United States

20 Percent of the USAF’s B-2 Force Is Deployed ‘Down Under’
There Must be Consequences for Israel’s War of Aggression in Gaza: Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
Taiwan Dominates the World’s Supply of Computer Chips – No Wonder the US Is Worried
Zelensky’s Proposal to Ban Russians From Visiting the West
For US, Confronting China Is More Important than Fighting Terrorism
America’s Media Focusses on Nancy Pelosi, Omits Coverage of U.S. Military Threats Directed against China
‘Our people are not cattle’: President of Costa Rica Abolishes COVID Vaccine Mandate
Video: Soaring Number of Stillbirths, Abnormal Placentas.”Everything We are Experiencing is Complete Absurdity”. Sara Bennett, Corona Investigative Committee
Fourteen Young Canadian Doctors Die After Getting the Shot. Normally Would be ~0 Over 30 Years.
Peaceful Protests for a Revolutionary Change in Sri Lanka
Moscow Prioritises Ties with Myanmar
Crisis of the Wheat Export Supply Chain: EU Sanctions against Russia Could Trigger an African-Middle Eastern Migrant Crisis
Video: Hollywood’s Pro-Soviet Propaganda vs. The “Russia Probe”
11 Year Old Girl Calls Out Klaus Schwab and His Globalist Goons
US-China Chip War Continues. Geopolitics and the Semiconductor Industry
Pelosi Plays with Fire Like a Bull in a China Shop
The Hypocrisy of the Assange Case
Video: COVID-19 Vaccine Patents and Gene-Deletion. Dr. Ariyana Love Interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
“Flirting with War”. Biden and Allies Continue to Put Iran in the Crosshairs
New Documentary: Eugenics to Pandemics
Plaintiffs Await ‘Their Day in Court’ as Judicial Panel Consolidates Dozens of Lawsuits Against Merck’s HPV Gardasil Vaccine
Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Exposes Foolishness of Interventionism
Universal Healthcare Now! “An Out of Control Medical Industrial Complex”
August Ninth: The Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, August 9, 1945: Christians Killing Christians in the Name of Christ
Controversial Drug Remdesivir Plays Key Role in COVID-Related Hospital Deaths: Dr. Ardis
The Rapid Postwar Increase of America’s Nuclear Arsenal. Churning out Nukes “Like Sausages”
Punishing Whistleblowers at the United Nations
Video: The Implementation of the QR Code for Absolute Control. Peter Koenig
Canada’s Actions, Inactions Leading Us Closer to Nuclear War
No Safe Place to Hide. A Video Response to NYC’s Nuclear PSA. Have We Forgotten?
Cuban Vaccine Against Lung Cancer Makes Its Way in the United States
Commemorating Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Blaming Russia for U.S. War Crimes
Covid Vaccination and Turbo-Cancer. “Multiple Tumors in Multiple Organs”. Dr. Ute Kruger
All Roads in Gaza Led to Jenin, The Center of Palestinian Resistance
Today, Ukraine Bombed a Donetsk Hotel Full of Journalists – Here’s What It Felt Like to be There
US Ambassadorial Nominee Confirms Role of NGOs in the Hybrid War Against Nicaragua
Video: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Warns of “Greatest Conceivable Manmade Catastrophe of All Time”
Deja Vu: Fauci Tells Unvaxxed to Expect ‘Trouble’ this Winter
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Exposes Big Pharma’s COVID Plot to Destroy Us
How Russian Oil Is Making Its Way From Europe to Asia
The Globalists have Launched a New Offensive against the Citizens of the Earth.
Why the Gulf States’ SCO Membership Is a Big Deal
Why the West Is Easing Its Sanctions on Russia
With Tensions Escalating Over Ukraine and Taiwan, Will the New Cold War Evolve into a New Global War?
CDC Claims Link Between Heart Inflammation and COVID-19 Vaccines Wasn’t Known for Most of 2021
Analysis of the Early Fighting in the First World War, 108 Years Ago
Sen. Chuck Schumer’s War on Free Speech. Scott Ritter
Pelosi the Provocateur: Fracturing the One China Policy
Germany’s Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for COVID ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects
‘Emergency’ Loophole Used to OK Highly Toxic Pesticide for Tenth Straight Year
U.S. Declares Monkeypox Health Emergency, FDA Offers Vaccine to Some Kids Despite No Clinical Trials
The Hiroshima Myth
Going Global with NATO
Winds of War in Eurasia
Chris Hedges: NATO — The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet
Do Universities Teach Economics?
Russia- Zimbabwe Relations: “Remain Work-in-Progress” Interview with Brigadier General Nicholas Mike Sango
The Collapse of America: Distant Early Warning Signs of Uncle Sam’s Demise. Andrei Martyanov
Invitación a conferencia – Confrontación China-EE.UU. Peligro de una Tercera Guerra Mundial. Crisis económica. Michel Chossudovsky
It Is an Illusion to Believe That One Can Rise Against the State
The Fuss About Monkeypox
“To Hate All Things Russian”: Russia’s Contributions to the Treasure-trove of World Civilization
Video: America Is Preparing for Confrontation with Russia and China
Three Young Doctors Die Unexpectedly at Small Hospital Just Days After 4th COVID Vax Mandate
With Its Doomsday Clock at 100 Seconds to Midnight, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Calls for Escalating US Aggression Against Russia
“Climate Change”, Food Shortages: Coordinated Destruction of Humanity by the World Economic Forum and Its “Elite Cult”
Member of European Parliament Labels COVID Vaccine Coercion “Worst Crime Ever Committed on Humanity”
World War II: US Military Destroyed 66 Japanese Cities Before Planning to Wipe Out the Same Number of Soviet Cities
At the Lost and Found in the Era of “Nothingness”: When Knowledge Coincides with Ignorance and “Truth becomes Untruth”
Gallup’s Latest Poll Shows That Those Americans Obsessing Over Russia Are a Fringe Minority, “Only 1%”
Video: Ukraine Deploying Petal Mines Against Donetsk Civilians
Most of the “Fact-Checking” Organizations Facebook Uses in Ukraine Are Directly Funded by Washington
Video: Google’s Youtube Censorship In Several Languages against OVALmedia. Corona Investigative Committee
Senator Kyrsten Sinema Has Been Bought. Another Democrat Pressured into the Fake Climate Narrative. Open Letter to New York Times
Justice in the Land of the Free
American Diplomacy as a Tragic Drama. “Ending the Dollar Standard of International Finance”. Prof. Michael Hudson
Former Chancellor Schröder Tries to Save the Struggling German Economy by Negotiating with Moscow
South Korean President Avoids Meeting Pelosi on Official Visit to Seoul
US Risks Provoking North Korea’s Kim By Holding Drills Simulating His Assassination