United States

US Targets Wagner Group Over Gold Smuggling in Africa, UAE Firm Sanctioned
U.S. Intelligence Agencies Advance Disinformation About Chinese Spy Base in Cuba to Gain Support for Cruel Embargo Costing Cubans $455 Million Per Month
Despite Cancelling Attempts, Dimitri Lascaris’s Canada-Wide Tour for Peace Continues
All Aboard the Gravy Train: An Independent Audit of US Funding for Ukraine
The Damage to Ukraine is Devastating: “What are the working-class people of Ukraine dying for?” MEP Mick Wallace
Two in Three Americans Are Concerned About Biden’s Mental and Physical Health
“Diplomatic relations with Syria should be restored and sanctions lifted”: Interview with Gunnar Lindemann, German Parliament Member
Fighting Continues in Sudan as Humanitarian Crisis Worsens
Nursing Students, Pharmacy Students, Medical Students Are Dying Suddenly. Ongoing Consequences of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Mandates
Selected Articles: The COVID Jab. Maybe There’s Hope After All?
El Nuevo Consenso de Washington
“Much Ado About Corona”: Rewriting the COVID Narrative. 
An Unredacted Interview with Novelist John C. A. Manley
A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
Military Equipment Sent to Ukraine: An Avalanche of Weaponry.”Let’s Feed Them (Iranian) Shahed Drones”
The Covid Jab. Maybe There’s Hope After All?
Documentary: Behind Closed Doors. “How West Encourages Global Corruption”
Sea Monsters Threaten the World with Their Tridents. Eduard Curtin
Ukraine Forces’ Suicidal Attacks: Staggering Losses and Casualties
Pandemic Leaders Were Biodefense Puppets and Profiteers
How the Flu “Disappeared” During the COVID Era
Putin “Shoots Himself in the Head”? Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Russia Investigating if Western Spy Agencies Were Involved in Wagner Mutiny: Lavrov
Russo-Ukrainian War: The Wagner Uprising
Pending U.S. Congressional Resolutions to Initiate WW III
Babbling About Prigozhin
School Buses and City Buses Crashing: COVID-19 Vaccinated Drivers Are Having Medical Emergencies Behind the Wheel, Risking Many Lives!
Who Is National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Why He Should Debate RFK Jr.
NATO’s Article 5 Does Not Override Congress’s War Powers
Is USA Defense Spending Closer to 1,400 Billion Dollars?
How Daniel Ellsberg Exposed the U.S. War Machine and Became a Top Enemy of Empire
Dark History: How the US Experimented on Its Own People
Two Shipwrecks Reveal the State of the World
The Crimes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Four Senators Ask Biden to Clear Oppenheimer’s Name
The Influence of Christian Zionism on the 1947 Establishment of the State of Israel
No More Astana Peace Talks for Syria
Deep State Groomers Recruit Mentally Handicapped Teenager to Become a Jihadist
Polish-German Dispute on the Rise
Ten Factors Which Could Lead to the Ukraine Proxy Conflict Becoming a Direct War Between Russia and America
Canadian Wildfires and Arson
La gestión china de su sector financiero
The 1998 Bombings of Two U.S. Embassies in Africa: “Terrorism, Betrayal and Resilience” by Prudence Bushnell
Africa’s Contradictory Peace Initiative on Russia-Ukraine Crisis
‘Criminal’: Confidential EU Documents Reveal Thousands of Deaths From Pfizer-BioNTech Shots
America’s $886 Billion Military Budget. No Money for Student Loans and Poverty Alleviation
Ukraine War: It Worked Perfectly for Russia
Video: “Crimes Against Syria” Produced by Mark Taliano
Biden and Modi: Unlimited Hypocrisy
Preparing for a False Flag? Why Are NATO ISR and Heavy Weapons in South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant?
U.S. Is Arming Taiwan. What About China’s Spy Base in Cuba?
Ukraine’s Accusations Against Moscow About the ZNPP Nuclear Power Plant: Preparation for False Flag?
Increasing Urgency of Unconditional Ceasefire in Ukraine Conflict to Avoid Nuclear War
Medical Journals Are Being Deleted. Dr. Scott Jensen
West’s Predictions About Coup in Russia Proved Wrong
Lessons in Freedom: Agroecology, Localisation and Food Sovereignty
Young Drivers (COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated) Are Having Medical Emergencies and Crashing While Driving
Has Erdogan Fallen Into a Deadly Trap? Who Controls Turkey’s Economy?
Hungary Could Block EU Plans to Increase Arms Funds for Ukraine by €3.5 Billion
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Destroy Your Immune System. Cleveland Clinic Proved It, But Negative Vaccine Efficacy Was Known as Early as Dec. 2021
The “Korean Solution” for Europe. Create a “Military Demarcation Line” in the EU, Put Ukraine under the Tutelage of Poland . Manlio Dinucci
The “Russian Coup” that Wasn’t
El fentanilo, otra excusa para el intervencionismo de EE.UU.
Dangers of Coalescing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digitization, 5G Ultra-Microwaves and “The Great Reset”, Alias “Agenda 2030”
CIA and US Special Forces Raids. Globalization and the Geopolitics of Oil
Two U.S. Senators Propose Nuclear War Against Russia
Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid, “Global Financial Giant”
Prigozhin’s Wagner PMC Gambit: Failed “Moscow Maidan”? Scott Ritter
Creating Havoc in Moscow: Wagner’s PMC “Short-Lived” Rebellion against Putin. Who Was Behind It?
Prigozhin’s Wagner PMC Rebellion against Vladimir Putin. How it All Started
Video: The Wagner Group Insurgency Directed against President Putin. Scott Ritter
PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination
Guerra, moneda digital y despoblación: ¿Desastre en ciernes?
Why US Plan for Localized Russia-Ukraine Nuclear War Doomed to Fail
Gentlemanly Advice About Murder. “The Thing about Money is that When you have It you Want More”
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: “AI Will Enable Some People to Control the World”
¿Puede la sección europea de la Tríada liberarse de la Alianza Atlántica?
Historical Analysis of the Global Elites: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing’
Cancer Taking Off ‘Like Wildfire’: Unsettling Insights from Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole
41-Year-Old Model and Hollywood Actress Katerina Pavelek Ended Her Life at an Assisted Suicide Clinic in Basel, Switzerland in June 2023, Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Injuries (ME, CFS, ALS)
Biden Administration Should Remove Border Walls, Keep Wildlife Corridors Open Along U.S.-Mexico Border
Trump Boasts He Wanted to Take Venezuela’s Oil After Overthrowing Its Government