United States

Afghanistan: Harm From Unexploded Ordnance Results in Death of Children: UNICEF
Singapore’s Position on Ukraine, “Business As Usual with Russia”, Realigns with ASEAN
“The Crisis of American National Power has Begun”. Col. Douglas Macgregor
Stephen Lendman – A Tribute to the “Most Prolific Journalist in Independent Media”
Misplaced Attacks on MP Andrew Bridgen’s Speech on the COVID Vaccine to the UK Parliament
Anti-war Protests in Deutschland and the Need to Change Course on Kiev
Understanding the International Rules-based Disorder
Women’s Rights in Modern Iran. A Study in Contrasts
Ukraine Receives Deliveries of German, British Tanks
West’s False Atrocity Stories Were Key to Justifying Iraq Invasion. Interviewing Scholar A. B. Abrams on New War Propaganda Research
Netanyahu Has Taken Israel to the Abyss. What Is His Exit Strategy?
International Criminal Court to Open Ukraine Office Following Putin Arrest Warrant
Art as Propaganda: The Message Embedded in Star Trek
Mass Psychosis: When Will We Free Ourselves From Toxic Propaganda, If Not Now?
COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries to the Liver
“Sexual Deviance” at the WHO? The “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” Project
US Politicians Urge Biden to Send Cluster Bombs to Kiev
UN Complicity in Terrorism – The Case of Nicaragua
„Das geht mich nichts an.“ Politische Verbrechen konnten ohne Widerspruch geschehen
Why Crashing Banks Will Usher in Digital Currency
Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL Service from Fort-de-France to Montreal, Airbus A321-200: Pilot Incapacitated In-flight on March 18th, 2023, Sixth Incident This Month
American Library Association Reports Record Number of Demands to Censor Library Books and Materials in 2022
AUKUS Nuclear Submarines: Accelerating the Sleepwalking to War with China
Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic Condemns US-NATO: International Law Died 24 Years Ago, but Serbian Spirit Was Not Broken
Video: “The Economic Iron Curtain”, The European Union is Part of America’s Hegemonic Project
“The Great Reset” and the Post-Capitalist Revolution
“It’s None of My Business”. Political Crimes Could Happen Without Opposition
Russia Deploys Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus: Escalation or Deterrence?
Video: King Charles III and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Agenda
US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm: It Will Take Years to Replenish Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Ecological Data Point to COVID-19 Vaccines as a Determinant of Increased All-Cause Mortality
US Is Stirring Up the Syrian Cauldron
You Will be Shocked by How Much Money Is Being Pulled Out of U.S. Banks, and Now the Biggest Bank in Germany Is in Trouble
Was Watergate a CIA Scheme to Remove President Nixon from Office?
Pacific Forces Wish List Seeks $3.5 Billion More Than Biden Budget
Bloody Artwork Protesting Prince Harry’s Afghan Kills to be Projected on London Landmark
US Tensions with Iran Reignite as Dollar’s Petro-Currency Status Under Threat
BRICS Surpasses G7 in PPP-Adjusted Global GDP. Scott Ritter
Commemorations of the Attack on Iraq March 20th and Libya March 19th Reaffirm that the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination Remains the Greatest Threat to International Peace on Our Planet
Pakistan: Is Washington Now Imran Khan’s Buddy?
40 Facts You Need to Know: The Real Story of “COVID”
Musk vs. Schwab at World Government Summit — Two Competing Visions for the Future
Contradictions in Russia-Africa Relations
Lesson of 1999 NATO Bombing of Serbia Ignored in the West
A Hazardous Decision: Supplying Ukraine with Depleted Uranium Shells
New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened
Carbon Footprint of Army Forest Fire Revealed
Free Will Trumps Determinism in Gulf Politics
Saudi-Iran Deal: Towards the De-Americanisation of the Middle East?
Today Serbia Marks 24 Years Since the Beginning of NATO Aggression
How They Convinced Trump to Implement the Covid Lock Down
The Georgian Protests: Another Chapter in the Color Revolution Playbook?
Video: US-China Relations and the Contradictions of America’s Hegemonic Project
The Most Undervalued Assets in Europe Are Now in Eastern Ukraine. Who Is the First to Benefit?
Canada’s Campaign to Demonize “All Things Chinese”
Video Interview with Singer Jessica Sutta (Former Pussycat Dolls Member): I Was Severely Injured by the Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca Is Receiving Death Threats from Kiev
Video: Towards WHO Totalitarianism? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, James Roguski and Matthew Ehret
Bankrupt Banks, Food Crisis, Mandatory Vaccine and Our Grim Future. “This Time, the Virus has Infected Money Itself”
How Bush and Blair Plotted War in Iraq: Read the Secret Memo in Full
The “Secret and Personal” 2002 Crawford-Iraq Memo to (Alleged War Criminal) Prime Minister Tony Blair
America’s Vulnerable Energy Security
“Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome
Toxic Fruit and Veggies: 75% of Produce Grown in the US Contains Toxic Pesticide Residue
Scientific Paper on Children, Wireless Technology, and Health Effects by Renowned Experts in Environmental Health
The Military-Intelligentsia Complex: How Higher Education Enables US Militarism
Why the Hell Is the US Occupying Syria?
Korea: A Brief History Explains Everything. Extensive U.S. War Crimes
Video: US Air Force Veteran Courageously Confronts Joe Biden Pointing to U.S. War Crimes in Iraq
Video. Donald Rumsfeld: The Toppling of Saddam Hussein Was Worth the Many Lives of Those Killed During and After the Iraq War
Warning! Silicon Valley Bank Collapse – A Prelude of Much Worse to Come? Derivatives: “Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction”.
Breaking: “Second Russia Offensive” (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf
Video: The UK Parliament Speech About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. Andrew Bridgen, M.P.
NATO’s Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Serbia in 1999: The War that Won’t End
“Global Hegemony”: America’s Grand Strategy in the Asia-Pacific
Narendra Modi’s Cricket Coup
Abu Ghraib Survivor: Taking the Hood Off 20 Years After Iraq War
Richard T. Perle’s 1996 “Clean Break” Report to Destroy Syria and Iraq
The Iraq War 20 Years Ago – No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. Jan Oberg
AUKUS, the Australian Labor Party, and Growing Dissent