United States

How US and Allied News-media Deceive the Public, to Believe What the Government Wants Them to Believe
Africa is Not For Sale: Sixteen SADC African Nations Reject “Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act” (H.R. 7311)
The Energy Crisis: A Cold Winter Ahead for Europe and Syria
Global Economic Depression: U.K. “Sharpest Economic Contraction” Since 1709. European Economies in Straightjacket
West Should End Its Support to Kiev to Escape Devastating Consequences – Military Expert Douglas Macgregor
Legal Agreement Requires U.S. to Re-Examine Harms to Whales From Pacific Offshore Oil Drilling
America’s Recipe for Systemic Disintegration
European Central Bank (ECB) Says Cash ‘Not Fit’ for Digital Economy, Dismisses CBDC Privacy Concerns
On Government Invasions of Private Property
Woodstock ’99: Feeling the Heat
The Legacy of Resistance to the Prison Industrial Complex. Nehanda Abiodun Enters the Struggle
FBI Investigates Millions of Americans Without Warrants
Promising a ‘Full-Throated Investigation’ of Fauci, Senators Demand NIH, HHS Preserve All Related Documents, Communications
China Drought Causes Yangtze to Dry Up, Sparking Shortage of Hydropower
Droughts in China
Europe Facing Its Worst Drought for 500 Years: Study
Fauci’s Resignation ‘Good News for America’
Inspector General: The U.S. Government Left More Than $7 Billion in Military Equipment to the Taliban
European Aid to Ukraine Grinds to a Halt
Birds, Other Wildlife Sacrificed for Useless Mask Pollution
Reinforcing Failure in Ukraine. “Neutrality on the Austrian Model Is Still Possible”
NATO Abandons Diplomacy, Says No Longer ‘At Peace’
Vietnam’s War Remnants Museum
Holding Defender Europe 2023 Exercises in Kosovo Aimed Against Serbia and Russia
‘Nature Is Not for Sale,’ Vandana Shiva Tells RFK Jr.
US Secretary of State Blinken Returns Empty Handed from Africa Tour
Video: Public Health System Rigged to Make the Covid Vaccines Look “Safe and Effective”. Deborah Conrad Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich
The Next Generation Says Good-Bye to Ursula von der Leyen’s Europe
US Ramping Up Drone Strikes in the Middle East and Africa
The Many Lives of Ayman al-Zawahiri
US Space Force Wants to Disrupt Russia-China Space Cooperation
Israel Conquers the World
Amish Farm Under Threat From U.S. Federal Government for Refusal to Abandon Traditional Farming Practices
What Did the West Promise Russia on NATO Expansion?
The US Must Compensate Burn Pit Victims in Iraq Too
The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime
CIA Admits Role in 1953 Iran Coup
Behind the Political Assassination of Daria Platonova Dugina
Europe Quietly Abandoning Ukraine, as for the First Time, No New Military Pledges Have Been Made
Letter to the United Nations Chief on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Situation
How Even a Limited Nuclear War Would Destroy the Planet
The Only Thing Keeping US and China From War Is Running Dangerously Thin
After Nuking Japan, US Government Lied About Radioactive Fallout as Civilians Died
Israel Blames Its Victims for the Violence It Causes
The Hideous Assassination of Russian Journalist Daria Dugina, Designed to Enhance the Conflict?
“Tell Me, Mother, What does Peace Look Like?”
NATO: By Making China the Enemy, the Alliance Is Threatening World Peace
As the COVID Myths Explode, Delusions Are Shattering: Our Exit from Subservience Leads to Nuremberg 2.0
Something Is Looming Geopolitically, and We Better Start Taking It Seriously
Taking Back the Ocean, Inc.
United Nations Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative
COVID Vaccine Trials Led to Birth Defects and Terminated Pregnancies, FOIA Requests Show
The War on Food: Achieving Self-Funding Local Sovereignty as Global Food Systems Collapse
Democratizing the United Nations to Save the World. Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann
The Sword of Bolivar Is Wielded Again by the People of Latin America. Gustavo Petro Inauguration as President of Colombia
Countdown to the New Iranian Nuclear Deal
Liz Cheney: Goodbye and Good Riddance
The Destabilization of Pakistan: The Media Regulator’s Ban on Imran Khan’s Live Broadcasts
The Biden Administration’s “Disinformation Governance Board”
Subverting Medicine: The Role of the Federation of State Medical Boards
Unlawful Pentagon Order Mandating mRNA Vaccine for Troops
By the Numbers: Keeping Track of the Single Largest Arms Transfer in US History
Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering
World-Class Ballerina and Twelve-Year-Old Protégé Among Those Murdered by Ukraine
Official Government Reports Prove the COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer
Top Biden Official: US Would Overthrow Colombia’s New Left-wing President 40 Years Ago
After Data Show Vaccinated at Higher Risk of Dying from COVID, Canadian Province Ends Monthly Reports
Putin Warns Macron of ‘Large-Scale Catastrophe’ at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant
With Iran Deal Closer Than Ever Israel Presses for War
US Military Still Stealing Oil in Syria
Note Found in a Bottle in the Age of COVID-19
The Collapse of America: What History Teaches Us About the Rise and Fall of Empires. Prof. Alfred McCoy
Towards “Digital Tyranny”, Closing its Grips on Our Lives? How to Repeal It: “The Strength of Togetherness”
A Letter to UK’s Chief Coroners Office on Disturbing COVID and COVID Vaccination Deaths
NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson
Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine. The Imminent Danger of a Large Scale US-Russia War
Life at the End of an Empire with St Augustine
Russia’s Evolving Relations with Africa at the Crossroads of a Global Crisis
Amidst Uproar Over Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan, Media Ignores Aggressive U.S. Navy Action in South China Sea
Europe Decreasing Military Aid to Ukraine