United States

Bundestag Resolution: “Defending peace and freedom in Europe”. Germany Will Risk Europe’s Security by Exhausting Its Stocks for Ukrainian Military
Remdesivir Key Study in Lancet April 2020 (Wang) Swept Under the Rug by Media & Fauci
US Senate’s CIA Torture Report to Remain Secret for ‘National Security’
World Economic Forum Cites Compliance with COVID Mandates to Promote ‘Climate Change’ Lockdowns
Kim Iversen: WEF Is Marching Us Toward a Life of Passive Obedience
The U.S. Government’s Vast New Privatized Censorship Regime
US Urges Top UN Court to Dismiss Iran’s Frozen Assets Claim
Pegasus and Other Spyware Threatens UN Human Rights Work, Guterres Warns
What in the Hell Was Washington Thinking?
Plan A: US-Russia Nuclear War Simulation
From ‘Special Military Operation’ to Open War
Stop the Escalatory Ladder in Ukraine, We Want to Get Off
Serbian President Warns of “Great World Conflict” Within Two Months
With Mounting Evidence of Israeli Responsibility, Canada Must Support an ICC Investigation Into the Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh
Citizen’s Brain Is the Battlefield in 21st-century Warfare
Will the United States and NATO Wake Up to What Happened at the Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?
Twilight of the Tigris: Iraq’s Mighty River Drying Up
Lebanon Not ‘Normal’ Since Second Civil War Ended
Could Forthcoming Donbass Referenda be Russia’s “Defense-Oriented” Response to Kharkov?
Greek Coast Guard Drowns Entire Syrian Family
The Real US Agenda in Africa Is Hegemony
Offence by Another Name: Suppressing Anti-Royal Protest in Britain
Climate Crisis and the Age of the Super-Typhoon: Storms Batter, Flood Puerto Rico, Pakistan, Japan and Shanghai
China Ready to Make Efforts for ‘Peaceful Reunification’ with Taiwan
Staking Out Strands of the Web. “Who is Offering the Bribes and Enforcing the Threats?”
Pesticides Plague Californians Farm Workers, New Study Shows
COVID Measures: Biggest “Social Conformity Event” in History. Corona Policy Was Aimed at “Changing Behavior”, Not at Improving Health.
Could Armenia Really Ditch the CSTO Sometime Soon?
Western Sanctions Against Russia Spark Mayhem in Shipping as New Threat Emerges
Our Final Stand Against the Globalist Powerbrokers
German Bakery Owner Devastated as His Gas Bill Soars by 1,200%
German Domestic Intelligence Is Running Hundreds of Fake Right-wing Extremist Social Media Accounts
State Department Stops Publishing Military Expenditures, Arms Transfer Report
India’s Gaffe at Samarkand
The Global ‘Green Energy’ Push Is Causing Fertilizer Shortages and Threatening the Human Food Supply
How Billionaires Become Billionaires
Jackson Water Crisis Reflective of National Pattern in Urban Racism
More Disinformation From Israel. Biden Caves to Jewish Pressure, As Usual.
Pakistan High Court Drops ‘Terrorism’ Charges Against Ex-PM Imran Khan
Cleaning Up Our Own Backyard: Racism, Speciesism and the Environmental Crises
Climate Change Skepticism Categorized as a Mental Disorder: Australian Study
The Shelling of Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Takes Ukraine Side, Making UN Secretary-General Guterres Either a Liar or a Fool
Dr. Paul Offit, One of the World’s Most Respected Vaccine Experts, Is Now Officially an Anti-vaxxer!
Latest COVID Shots Sold as Genetic Software Update. “Recharge Your Immunity”
School Shutdowns Leave Children Behind
Many Reasons Why Price Cap on Russian Oil Exports Cannot Work
Putin: Terrorists Near Russian Nuclear Power Plants
Guantanamo: The White House Is Making a Quiet Effort at Closing America’s Infamous Torture Prison
Law of Neutrality: Just When Is a State a Belligerent in a War?
The Netherlands: Government Sponsored Behavioral Control and Social Engineering Experiments
Opening Boxes from 2019. Annals of Corruption: Objects from a Vanished World Reveal Rotten Institutions. Naomi Wolf
United Nations, Democracy and Terrorism
“I Do Not Think I Know”: Scott Morrison’s Submarine Deception
Dutch Farmers Resisting the Toxic Transition
Back Door Proliferation: The IAEA, AUKUS and Nuclear Submarine Technology
The Money Economy Is Not the Real Economy: “The Global Banking and Financial System is Fatally Flawed”
Video: Medical Journals and Agencies Are Controlled by Big Pharma. Dissenting Opinions Will be Attacked. Corona Investigative Committee with Dr. Pierre Kory
“Nagorno-Karabakh is not the property of the elected elite to be surrendered.” Interview with Abraham Gasparyan
Queen Elizabeth Declined to Visit Israel Due to Its Violation of Human Rights
US Launched 251 Military Interventions Since 1991, and 469 Since 1798
Germany Seizes Russian Oil Firm Rosneft’s Refineries
Colombia’s Quiet Revolution
COVID Vaccinations Now Prohibited in People Under 50 in Denmark
Russia Won’t Congratulate CIA on Its Diamond Jubilee
Biden Declares COVID Pandemic Is “Over”
Mindspace – A Guide to Behavioral Manipulation
Documentary: “Obesity and Corporate Greed”
Cool Observation of Mass Hysteria. Craig Murray
CDC Reports 5,300 Errors in Vaccine Doses Given to Kids, as Latest VAERS Data Show 155 Reports of Deaths in Children 6 Months to 17 Years Old
What Roles Do Psychologists and Sociologists Play in the COVID-19 Narrative?
Corona Sleepwalkers Swallow Whatever the Authorities Tell Them
The Queen and Her Legacy: 21st Century Britain Has Never Looked So Medieval
Die Linke Lawmaker: Russia Sanctions Causing ‘Social and Economic Catastrophe’ in Germany
Chinese Factory Produces Thousands of British Flags After Queen’s Death
When Zelensky Entourage Depicts Nazism, Photos Vanish Into Thin Air
Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine
The Military-Industrial Complex Offensive
Assange Awarded the ‘Keys’ to Mexico City in Recognition for Uncovering the Truth
Laval University Professor Suspended for Child COVID Vaccination Criticism Faces New Disciplinary Threat
Video: The Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice. Reiner Fuellmich and Michael Swinwood