United States

It Was a Surprisingly Wise Move by the West Not to Fast-Track Ukraine’s NATO Membership
Dated and Fractured: Optus and Data Protections Down Under
Who Pulled the Trigger on Nord Stream?
Imperialist Militarism and the African Crisis
Mexico’s Initiative for Dialogue and Peace in Ukraine
US Announces Plans to Expand “Industrial Base” for War with Russia
Hospital Pulls Ad After Critics Complain It ‘Normalized’ Myocarditis in Kids
Four Breakaway Territories of Ukraine Ask to Join Russia
Fifth COVID Shot Recommended Without Safety or Efficacy Data
Europe Faces an Exodus of Energy-Intensive Industries
Price Cap on Russian Oil is a Board-Level Risk for the Tanker Sector
Biden Lies at the United Nations
Sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 & 2. The Role of Manned and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles – UUVs.
Russia’s Territorial Expansion. The Referendums to Join Russia
The Practice of Lying: The Psychopathic Nature of the U.S. Government
US Engineered Energy Crisis in Europe. Weaponizing the Dollar, Global Economic Depression
American Russophobia: A Tale of Neocon, Liberal, and Progressive Warmongers
Revolution and Human Development
Attack on Nord Stream Kills Prospects for Dialogue in Ukraine
FDA Withholding Autopsy Results on People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
Aretha Franklin and the Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO)
Video: Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons Rampant Criminality
Enforcing Islamic Attire on Women Sparks Protests in Iran
Why Are Corporations Blamed, Instead of the Billionaires Who Control Them?
Towards a “Global Censorship System”? International Alliance to Censor Speech
Post-referendum Sanctions Will Not Deter Russia From Uniting with New Territories
The Rise of Public Health and ‘Green’ Police: Securitization Theory
Nord Stream: US Might Have Sabotaged European Energy Security
“Global Covid Response”: Health Officials Admit Bill Gates “Runs the World”
‘Unprecedented’ US Pressure on Turkish Banks Hinders Russia’s “Mir Payment System”
Where Are Our Weapons Going? US Transparency Is Taking a Nosedive
Opportunistic Interests: The US-Pacific Island Declaration
Polling: Americans Give No-Confidence Vote to Rigged Two-Party System
Why Capitalism Is Incongruous with Democracy
Headscarf Protests in Iran Bring Death to Iraq
The Insanity That Grips Washington
Fake Reporting on the Blown-up Pipelines and Russia’s “Annexation” of Donbas
EU Parliamentarian Calls to Sanction Vanessa Beeley and All Observers of Donbass Referendums
What a Coincidence! Poland Inaugurates New Gas Pipeline Amid Nord Stream Leaks
14 Things We Know About the Mysterious “Explosions” That Severely Damaged the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 Pipelines
Fracking: The Scientific Evidence of Adverse Health Effects That Governments Aren’t Telling You About
Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda. “Believing in the Unbelievable”
Who Profits from Pipeline Terror? “A NATO on NATO Attack”
Integrity Optional. Lies and Dishonor Plague America’s War Machine
US Once Again Planning a Coup at the UN
Is Russia Really Losing in Ukraine?
Zelenskyy’s $13 Billion OCD Problem. Where Does Your Money Go?
“No Evidence” US Involved in Nord Stream Pipeline Attack Because Pentagon Says So
Breaking: Leaked Video Reveals Serious Side-Effects Related to the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli MOH
How We Got to an $850 Billion Pentagon Budget
The Americans Did It
The Greatest Disinformation Threat Is No Information
US Military Aircraft Circled Nord Stream Incident Site in September
LPR, DPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye Vote for Reunification with Russia
Is That a Chilling Echo of Dr. Strangelove We Are Hearing from Biden’s Nominee to Oversee America’s Nuclear Weapons Arsenal?
Uncle Sam’s Long Trail of Wreckage
U.S. Announces $327 Million in Aid to Afghanistan, a Fraction of the Billions It Illegally Seized
The Bombing of the Nord Stream Pipeline: Who Benefits?
India’s Billionaire Gautam Adani: “Ecological Crossdresser”
Behind the BOE’s Panic: Billions in Margin Calls “Death Spiraling” Into a Complete Bond Market Collapse, Pension Fund Wipe Out
Record Methane Leaks in Baltic Sea: U.S. Government Likely Perpetrated Biggest-Ever Catastrophic “Global Warming Event”
Germany and EU Have Been Handed Over a Declaration of War
Federal Bureau of Intimidation: The Government’s War on Political Freedom
“End War in Ukraine” Say 66 Nations at UN General Assembly
Britain Takes Aggressive Anti-China Line with Hawkish PM Liz Truss
United Nations General Assembly Marked by Sharp Debates on the World Situation
Selected Articles: U.S. Act of War Against the European Union: Did President Biden Order the Terror Attack Against Nord Stream?
JAMA: mRNA Vaccine Shedding in Breast Milk Proven!
Zelensky Reveals How Much US Taxpayers Give Ukraine Monthly
Famous Pro-Vaccine Doctor Suspects Pfizer Booster Shot Sent His Cancer Into Overdrive
British Pound Collapse at Centre of Global Currency and Financial Storm
Weapons Firms Install 50 Staff Inside the UK Ministry of Defence
The Anglo-American Axis vs. Eurasia: The Nord Stream Terrorist Attack in the Baltic Sea
NATO-US Prime Suspects in Nordstream Gas Leaks
FBI Truth Tellers: White Supremacist Narrative Is Nonsense
How America Is Crushing Europe
The Unholy Trinity of Britain’s Home Secretary Priti Patel: Hate, Lies and Games
A Fateful Moment of History Is Upon Us
Nichts ist unentschuldbarer als der Krieg und der Aufruf zum Völkerhass. Albert Camus
Nothing Is More Inexcusable Than War and the Call to Hatred of Nations. Albert Camus