United States

The End of American “Exceptionalism”?
More Unanswered Red Flags Regarding Jack Texeira and the Pentagon Leaks
US Occupation, QSD Militia Continue Plundering Syrian Antiquities in Al-Jazeera and Raqaa
Spurring an Endless Arms Race
Diplomacy for Peace, Dead in US, Blossoms Elsewhere
Is the War in Yemen Coming to an End?
BRICS Bank De-dollarizing, Promises 30% of Loans in Local Currencies, New Chief Dilma Rousseff Says
Will the End of the Petrodollar End the US Empire?
Ramsey Clark to Barack Obama: Stop the War in Ukraine! “Peaceful Coexistence” between Russia and America is the Answer
Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story. Full Documentary by Oliver Stone (Original English Version)
US Treasury Secretary Acknowledges Sanctions on Russia Contributes to De-dollarisation
Video: “The Next Pandemic”: Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, et al.: “They’re Psychopaths.”
Canadians Are Organizing a Citizen-Led Inquiry to Seek Accountability for COVID Crimes
Struggle for Power and Control in Sudan May Lead to Civil War
A Road Paved with Irritations: Macron’s Strategic Third Way
How the “Woke Left” Is Destroying Education
Nicaragua 2018 – The Triumph of a Sovereign Future
China’s Nuclear Supercarrier Vision Coming Into View
“New York City Spring 2020: Investigating the COVID Epicenter”
World Economic Forum: The Global Shadow Elite
Fatal Shooting at Kenya Flower Farm, World’s Largest Rose Grower
Novel Vaccine Technologies in Veterinary Medicine: A Herald to Human Medicine Vaccines
COVID and Free Speech in the High Court
¿Qué dicen los rusos sobre la filtración de la inteligencia estadounidense?
Rusia-China, amistad sin fronteras
Los BRICS ponen en jaque la hegemonía del dólar
Capitol January 6, 2021: At Least 50 Undercover Officers and Informants Monitored Proud Boys and Crowds, New Court Filing Says
Russia’s Investigations About US Biolabs in Ukraine
How NATO States Sponsored ICC Prosecutor’s Putin Arrest Warrant
The 21-year Old Leaker — Something Is Not Right
Corona Wars Have Exposed Institutional Corruption: The Fulcrum of Autonomy in a Brave New World of Healthcare
History: The Origins of the Polish-Ukrainian Conflict: West Ukraine and Greater Poland
Canadian Hero, Former Ontario MPP and Whistleblower Randy Hillier
The Pentagon Leaks Charade
Video: Dangerous Ukrainian Grain Flooding Europe
Substack: Dead Man Walking
The Israeli Attack on South Lebanon and Al Aqsa Crisis
From Europe to the Indo-Pacific, Italy at Arms. Manlio Dinucci
U.S. Approves First Three COVID Vaccine Injury Claims — And Pays Out a Total of $4,634.89
Sudan’s “Deep State” War Could Have Far-Reaching Geostrategic Consequences If It Continues
The Leaking Republic: The Pentagon’s Take on Information Security
Not Smart Enough! US Smart Bombs ‘Punctured’ by Russian EW Attacks; Intel Report Says JDAMs Fizzling Out
Experts Fear Future AI Could Cause ‘Nuclear-Level Catastrophe’
The IMF Has Just Unveiled a New Global Currency Known as the “Universal Monetary Unit” That Is Supposed to Revolutionize the World Economy
OPEC: Saudis Aren’t Afraid of the US Anymore
Brazil’s Abstention from 2014’s UNGA Vote on Ukraine Proves That Lula Changed the PT’s Policy
What the American People Must Know About the Sensationalist Arraignment of Former President Donald Trump
Review of EO Film: Three Hooves Up in High Heaven. Films Featuring Animals as Protagonists
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): A Threat to Civilization and Humanity?
Bill Gates Granted Authority to Buy 2100 More Acres of North Dakota Farmland
‘Horrific’ Explosion and Fire Kill 18,000 Cattle in Texas
Davos WEF is Promoting Impossible Zero Carbon Green Agenda
I met the Florida governor years ago. My 14 Years Detention at Guantanamo
How the BBC Lost Its Way on COVID
“Humanity Must Adopt the Results of Psychological Research in Order to Create a Life Worthy of Human Beings.”
Beware the Agents of Chaos
African American Tennessee Lawmakers Reinstated to State House by Local Authorities
Mass Murder: Our Wounded Humanity
Gateway to Nowhere. The One World Order Privatization of Amazonia. Greed for Power and Money
Por qué los medios no quieren saber la verdad sobre las explosiones de Nord Stream
EE.UU. vs. México: los republicanos se unen detrás de la guerra más estúpida posible
US Ignorance: The Geopolitics of India-China Relations and Delhi’s “Balancing Act” in the New Cold War
Video: The Merger of the E.U. and NATO: An Economic Dagger Aimed at the Heart of Russia?
Glasgow Against NATO
The Unmasking of the “Pentagon Leak” that Won’t Go Away
Pentagon “Leak” Theatrics Continue as US Finds Scapegoat. FBI Arrests “Alleged Perpetrator”
Trading with the Enemy. Seymour Hersh
The Privatization of War: U.S. Defense Contractors Plan Trip to Taiwan
Kiev Reconsidering Idea of “Reconquesting” Crimea
America’s Children Are Facing Unprecedented Epidemics! 54% of US Youth Are Chronically Ill.
Russia’s Gasoline Exports Jump as African Buyers Replace Europe
Young Pilot Phil Thomas Died Suddenly. At Least Three Pilot Deaths, Seven Pilot Incapacitations in Past Month.
Republicans Rally Behind the Stupidest Possible War
Disgrace of the “Democratic Left”: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Does not Want to “Offend the Neocons”
Why the Media Don’t Want to Know the Truth About the Nord Stream Blasts
What Are the Russians Saying About the Intelligence Leak in the USA?
Video: Ukraine War. Russian Forces Deployed to Conquer Bakhmut. Fighting is Ongoing
The Cobalt-Lithium Gold Rush and the East Palestine Disaster. Hazardous Materials, A Litany of Anomalies
Video: The Controversial Leaked Documents, What’s the Truth? Judge Napolitano with Former CIA Officer Larry Johnson
Exposing the Climate Racket: The Latest IPCC Report