United States

Golpe de Estado patrocinado por Estados Unidos: la desestabilización de Haití
Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?
Rigging Avian Ballots: New Zealand’s Bird of the Century Competition
Legal Challenge to U.S. Government’s Endorsement of Genocide. California District Court “Complaint” against Biden, Austin and Blinken
Social Media Influencers Are Dying Mostly of Cardiac Arrests and Destroyed Immune Systems
“Zionism is Not Judaism”, “Insane Megalomania”: The Zionist Cause Is a Dark Reversal of the Real Destiny of Israel — A True Story
Summer of Died Suddenly: Ages 30-39 Cardiovascular Disabilities +167%, Hematological +690%, Cancer at Record!
From Darkness to Light. Humanity’s Will to Survive Is a Gift of Evolution
Study Reveals More Than Half of COVID-19 Vaccinated Feel Sick a Year Later
Is Kiev Regime’s Military Falling Apart?
Pilot Deaths: 37-year-old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar Had Cardiac Arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport During Training
The Bottom 80% Has Gotten Significantly Poorer Since the Pandemic Began, and this Is Creating a “Robin Hood Mentality” All Over America
Fake January 6 “Insurrection”: J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot by Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd
EU Countries Bought More Than €6 Billion in Russian LNG in 2023, Failure of West’s Sanctions Regime
A World Without a Moral Conscience
Tropas estadounidenses “preparadas para morir”: el teniente general Richard Clark confirma una “asociación” entre Estados Unidos e Israel
Argentina, democracia o totalitarismo de mercado
Zionist Israel is an Apartheid State: Gaza is a Modern-day “Extermination Camp”
Kiev Regime Sending Women to the Trenches. Forcibly Conscripting Pregnant Women
A Duty to Obey: Australia Trial of David McBride, Whistleblowing and Following Orders
Video: No Peace in the Middle East Says the US: “No Possibility of a Cease Fire”
US Economy – Heading for the Abyss
Israel Captures Al Shifa Hospital for Their Gaza Military Post
The Regeneration of Politics in the West
Summer of “Clotting Suddenly”: Strokes in Young People. UK Disability Data Shows Strokes in Ages 16-19 Are Up +563% in 2022 and Rising!
Israel-Palestine War: Don’t be Fooled. Biden Is Fully Signed Up to Genocide in Gaza
Xi Jinping Is Right About the U.S. Empire
US Sponsored Coup d’État: The Destabilization of Haiti
Palestina en el corazón de las tinieblas
JFK 60 Years after his Death: The CIA, the Case against LBJ and Beyond
Palestina y Medio Oriente: el horror, el horror
Moon Landing 2023 – Science or Science Fiction?
Bill Gates’s “Fake Meat” Banned by Italy Citing “Serious Health Concerns”
Do EMF and Wireless Devices Endanger Children’s Health?
Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer “Confidential Report”
The Gaza Genocide Continues. Philip Giraldi
List of 30 ‘Elites’ That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation
The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny
Elecciones en Argentina: odio y miedo
Is Gavin Newsom Running in the 2024 US Presidential Elections?
“Restoring China-US Ties”: Reframing US-China Bipolar Dynamics by Pluralizing into China-West Relations
Historic Joe Biden – Xi Jinping Meeting at Filoli Estate (Cal). Biden Hails “Real Progress”
Bullous Pemphigoid and Pemphigus Vulgaris: Severe Skin Injuries Caused by Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
Will Palestine Ever be Free? Understanding Elite Strategy in the Global Context
The End of Privacy Is Near. “Artificial Intelligence Scours Social Media… You’re Being Spied Upon Everywhere”
The Limits of Fragmentation. The West Should Beware of Excessive Expectations. Russia and the War in Ukraine
International Campaign Urging ICC Investigation Into Israel’s Alleged War Crimes in Gaza
Video: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Left Restaurant After Being Confronted by Pro-Ceasefire Protesters
“MK– Mandela’s Secret Army”. A Film by Osvalde Lewat. “South Africa’s Apartheid Parallels Israel’s Oppressive Measures”
Kenyan Police Deployment to Haiti Remains Uncertain
Video: Israel “Encouraged and started Hamas.” America has “A Moral Responsibility for Both Sides” Ron Paul
Argentina – Sergio Massa: ahora, a triunfar
Gaza, Taiwán y la guerra tecnológica marcan la agenda del segundo cara a cara entre Biden y Xi
Performance of Russia’s Defense Industry: Buoyant Weapons Exports, Despite the Sanctions
Broken by Design: Why the Elites Want Everything and Everyone to Have an “Expiry Date”
American Troops “Prepared to Die” for Israel: Lt. General Richard Clark Confirms A U.S. – Israel “Partnership”, A “Signed” Military Agreement”
New U.S. LGM-35A “Sentinel” Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM): Dangerous Crossroads, Struggling with “Unknown Unknowns”, Says USAF Secretary
A un año de las elecciones en EE.UU., la lucha es entre los gerontes Trump y Biden
Video: “The Value of Life”. Families of Israelis Held in Gaza Speak Out against Netanyahu. Condemn Member of Knesset’s Call for Destruction
US President Biden Sued for ‘Complicity’ in Israel’s ‘Genocide’ in Gaza
Ukrainian Military Wants Zelensky to Resign
Ceasefire Now! Stop Apartheid Israel’s Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinian People
Biden’s Legacy Should be Forever Haunted by the Names of Gaza’s Dead Children
Gaza Humanitarian Crisis: Hospitals, More than 11,000 Deaths, Israeli Assaults, Magnitude of Israel’s Bombing, War Crimes, West Bank News, Ethnic Cleansing
100 State Dept Officials Sign Dissent Memo Saying Biden “Complicit in Genocide” in Gaza
Meaningless Accusations of Anti-Semitism: The Moral Conscience of the Western World Has Been Silenced
Washington’s Long War Against Us All
Solo un fracaso militar de Israel detendrá el genocidio en Gaza
Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong. Ron Unz
The Politics of Indefinite Detention in Australia
Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures Destroy Sperm Count
Allowing “Pro-Palestinian Protests”: Precarious P.M. Sunak Sacks Home Secretary Braverman. Cabinet Reshuffle, Former PM David Cameron is Back…
This Is America: Guns and Money, The Urban Children’s Birthday Party You Have to See to Believe
Medio Oriente: Estados Unidos necesita la guerra
Undoing the Doubters of the Climax Hoax. Peter Koenig
Video: Why Does the US Support Israel? Michael Hudson and Ben Norton
We the Exploited: The U.S. Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power
Next Pandemic Propaganda: The “Big One,” Nipah, Ebola and Marburg, SARS1, Machupo, “Vampire Virus”, Disease X
Pakistan’s Expulsion of Afghans Could Fuel New Refugee Crisis in Europe
Is the Zionist Project Over? Applied Zionism Demonstrates Its Radical Extremism