United States

Fifty Years Since the Chilean Coup of September 11, 1973
9/11 Explosive Evidence. Experts Speak Out
9/11 and “The Unspeakable”: Award Winning Actor William Hurt: “It took me a long time to face what I knew to be true about 9/11”
The “Global War on Terrorism”. “The Process that Set September 11 in Motion”: Manlio Dinucci
Video: Is the European Union a “Colony of America”? Enforcing an “Economic Iron Curtain” with Russia: Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett
What Does G20 Stand for? “Counterbalance”, “Emerging NWO”, “Global Economic Architecture” …
Commemorating 9/11: “Forewarnings”, Bush Administration was Spreading Rumors “Prior to 9-11”: Michael C. Ruppert
History: Worsening Relations in the German Empire. In the Wake of the Franco-Prussian War (1871)
The Criminal Insanity of Climate Change: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Create Forest and Bush Fires, Destroying Entire Cities and Igniting Boats in the Sea.
“Russia needs Turkey, Turkey needs Russia.”The Putin-Erdogan “Geopolitical Swing” in Sochi?
Turbo Cancer: Teachers Are Being Decimated by Aggressive and Metastatic Cancers After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Mandates
Three Reasons: Something Sinister with the Big Push for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
US Hosting ‘Open Secret’ Military Exercises with Taiwan
Turkey and France Are Unfriendly Neighbors in the Mediterranean Region
Educating the US Imperium: Australia’s Mission for Assange
22 Years of Drone Warfare and No End in Sight
Canada’s NDP Has Been Co-opted by Western Imperialism
The Myth of NATO as a Defensive Alliance
Watchdog: Cluster Bomb Deaths in Ukraine Are Highest in the World
Lessons from Japan’s 1923 Great Kantō Earthquake: Spread of Misinformation Would Lead to Violence and Unrest
Do Vaccines Cause Autism? The Evidence Against Vaccine Safety
Criminalizing Activism in Australia: Fossil Fuel, Protest and Climate Change
Kiev Regime: “Extend” Attacks against the “Undisputed Territories” of the Russian Federation
“The Global Corona War”: Questioning the Unquestionable, Why and What Do We Need to Know?
Is the Almighty US Dollar About to Take a Fall?
The Truth of January 6, 2021 Reveals “Constitutional Failures”
Bombshell: Hurricane Idalia, Electric Vehicles Catch Fire in Florida After Being Exposed to Saltwater
Is CIA Director Bill Burns a Biden Yes-Man, a Putin Apologist or a Peacemaker?
COVID Warlord Anthony Fauci Jibber-Jabbers Incoherently About Forced-Masking on CNN
The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to Lockdown the Nation
US Special Operations Command Will Deploy Argus AI Program to Scour Social Media for Disinformation, Misinformation and Malinformation, National Security Authority to Protect U.S. Internet from “Pain Points”
Commemorating September 11, 1973: Britain Secretly Helped Chile’s Military Intelligence After Pinochet Coup
Pfizer Records Reveal 23-Person Study of COVID Vaccine Booster Safety and Effectiveness Before Approval
A Comprehensive Ukrainian Defeat Is the Only Possible Outcome of Its Conflict with Russia. Scott Ritter
The Collective West vs. Russia: Towards the End of a Pax Americana?
9/11 Unanswered Questions: Mysterious September 11, 2001 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill
Chile and the U.S: Declassified Documents Relating to the Military Coup, September 11, 1973
COVID-19 Vaccine and Booster Hesitancy: How Do mRNA Vaccine Con-artists and Big Pharma Drug Pushers View Those Who Don’t Want Their Toxic Products Anymore?
G20 Anticipating New Dawn with African Union
The Unanswered Questions of 9/11
The Late Graeme MacQueen and 9/11: In his Own Words.
On the Future of Manufactured Pandemics: Origins of COVID-19, the U.S. Military’s Bioweapons Program, Global Vaccine Resistance
The West’s Sanctions Hypocrisy: Russia’s Import Substitution Programme. Sanctions Backfire
The Japan-ROK-U.S. Summit: Destructive Trilateral Military Alliance. “Expressway to the East-West War”
U.S. War Crimes against the People of Japan: Emanuel Pastreich
Fitness Enthusiasts Are Dying Suddenly. 16 Sudden Deaths Examined
The Korean War Continues with Biden’s Renewal of Travel Ban to North Korea
Polish Anti-War Debates: Criticism of Kiev Regime or NATO, Punishable with Prison Sentence
Where Did the Money Go? $280 Billion in Lost COVID Relief Spending. “U.S. Government Working to Account for $4 trillion in COVID-19 Spending”.
G20: Last Waltz in a World Torn Apart
China Bans Sale of Japanese Seafood Due to Fukushima Radiation Contamination. Tokyo to File Appeal at WTO
US Military Must Remove Fuel from Massive Red Hill Underground Fuel Tanks
‘Our Major Interest is Copper’: Britain Backed Pinochet’s Bloody Coup in Chile
Taiwan Troops Joined Michigan Drills: Report
Video: Pilot Tim McAdams, Aged 59, Had Two Cerebellar Strokes Three Weeks After Second Pfizer Shot
The Betrayal, Arrest and 27-Year Imprisonment of Nelson Mandela: CIA Still Refuses to Declassify Documents Exposing Its Responsibility
Docs Offer Glimpse Inside “Censorship Industrial Complex”
Ukrainian Crews Complete Abrams Tank Training: U.S. Pledges Depleted Uranium Shells for Offensive
Canada Complicit with Israel’s Annexation of East Jerusalem
Boiling Frogs Towards Nuclear Armageddon?
Fire Did Not Cause 3rd Tower’s Collapse on 9/11, New Study Finds
Chile, September 11, 1973: The Horrors of ‘the First 9/11’ Are Routinely Overlooked
Another Official 9/11 Big Lie Exposed — Again
9/11 Truth: Why Do Good People Become Silent About the Documented Facts that Disprove the Official 9/11 Narrative
Space Junk in Earth Orbit and on the Moon Will Increase with Future Missions − But Nobody’s in Charge of Cleaning It Up
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI, The Past of Homo Sapiens?
Video: Defying State-Driven Medical Censorship
Defriending Canada: Natural Disasters and Facebook’s Information Scrub
Russia and BRICS Counter-Terrorism Projects: Moscow Remembers “The Beslan Terrorist Attack” in Northern Ossetia
Are Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) and HAARP Experiments Being Ratcheted Up Worldwide?
Discredit COVID Vaccine Sceptics as “Mentally Ill”
The U.S. Is Not “Overtaking China”: “Industrialization isn’t coming back big-time for the USA”.
Spike Protein in the Blood of the COVID-19 Vaccinated. New Study: Do 50% of Pfizer and Moderna Vaxxed Produce Spike Protein Forever?
More Banks to Fail? Not in North Dakota
Wikipedia Is an Information Warfare Tool. Hijacked by U.S. Intelligence
9/11 and the War on Afghanistan: America’s Neocolonial Drug Trafficking and the British Empire
The United States, Canada and the Uprising in Peru
Video: 9/11 and the Global War on Terrorism
Who’s Behind “Ban Robert F. Kennedy, Jr”?
September 2001 Interview with Osama bin Laden. Categorically Denies his Involvement in 9/11