United States

The Netherlands: Higher Vaccine Uptake, Higher Mortality
Breaking: The Israeli MOH Is Hiding a Study It Conducted, Showing a 2-4 Times Higher Rate of Adverse Events Reports Following Pfizer COVID Vaccine in Kids Aged 5-11 vs Ages 12-17
Pelosi’s Potential Taiwan Provocation Raises South China Sea Tensions
Sanctions Had No Effect on Moscow Yet Europe Lost Four Governments: Orban
9-Year-Old with No Pre-existing Conditions Died Two Weeks After Pfizer Shot, Latest VAERS Data Show
Attorney ‘Thrilled’ After Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Air Force, Air National Guard
Health Care Workers Settle COVID Shot Mandate for $10.3 Million
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Has Fired Over 1,750 City Employees for Refusing to Get the COVID Jab
Sri Lanka’s Insurgency
Beware of Faux Anti-imperialists
Movie: Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
US Pushers of War with China Find Canadian Allies
“Fear Marketing” of Multiple Vaccine Targeted Infections
China’s Patience Running Out as Washington Ramps Up Its Provocative Foreign Policy
WHO Announces Monkeypox Global Emergency: Corrupt Global Leaders Preparing for the Next Pandemic
Trudeau Moves Forward with Fertilizer Reduction Climate Policy
A Small Short? The Coming Collapse of the Air Travel Industry
The Future of “Global Governance” and The “Earth Congress”. Transform the United Nations
The Balancing Act – How Russia Struggles to Appear on Africa’s Horizon
How We Can Take Control Again of Politics
If You Want to Change the World, You Have to Change Mankind! Enlightenment and Education
How We Fell Into the Covid Plandemic
Silent Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Great Reset, the Fear Campaign and “Engineered Weather”?
The Nancy Pelosi Trip to Taiwan: “Not a Good Idea” according to the Pentagon. Is Joe Biden Intent upon Triggering a “Military Clash” in the Taiwan Strait?
US-NATO Intent upon Boycotting Russia-India Relations
Dangerous Crossroads: US Carrier Strike Group Returns to South China Sea Amid Taiwan Tensions
FDA Resignations Regarding Covid-19 Vax “Booster Shots”: Top FDA Officials “Express Concern” Regarding Biden Administration’s “Booster Shots”
Expanding the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to Third Parties Could Lead to War in South Asia
A Tribute to My Wife Seung Eun : Emanuel Pastreich
The Phoniest, Most PR-Intensive War of All Time
Video: Survey on How 300,000 people from 175 countries have fared “without taking a COVID-19 vaccine”
Two Party Imperialism and War with Russia. A Historical Perspective
Rand Paul Demands Answers After NIH Admits Redacting COVID-19 Origins Emails ‘To Prevent Misinformation’
Interest Rate Hikes Will Not Save Us from Inflation
Australia: Facial Recognition Technology Down Under
Reducing Nitrogen Output Destroys Farms: Ireland Joins Canada and the Netherlands in Contributing to World Famine
Zelensky Poses for Magazine as His Country Collapses
Russia’s “Vostok 2022” War Games: Massive Military Exercise on “Invasion Scenarios”
How Fauci and Grady Degraded the Standards of Ethical Requirements for Clinical Research in the US Compared to the Rest of the World
Pelosi to Taiwan an Affront to China’s Sovereignty
How Medicine Was Corrupted: Difficult Times Ahead — How to Break Free From the System
History: How America Lost Its Anti-Imperial Foreign Policy Tradition, and How It Can be Recovered
“The WHO Review and Why it Matters to You?” Abir Balan
Video: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Pretext for Launching A Global Economic and Social Crisis. Michel Chossudovsky and Ivaylo Grouev
The War on Syria, The Bab al Hawa Deception. “Humanitarian Aid” in Support of Al Qaeda Terrorists
The Light and Shadows of the Korean Peninsula
Russia to Exit WHO, WTO and Other UN Agencies?
DARPA, Insects, Mad Science, and Us: Nowhere to Hide
Prominent U.S. Official Told CNN that They’re Afraid Western Unity on Ukraine Is Weakening. “Economic Suicide” for the EU
Boris Johnson Positioned as Next NATO Chief: Report
Ukraine Is Losing the War, and So Is Europe
Iran’s Oil Revenues Soar by 580% as Crude Prices Rally
Did Wall Street Play a Role in this Year’s Wheat Price Crisis?
CDC Official Used Flawed Data to Justify COVID Shots for Infants and Children, Analysis Shows
Russia Scores Dismally in Oil and Gas Sector in Africa
Will American Medical Science Follow the American Economy on the Road to Destruction?
Video: COVID-19 Vaccine Induces a Profound Impairment in Type I Interferon Signaling, Which Has Diverse Adverse Consequences
The Dangers of Military Escalation: Lessons from Vietnam for Ukraine
Global Research: If These Voices Get Silenced It Will Be Too Late
Volcanoes, Oceans and Weather
The History of Cuba’s July 26 1953 Moncada Movement. Fidel and His Comrades
The Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900—According to Published Science
South Korea’s New President Playing Dangerous Game with Pyongyang
The Vaccinated Are “Infecting” the Unvaccinated with Dangerous Graphene Oxide: Biomedicine Experts
Strained US-China Relations, Taiwan Spills Over into Ukraine: “A No-Win Situation” for Washington
Ugly COVID Lies. The Lockdown and the “Vaccine”. The Prime Instigators of This Infamy are Walking Free…
Africa Remains at the Center of a 21st Century Cold War
Biden Should Remove Cuba from the Infamous State Sponsors of Terrorism List
Black Sea and The Three Musketeers. Conflict Slouches Toward Odessa…
Dutch Farmers Versus the WEF: Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food
The Manchester Arena Attack: “Blood on Their Hands”
“Chaff Candidates”and the “Post Boris Era”: The Race for the UK Tory Leadership
Inflation? More Like CEO ‘Greedflation’. Collapse in Real Wages, Pay and Perks to America’s Billionaires
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Holds Its Annual Strategic Private Meeting: “Shaping the Future of China”. Deep-seated Political Divisions within Chinese Leadership?
NATO Drones Murder Syrians at Church Inauguration in Hama
Collapse of an Economic System: “The COVID-19 Crisis is not the Result of a Single Virus”
Ukraine War: What the Vinnytsia Strike Signifies
Ich schreie es in die Welt hinaus: Stoppt den mörderischen Krieg in der Ukraine!
Why the European Union Is Passive in the Extradition Case Against Julian Assange
仕組まれたコロナ危機: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky