United States

Secret COINTELPRO Plot to Infiltrate and Destroy the American Indian Movement: “We Wanted Them to Kill Each Other”—FBI Agent Admits After Five Decades of Silence
Dubai Superlatives: The Power of Excessive Wealth
Things to Learn from Daniel Ellsberg
Pathetic: New York Times “Twisted Fairy Tale”: Ukraine Bombed the Nord Stream Pipeline
Lula Is Meddling in Nicaragua at Biden’s Behest
Fiji’s Pacific Ways: Troubles in Paradise
COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Psychosis – 13 Cases of Post-Vaccine Psychosis, Mania & Suicide Attempts That Will Shock You.
Women’s Rights and the Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
“War is a Killing Machine”: The Shameless Sensationalising of Pain. Media and Ukraine
“The mRNA Vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but Outright Dangerous.”
Women Don’t Let Women Drive War: Feminists Say Fire Nuland
U.S. is Trying to “Hijack” Forthcoming G20 Meeting in India
Women’s Day 2023: Mainstream Media Islamophobia and Women’s Rights in Muslim Countries
Pandemic Treaty Will Usher in Unelected One World Government
The Right to be Let Alone: When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business
On International Women’s Day 2021: Palestinian Women on the Front Lines of the Liberation Struggle
Why the Body Attacks Itself After COVID-19 Vaccination
Women’s Rights in Afghanistan “Before And After” America’s Criminal Military Agenda
Virgin Australia Flight from Adelaide to Perth Forced to Make Emergency Landing as First Officer Suffered Heart Attack 30 Minutes After Departure on March 3, 2023
Wanting War over Taiwan: Australia’s Gang of Five
21-Year Old Twitch Star Kyedae Shymko Was Diagnosed with Leukemia – A Blood Cancer That Is Skyrocketing Among Children & Young Adults
Gracias a Dios: La Iglesia del pueblo nicaragüense
Is US-NATO on a Collision Course with Russia? The Kremlin’s New Deterrence Strategy
Covid Propaganda Roundup: The Lies, Distortions and Abuses
U.S Secretary of State Blinken Concedes War Is Lost?
Dr. Bassma Kodmani Died in Paris, and Syria Left in Ruins
Top Biden Officials Address Pro-War Rally Led by Ukrainian Nazi Supporters
Why Republicans Blew Their Big Opportunity to Win in 2024
In a Compromised Media Environment, Western Intelligence Agencies Escalate NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine Unchallenged
Imagine a World Without Smartphones
Public Statement by Indian People’s Movements, Trade Unions and Other Civil Society Groups on G20
The Heinous Instrumentalization of Human Rights Against Nicaragua
One of the World’s Largest Oil Corporations to Lead Climate Change Talks in 2023
Russian Aerospace Forces Failing in Ukraine? Moscow’s “State of the Art” Su-57 Aircraft
Standing Together – Resisting the New Normal
Sorry to Bother You But People Are Dying!
Young People Who Suffered Blood Clots and Amputations After COVID-19 Vaccination Are Being Lied to, and Media Uses Them to Lie to Us
The US and Her Fundamentalist Stooges Are the Main Human Rights Violators in Afghanistan
Victory Day: “World War II Never Ended”. Historical Analysis
Society Makes People Sick. “What is Truth, What is a Lie”?
Biden Administration Targets Senate Judiciary for Constitutional Demise
Peru and the People’s Defenses
Switzerland: Insanity – Leopards to Germany
Our World and How We Behave in It.
Türkiye-Suriye Depremi: Bu bir terör eylemi mi? Kanıt yok
Was the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria Man-made?
Syria Condemns Illegal Visit of Top US General. Biden Wants to Keep Troops in Country
Video: “Never Again Is Now Global”:. Never Give In – Never Give Up
Gracias a Dios: The People’s Church in Nicaragua
Does the Kremlin Want the Conflict in Ukraine to Spin Out of Control?
Putin Signed “Safe Conduct” for Joe Biden, One Return Przemysl Rail Pass, 24-hour Leave Pass for Kiev, in “Covert” Mission to Fool NYT, et al (And It Did)
Pilots and Flight Attendants Who Recently Had Cardiac Arrests In-flight and “Died Suddenly”…
Africa’s Food Crisis Caused by the West. 278 million Africans— One in Five —are Facing Hunger
On the Latest UN Human Rights Council Report on Nicaragua
Modus Operandi of Peruvian Lawfare
Did Serbia Send Weapons to Kiev Regime?
Top US General Reaffirms Occupation of Syria During Visit
Fish Killing Mania: Australia’s War Against the Common Carp
East Palestine’s “Containment Dam” Overflows
50,663 Dead and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions
Famine in Africa: Millions on the Verge of Starvation? What are the Causes?
Medical Researchers Willfully Blind to Future Risk of Cardiac Arrest After COVID-19 Vaccine Induce Myopericarditis
Western Duplicity and the War in Ukraine
The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming
The Battle for Our Grasslands and Livestock
How Social Networks Became a ‘Subsidiary’ of the FBI and CIA
Globalization and Russia-Africa Relations
First Child Death Due to Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Compensated. Taiwanese Girl 5-11 Years Old Died After Second Pfizer Jab. Government Awarded $115,000 to Family
Wars: The Cancelled History
Neo-Nazi Terrorists Invade Russia, Kill Civilians
India’s Education Market: The Next Neo-Colonial Frontier
China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis
Why Biden Snubbed China’s Ukraine Peace Plan
Video: Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Nord Stream: Mike Adams interviews Scott Ritter
Davos 2023: Fragmenting the World
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard. “Not One Inch Eastward”. What Was Agreed Between the Soviets and the West in 1990?
Çevresel Modifikasyon Teknikleri (ENMOD) ve Türkiye-Suriye Depremi: Uzman İnceleme Gerekli
Heirs of Rosalie Bertell? Her Significance for a Women’s Movement, in View of Today’s “New War Against All Life and Mother Earth Herself”
Neocons and the Ukraine Coup