is a need for a fossil-fuel free plan B, the writings of E.F. Schumacher (1911-1977) provide some interesting and relevant insights. Schumacher emphasised the need for intermediate technologies in creating and maintaining resilient communities/societies, rather than relying on energy intensive technologies, such as oil-based technologies. I am grateful to Verena Schumacher for kindly providing permission to publish these interesting quotes from E.F. Schumacher’s book This I Believe.

“During the past 25 years… the fuel requirements of agriculture in the advanced countries, including the fuel requirements of agricultural inputs as well as those of food processing have increased by a far higher factor than the increase in agricultural output.”

“In 1949, an average of about 11,000 tons of fertiliser nitrogen were used per… unit of crop production, while in 1968 about 57,000 tons of nitrogen were used for the same crop yield. (efficiency decreased 5 fold)”

“Fuel and food he saw as two basic necessities for survival and sustainability. All communities should strive to be self-sufficient in these as far as possible – otherwise they become economically and politically vulnerable” 

“agriculture should be relatively independent of fossil fuels, which means independent of large scale mechanisation and intensive chemicalisation. At least agriculture should be so organised that it can in case of crisis, absorb large amounts of labour… many successful farmers around the world… are today obtaining excellent yields without using any products of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.”

“I launched the Intermediate Technology Development Group to research and reintroduce some of those middle level technologies which are human friendly, environment friendly and which render considerable help to farmers around the world without the depletion of resources and loss of employment that high level technology involves”

“the rest of the country being left practically empty; deserted provincial towns, and the land cultivated with vast tractors, combine harvesters, and immense amounts of chemicals. If this is somebody’s conception of the future of the USA, it is hardly a future worth having”

Knowledge networks do exist worldwide for growing your own food locally. In Ireland, I note that Irish Seed Savers conserves plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and works with a network of seed and apple tree growers; pomologists; orchardists; conservationists; educators; community gardens and orchard groups. Long may a resurgence toward locally grown organic food continue, along with more of the home-made apple pie! 


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Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is author of the following books available on amazon.com:

Donate for Mark’s articles here via Paypal.


[1] List of countries by coal reserves sources: 



[2] For example, the Irish Seed Savers network: https://irishseedsavers.ie/

[3] Source: https://thediplomat.com/2024/02/the-economics-behind-indias-farmers-protest/

[4] The Roise Koire writings are available at: https://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/#

[5] There are thousands of scientific studies and research papers on the biological effects of electromagnetic and microwave radiation from mobile phones, WiFi, 5G, Smart meters, etc. The following websites provide detailed information and links to many of these studies:

See www.es-ireland.com

Canadians for Safe Technology: http://c4st.org/

The research of Professor Olle Johansson, a neuroscientist at the world-renowned Karolinska Institute. Available at: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/the-work-of-olle-johansson/

[6] Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_oil

[7] Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2022/11/30/peak-oil-the-perennial-prophecy-that-went-wrong/?sh=656987532bbe

[8] Source: https://seekingalpha.com/article/100670-was-peak-oil-a-multi-billion-dollar-hoax

[9] Source: https://www.livescience.com/38869-peak-oil.html

[10] Source: https://mondediplo.com/outsidein/covid-19-oil

[11] List of countries by coal reserves sources: 



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