United States

The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft
And the Winner Is… COVID Vaccines! Nobel Prize for Medicine Goes to US Scientist and Hungarian Peer Who Helped Create Game-changing mRNA Jabs
Russian-Latin American Parliamentarians Share Thoughts on Geopolitical Situation and Economic Cooperation
How Soviet-era Doctrine and Weapons Trump American Warfighting
The Delusional Climate Countdown – A Holistic Appraisal of Real Climate Change
An Impersonal Bureaucratic God: The Coronavirus Epoch in its Fourth Year. Emanuel Garcia
¿No deberían Reino Unido y Francia renunciar a sus puestos permanentes en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU?
Saudi-Israel Normalisation: The Grand Illusion
How a CBDC Created Chaos and Poverty in Nigeria
Biden Has Relaunched Reagan’s Murderous War Against Nicaraguan Democracy–How Many Is He Willing to Kill to Win?
“A National Crime: The Canadian Government and the Residential School Systems”. John S. Malloy
No Jab. No Education? Lockdowns and QR codes Worldwide. Big Pharma’s Stranglehold on Schools
Flagging Support: Zelenskyy Loses Favour in Washington
Nagorno-Karabakh Separatist Republic Ceases to Exist
Bombshell. Pfizer “Confidential” Report: Vaccine Only Has 1,291 Side Effects!
hamas militants globalresearch.ca
Hamas Created by Israel and Recognised by Council of Europe. Rodney Atkinson
Hollywood 1940s Pro-Soviet Movies: “Social Realism Cinema in America”
The CIA’s “Information War” is Now Globalized?
The History of Nazism in Ukraine: The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), 1917-1941
Delta Flight DL-291 (CDG-LAX): Pilot Became Incapacitated, Was Taken to Cabin for Care
Cruel Prerogatives: U.K. Home Secretary Braverman “Kills the Foundations of Refugee Protection”
The Nazi-Ukrainian Reich of Canada
The 1982 “Coup de Force” of the Federal Government Against Quebec Has Made Quebec a De Facto Domestic Colony
Profits über Alles! American Corporations and Hitler
History: The Conviction of the “Bookkeeper Of Auschwitz”. “Complicity in the Deaths of 300,000 Holocaust Victims”
U.S. Responsible for Coups Worldwide
The Nuremberg Doctors Trial and Modern Medicine’s Panic Promotion of the FDA’s Experimental and Unapproved COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
The War is Ending, and Canada Lauds a Nazi as a Ukrainian Hero. Scott Ritter
A Nazi on Parliament Hill Is an Antidote to Self-Righteousness
Meat from Animals Vaccinated with mRNA Vaccines May Soon Make Its Way Into the US Food Supply
Vaccines Grown in Lettuce? Rep. Massie Asks House to Bar FDA, USDA From Funding Transgenic Edible Vaccines
Israel Threatened to Launch Nuclear War on Iran – UN Envoy
Canada’s Morally Bankrupt, “Nazi-Supporting Politicians”. “Nazism Deeply Embedded in Ukraine Regime”
Gallbladder Cancer: Why Are COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Getting These Types of Turbo Cancers?
China Surpassed US in High-Quality Natural-Science Research in 2022
India Won’t be Bullied in Multipolar Setting
Video: “Turning edible plants into mRNA vaccine factories…” Rep. Thomas Massie
Iran Indicts Four US Presidents Over Their Support for Shady Royalist Group
The Media Are Targeting the Public for a War with China
Human-Like A.I. Is Deceptive and Dangerous
US-backed Kurdish Militia Imposes Curfew in Eastern Syria, Following Clashes with Another US-backed Militia
Video: Synthetic Biology, 5G Activation, Scary New Human “Hybridization Technologies”. Celeste Solum
Kiev Producing Weapons Abroad
U.S. Claims to Central Pacific Flout International Law
Hungarian Patience with Ukraine Running Out
“It’s Not Socialism”: China is a Capitalist Cheap Labour Economy, Based on Exceedingly Low Wages
Rusia, la OTAN y una nueva crisis en el Cáucaso
Al Qaeda and Guantanamo: I Was the Only U.S. Official Imprisoned Over the CIA Torture Program — Because I Opposed It. John Kiriakou
Video: Trudeau Urged to ‘Resign’ After House Speaker ‘Took the Fall’ Over Nazi Scandal
“Medical Gaslighting”: Why Are Vaccine-Injured Patients Silenced?
“Palestine is Entirely Wiped Out”: Netanyahu’s Skewed Map of Israel Includes the West Bank and Gaza
History of the Balkans: Greece and Macedonia (1913-1993)
COVID mRNA Injury Series: Vaginal Bleeding After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
“It’s Not Coming; It’s Already Here.” CBDCs Can be Used to Freeze Your Bank Accounts
Trump’s Second Presidency Would be “Hell” for Europe and Kiev, Says Top French Newspaper
Canada’s Honoring of Nazi Vet Exposes Ottawa’s Longstanding Ukraine Policy
North Korea Warns US Has World on Brink of Nuclear War
UK and Israel: Has the Fightback Against Weaponised Antisemitism Begun?
Canada Launches UN Declaration Targeting Online ‘Disinformation’
How Canada Emerged as a Haven for Ukrainian SS “Galicia Division” Veterans and Other Nazi Accomplices and War Criminals
Files Expose Syrian ‘Revolution’ as Western Regime Change Operation
Imran Who? The Risky Shift in UK Policy Towards Pakistan
A Rough Diplomatic Week for Ukraine
Which Nations Want to Cut Ties with the British Monarchy?
Video: National Citizen’s Inquiry – Alberta Government Deleted COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury and Death data. Dr. William Makis
Pilot Incapacitations And Deaths in August-September 2023
A Vote for Kennedy Is a Vote for Peace with China
Global Leaders Plead for Peace in Ukraine at UN
Unexpected Vaginal Bleeding and COVID-19 Vaccination in Nonmenstruating Women
Sanciones, guerras no declaradas
Latest Poll Shows Trump Up 10 Points Over Biden for 2024 Election
Slouching Towards “Beelzebub”. The White House, NIH, CDC, Were Fully Aware that the “Miraculous” Pfizer mRNA Covid Vaccine Resulted in Myocarditis and Blood Clotting
56-year-old Australian Dr. Richard Scolyer Was Diagnosed with Worst Possible Brain Turbo Cancer. He’s Now Receiving World’s First mRNA Cancer Vaccine to Treat mRNA Turbo Cancer
Israel-Saudi Arabia: Netanyahu Promotes Normalisation with New Map Erasing Palestine
‘Republicans for Ukraine’ Ad Says Ukraine War Is Good Because It ‘Weakens Russia’
Australia’s Aboriginal Peoples Are Entitled to A “Special Voice” to its Parliament
Russia-Ukraine Crisis: Can Multipolar BRICS-11 Ensure Global Peace and Stability?
U.K. Kept Lobbying for Somaliland Amid Civil War. Role of British M.P. Gavin Williamson
France Recalls Diplomats from Niger Ahead of Troop Withdrawal
Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Possible FBI Obstruction of Hunter Biden Investigation