United States

Cardiac Testing at Washington Public Event Found 53% Myocarditis Rate, Including Two Active Duty US Military Pilots. What Does It Mean?
A Nanny State Idiocracy: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best
By Rejecting China’s Peace Plan West Pushes Beijing Closer to Russia
US ‘Diplomacy’ – Bottomless Pit of Hypocrisy and Double Standards
America Goes to War Constantly Without Regard for Any Real National Interest
German Lawmakers Demand Nord Stream Explosion Investigation
Building Unity Against Imperialism in the 21st Century—Lessons from African American History and the Necessity of Ending Permanent Wars of Aggression and Conquest
“Mass Murder Campaign”: Turkey-Syria Earthquakes, Ukraine, Plandemic. Interview with Romania Senator Diana Iovanovici-Șoșoacă
Video: Conflicts of Interest. Royalties to Corrupt Scientists
Sensitivity Rewrites: The Cultural Purging of “Books for Children” Author Roald Dahl
Game Over: Medicare Data Shows the COVID Vaccines Increase Your Risk of Dying
Covid Vaccine: Over 96 Canadian Children Ages 2-19 Have Died Unexpectedly in the Past Three Months. A Warning Call for Canadian Parents.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Great Reset = The Fourth Reich
Video: “I am ashamed to be a European” — MEPs Slam EU for Silence on Nord Stream Blasts
Biden Administration’s Decision to Ignore the Poisoning of Thousands of People, Not Only in East Palestine but Across Ohio and Pennsylvania
The Essence of Evil
The End Of The Arms Control Era
Sins of the Pfizer
Antinuclear Antibody Positive Pericarditis After mRNA Vaccination
Idlib Earthquake Aid Hijacked by Terrorists
US Sends Troops to Taiwan After General Threatens War with China by 2025
Israeli Rampage on West Bank Village Leaves One Dead, 390 Injured, 75 Burnt Homes
Russia’s Ukraine Offensive in Suspended Animation
Human 6G Antennas? ‘One of the Worst Ideas Ever,’ Critic Says
After Backpedaling on Gas Stove Ban, Administration Plans to Raise Costs Via New Efficiency Regs
Poisoning America for Profit: A Brief History of Norfolk Southern’s Greed
Siegfried Hecker on Two Decades of Missed Chances to Deal with North Korea’s Nuclear Program
Magical Weapons for Ukraine
UK Trialed 3D-Printed ‘Suicide’ Drones Under Secret Ukraine Program
US Military Aid to Ukraine Exceeds the Costs of Afghanistan
Give Peace a Chance. Scott Ritter Goes to Washington
The Importance of the Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
“System of Nature”: Man Is Only Unhappy Because He Misjudges Nature
Washington Egged On by Its Neoconservatives Has Concluded that Putin Has No Stomach for War Beyond a Limited Police Action
Munich Security Conference: “Intensifying Authoritarian Revisionism”
Ukraine: One Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. The Only Re-armament Needed Is Intellectual and Moral – On All Sides
Arms Control or Ukraine? Scott Ritter
A 14-year Old Canadian Hockey Player Died Suddenly on Feb. 14, 2023
Biden, Supreme Court Move to Make It Difficult to Sue Norfolk Southern
A Peaceful World Is Created Solely Through Human Decisions
Engineering a Cult of Chaos to Undermine Rational Thinking.
The Ninth Anniversary of The War in Ukraine
Midazolam Murders: Were the Elderly in U.K Long Term Care Homes killed with Euthanasia Drugs and Labeled as COVID-19 deaths?
Mobilizing Against War. The Criminalization of War. Endorse and Support CKUW and the GRNH
Video: NATO-Exit, Closure of Military Bases: Massive Protests against NATO
The Nuclear Armed Madhouse
While We’re Laughing About a Balloon, Biden Paves a Path to War
Video: Massive Protests in France, Italy and Spain
America’s Proxy War against Russia Started Nine Years Ago: The Minsk Peace Deal: Farce Or Sellout?
Does “Capitalism” Fully Explain the Ruthless Extraction and Consumption We Witness?
Understanding the Concept of African Solutions to African Problems
The Rise of the Consultant Governing Class
An Ever-More Fractured World: The Russia-China Relationship Contributes to Stabilizing The International Order. Peter Koenig
“An Existential Threat”. President Putin’s “Legal Case against NATO”. The Danger of Nuclear War
International Aid to Idlib, Syria Is Controlled by the Terrorists
Understanding Social Engineering
The West Severely Miscalculated the Geopolitical Ramifications of the War in Ukraine
RFK Jr :138 Companies Involved in COVID Vaccine. “They’re all military contractors.”
Moderna’s 2022 Windfall a ‘Scandalous’ Result of Pandemic Profiteering, Campaigners Say
Power and Primacy: A History of Western Intervention in the Asia-Pacific
Air Canada Launches Face Biometrics for Passenger ID
Alberta Government Deleted Data on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries, Canadian Children Are Now Dying Suddenly
Ohio East Palestine Disaster: Biden DOJ Backing Norfolk Southern’s Bid to Block Lawsuits
The Historical Origins and Essence of European Imperialism and Colonization
I Was a Prisoner in Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, But Who Is Its Biggest Captive?
When Biden Says ‘As Long As It Takes,’ What Does Ukraine Hear?
Toxic Ohio Train Derailment
The 1993 Bombing of the World Trade Center: The Betrayal 30 Years Later
Seven Things We Could Do If We Cut the Pentagon by $100 Billion
UK Anti-terror Outfit Warns Against Tolkien and Shakespeare
Global Research February Fundraising Drive: Endorse Peace Negotiations
Selected Articles: The Invisible Victims of the War in Ukraine
Civil Rights and the Transformation from Tenant to Mechanized Agriculture
mRNA Circulates at Least 28 Days After Injection
Tycoons and Oligarchs: Russia, Ukraine, NATO and the Warring Elites
Let’s Not Get Fooled Again. Since COVID Won’t be Our Last Pandemic, Here Are a Few Questions to Ponder Before the Next Wave Hits.
The Invisible Victims of the War in Ukraine
Canada’s Role in the US-NATO Attack on Syria for Regime Change
When I Covered Climate Change for Reuters I Thought CO2 Was to Blame for Rising Temperatures. I Was Wrong
UN Report: ‘Avoid Speculation’ About Responsibility for 2022 Nord Stream Pipeline Incident, Official Urges Security Council, Stressing United Nations Cannot Verify Claims