United States

Video: Israel’s Genocide on Gaza. Abby Martin and Rania Khalek
US Secretly Expands Classified Military Base in Occupied Territories: Report
COVID-19 Vaccine and Myocarditis: New October 2023 Papers Raise Serious Concerns! The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Regarding Novavax “2023-2024 Formulation”
People of the World: Stop the Israeli Murder in Gaza
March 9, 2022: Biden Signed the Death Warrant on American Freedom. The Digital Takeover of the Financial System
Israel-Palestine: Urgent Call for an Immediate Ceasefire by All Parties to End Unprecedented Civilian Suffering
10 Questions for US Media Covering Gaza War. Ralph Nader
‘What’s in a name?’ A Lot, Say Children in Gaza Who Mark Body Parts for Identification
U.S. Quietly Expands Secret Military Base in Israel
More Children Killed in Gaza Since October 7 Than Killed Yearly Since 2019
Estados Unidos – La sombra de Monroe
Israel’s Terrifying Arsenal of Robot Weaponry: How AI-powered Turrets, Remote-control Boats and Unmanned Attack Bots Will be Used as the IDF Prepares for a Full-scale Ground Invasion of Gaza
Pro-Israel War Propaganda and Censorship
The Afterlife: A Trick or a Treat? Halloween Celebrations Past and Present
Cold Blooded Killers and Their Cheerleaders. Craig Murray
Israel-Palestine War: Israel Plans to Flood Hamas Tunnels with Nerve Gas, Source Says
Red Cross Says Situation in Gaza ‘Catastrophic’ as Fuel Lack Turns Hospitals Into Graves
Thou Shalt Not Kill. Dennis Kucinich
An All-out War May Have Just Begun in the Middle East
Biden’s Bungles Over Gaza
Israel-Palestine War: Settlers Threaten West Bank Children with Bloody Dolls
Widening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Yellow Journalism Stoking Potential War on Iran
Israel’s Gaza War: “Situation is Now Catastrophic”. “Nakba is Ongoing”
Estados Unidos contra la comunidad internacional
From Auschwitz to Gaza: The History of Mass Murder and Genocide
Gaza vs. Dresden, The February 1945 Dresden Fire Bombing: Allied War Crime Prelude to the Cold War
Large Scale U.S. Military Buildup in the Middle East: Is America Preparing to Launch World War III?
Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself
Palestina, una ocupación desde la oligarquía de Occidente
Israel’s 9/11: The War Waged Far Away from the “Only Democratic Country in the Middle East.” The GRNH with Michael Welch
Fin al veto imperial en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU
“Ten-fold Increase in Cardiac Arrests among European Athletes since Rollout of COVID-19 Vaccines”. Arm Pain with COVID-19 Vaccination
8-Year-Old Israeli ‘Poster Child’ for COVID Vaccines Dies of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Dangerous Crossroads: Russia Tests Its Nuclear Triad for Massive Response Capability
Fast Food Loaded with Antibiotics, Hormones, Heavy Metals, but Few Nutrients
Four Professional International Cyclists Forced to Retire Due to “Cardiac Issues.” Many Amateur Cyclists Dying Suddenly
Will the United Nations Firmly Acknowledge “Israel’s Criminal Agenda” Against the People of Palestine? Statement of UNSG Antonio Guterres
Israel Kills Al-Jazeera Correspondent’s Family Days After Blinken Demands the Channel’s Coverage be ‘Toned Down’
In Hours of Israel-Gaza Crisis Coverage, a Word You’ll Seldom Hear: ‘Ceasefire’
Jolly Little Wars. US President Joe Biden Has Declared Himself a ‘War President’
Israel ‘Deliberately Targets’ Bakeries to Inflict ‘Largest Amount of Casualties’
Western Militaries’ Growing Role in Israel’s Gaza Campaign: U.S. Marine Generals and Special Ops. on the Ground as France Advocates Coalition Involvement
International Criminal Court’s Response to Palestine, Ukraine Raises Impartiality, Political Influence Concerns: Experts
Israel’s Long-Held Plan to Drive Gaza’s People Into Sinai Is Now Within Reach
By Calling for an “Anti-Hamas Coalition”, Macron Could Provoke an All-out War
Israel-Palestine War: All I Held Dear Now Lies Under the Rubble
Zionist Think Tank Publishes Blueprint for Palestinian Genocide
Joe Biden’s Armageddon, from Gaza to Ukraine
COVID mRNA Vaccine-induced Fever Unmasks Deadly Brugada Syndrome
The Day UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Became Relevant. Israel Calls for His Resignation
Tribal Pontification About Climate Change
“Worthy Victims” vs. “Unworthy Victims”: On COVID Vaxx Mandates and the Broken Social Justice™ Moral Compass on College Campuses
Gaza Officials Identify 6,747 Palestinians Killed In Israel’s ‘Brutal Massacres’
Joe Biden sigue apostando por la guerra
New House Speaker Mike Johnson, an Evangelical Christian, Holds Ties to Israel’s Far Right
Veterans for Peace Statement on Gaza. “How could Anyone, at the very least, not Support a Ceasefire … Mr. President?”
All of Palestine Is Under Attack. Jewish Voice for Peace
Nursing Students Harmed by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and Vaccine Mandates
EU to Continue Sanctions on Russian Oil for at Least 5-10 Years, Envoy Says
Germany Bans Public Grieving and Solidarity with Palestine
Israeli Think Tank Lays Out a Blueprint for the Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
Gaza Media Office Says Over 12,000 Tons of Explosives Dropped by Israel Since Oct. 7
The US Has Betrayed Egypt Again
Selected Articles: “Large-scale Risks from Upcoming, Powerful AI Systems”: Managing AI Risks in an Era of Rapid Progress
“Large-scale Risks from Upcoming, Powerful AI Systems”: Managing AI Risks in an Era of Rapid Progress
Turbo Cancer in Pregnancy: Breast Cancer Stage 3 or 4. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination Is Very Dangerous for Pregnant Women
In Solidarity with Palestine: A Surge in Suppression. How The Guardian Applies Censorship
Archbishop Viganò: Priests and Bishops Who Promoted ‘Lethal’ COVID Jabs Must Answer to God
Incredibly, I Face Investigation for Terrorism – Defence Funds Appeal. Craig Murray
Israel a ‘Nuclear Wildcard’ on ‘Dangerous Road to Armageddon’: Col. Douglas Macgregor
Scorched Earth Campaign: Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza, The Cruelest Weapon of War — Starvation. “Let Them Eat Cement”. Chris Hedges
AP Erases Israeli Pledge to Attack Gaza Like ‘Axis Power’ as Officials Threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ Doctrine
Over 181,000 Housing Units Damaged by Israel Since 7 October
Israeli Bombs Have Destroyed Over 52,000 Homes, Leaving 1 Million Homeless
Israeli Genocide – No End and the World Looks On
The Final Challenge: A Meeting of the Enclave in the City of London
Jews Say Ceasefire Now: Calls for Ceasefire Are Growing Rapidly, and the Mainstream Media Has Noticed.
NewsGuard and US Government Sued by Consortium News. Musk Slams ‘Scam’
Assange Freedom May be Pivotal in Australia’s Support for US Cold War with China
Biden Claims CIA and Pentagon Determined Gaza Hospital Strike Originated in Gaza—But Where’s the Proof?