United States

Remarkable German Peace Initiative Calls for Rapid Peace Negotiations
Hemorrhagic Strokes (Brain Bleeds) in Young People. Brain Blood Vessel Damage Caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein
Ricardo Delgado: The Content of the mRNA vaccine, “Kept Secret Like any Weapon of War.“
A Matter of Personal Hospitality: Buying the US Supreme Court
Two African American State Representatives Expelled by Tennessee Republican Majority
9/11 and the COVID-19 Hoax in the Transition to Governance by “Emergency Measures”
A Sad Friday in Jerusalem. Who gave the order to attack the worshippers inside the Al Aqsa Mosque?
Democracy or Apartheid: You Can’t Have Both
Video: Affecting Everyone: UN Official Reveals Dark Secrets
Faust Walks Out on Easter Morning
Xi, Macron informal meeting in Guangzhou
Disaster in Aston: Peter Dutton’s “Fossilized Australian Politics”
Out of the War as Long as We’re on Time. Manlio Dinucci
Modern Iran — A Study in Contrasts. Failed U.S. Sanctions Regime
Historic Russia-China Joint Declaration: Against US-NATO Escalation and Nuclear War. Manlio Dinucci
From Bill Gates to “The Great Refusal”: Farmers on the Frontline
The Strategies of Global Warfare: War with China and Russia? Washington’s Military Design in the Asia-Pacific
The Nord Stream Ghost Ship
Russia’s Geopolitical Games with Africa
Remembering the Irish Easter Uprising of 1916 against the British Empire? The Art of Obfuscation
Easter in Fallujah: US Military “Commemorates” Its Iraq Massacre. “Tell Them It’s the Sound of Freedom.”
The United Nations Is Being Used by the U.S. in Its Propaganda War Against Nicaragua
President Andrzej Duda Makes Polish Expansionism Clear After Meeting with Zelensky
The Assassination and Resurrection of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Fauci Quietly Begins Advising Mysterious Overseas ‘Anti-pandemic’ Bio Lab
Stoltenberg Outlines Two Basic Requirements for Ukraine’s Membership in NATO
The Factors of Soft Power’s Influence on Politics
“Don’t Talk About Nord Stream”: WaPo Report Further Demolishes Official Narrative
TikTok on Trial: The Latest Front in the U.S. Tech War on China
International Court of Justice (ICJ) Orders U.S. to Compensate Iran for Illegally Freezing Assets
Fox News Edits Out Trump Saying He Might’ve Let Russia ‘Take Over’ Parts of Ukraine
Depleted Uranium Accident File Censored
Why the US Fears Arab Normalisation with Syria
Americans Must Choose. Gen. Douglas MacGregor
US Sees in Finland’s NATO Accession Encirclement of Russia
Trump’s Arrest Could Backfire, As His Popularity Grows
Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Gene Therapy Is Coming to the Food Supply This Month
The Restitution of Poland’s “Borderlands”?: Ukraine in the EU, “Polish-Ukrainian Federation” and the Issue of Restitution
How the U.S. Is Trying to Force China to Break with Russia
The Heat: China-France Ties
De-Dollarization: The Death Knell for US Hegemony?
16-Year Old California Boy’s Immune System Was Destroyed by Three COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. Reactivated EBV Post COVID-19 Vaccination Can be Fatal
India-Malaysia to Trade in Rupees Bypassing US Dollar
F-35 Readiness Rates Get in Way of NATO War Planning
Why The Deep State Wants to Get Rid of Donald Trump
French Pension Protesters Storm Paris BlackRock Headquarters
The Philippines as Springboard for US War on China
How Sincere Is the US Inflation Reduction Act for the EU?
Lula se entromete en Nicaragua bajo el paraguas de Biden
Possession Is Nine Tenths of Your Soul
Última hora: “Segunda ofensiva de Rusia”: Vladimir afila la cuchilla; Volodymyr engorda el ternero
¿Hasta qué punto es peligrosa la “amistad” entre Putin y Xi?
Philippines Joins Washington’s Containment Policy of China
GMO’s Are Now Called Bioengineered in the USA: Why This Matters
Zelensky’s Latest Trip to Poland Was Super Significant
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Running for President in 2024
Regime Changed, System Remains in Place in Montenegro
Australia: Executive Donkeys and War Powers Reform
Canada Must Condemn, Sanction Brutal Israeli Attack on Al-Aqsa Worshippers
Taiwan Leader Set to Meet US House Speaker Despite China Warning
So the Russian Incursion in Ukraine Was “Unprovoked”, Eh?
Twitter Thread Expertly Dissects Millennial/Gen Z Psychology
Urgent Threats to Peace for Humanity in the 21st Century
Vatican Renounces Euro-supremacist “Doctrine of Discovery”
A Most Perfect Genocide
US Announces $2.6 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine
German Leftist Lawmaker Says U.S. Soldiers and Nukes Must Leave Her Country
UN and Orthodox Prelates Condemn Zelensky’s Moves to Evict Monks, Seize Churches in Ukraine
20 Years After Iraq: No Accountability and No Lessons Learned
As China Embraces Russia, the Western Narrative Needs a Rethink
The Meeting Between Lula’s Chief Foreign Policy Advisor & President Putin Was Very Important
“The Big Powers are Worried”. Iran’s Military Technologies for Defense
NATO Expansionism in Scandinavia Helps America, But Puts Finland in Line of Fire
The “Psychological War” Behind Ukrainian Frontlines
U.S. Gun Violence during the Covid Crisis: Teenage Deaths and Injuries Increased by 64.8%
Detroit Activists Battle Bailiffs in Defense of the Tiny Home of Taura Brown
What Trump’s Indictment Means
Bridge of Peace and Prosperity Proposed From the Arab World to Syria
Japan Ignoring Price Cap, Paying 16% More for Russian Oil
Martin Luther King, April 4, 1967: “This Madness Must Cease”. The U.S. is “The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today.”