United States

France, Germany, and the European Union: The Franco-German “Dual EU’s Presidency”
mRNA Covid Jab: Record Surge of Infections in Children
Russia’s Ambassador Warns ‘Britain is too deep’ Into the Ukraine Conflict and Says Moscow Will Publish ‘Proof’ UK Helped Carry Out Suicide Drone Attack on the Black Sea Fleet – Adding: ‘It is dangerous… it escalates the situation’
‘Tears of Thousands of Canadians on My Shoulder’: Tamara Lich Gives Emotional Testimony at Emergencies Act Inquiry
Ousted Pakistan PM Imran Khan Shot in Shin in ‘Clear Assassination’ Attempt
Hell No to the WHO Pandemic Treaty
Quebec Doctors Group Demand Health Officials to be Truthful and Comprehensive Regarding the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
After More Than 50 Years of Supporting Israel’s Occupation, What Exactly Did the Israeli Left Think Would Happen?
Rishi Sunak: A Thatcherite in Downing Street
What to Expect from COP27 in Egypt’s Police State: An Interview with Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Twelve Lessons to be Learned from the Ethiopian Conflict
EU’s “Carrot and Stick” Policy Toward Serbia Ends, Brussels “Drops Carrot” from Equation
81 Years Ago: Battle of Moscow, Soviet Counterattack
Political Polarization in Brazil Reaching Point of No Return
Former President Lula Declared Winner in Brazil
The Narrative Around the Safety of COVID Shots Is Cracking
COVID-19: A Universe of Questions in a Time of Universal Deceit
The Next OPEC-Like Cartel Could be in Battery Metals
UN Votes 152 to 5 Telling Israel to Get Rid of Its Nuclear Weapons
Hoot of the Day: Russian Oil Gets to US Via Sanction Loophole
UK Government “War Gamed” Emergency Plans for Multi-Day Power Blackouts; Leaked Docs Reveal
Canada Prepares War Bonds for Nazi-infested Ukrainian Government
Moscow All Too Clearly Not Keen on Maintaining July Agreement
Donbass Self-Determination: Referenda and the Rights of Minorities. Analysis by UN Expert
Full-blooded Psychopaths: Engineered Global Genocide in the Guise of a Global Pandemic
Secret Notes Reveal Trudeau Wanted to Use Emergencies Act Despite Cabinet Members Saying It Was Unnecessary
“You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After the Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ for Pandemic Authoritarians
Some Weapons Destined for Ukraine Ending Up with Finnish Criminals
Sharing Russia’s Multipolar Interest: Through “Youth Education” in Sub-Saharan Africa
Necropolitics of the End Times
Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework
Video: Grain Deal Collapsed? Ukraine War on Communication Lines Coming
Former CIA Boss Petraeus Demands US Forces Enter the Fight in Ukraine
Israeli Election Results: Palestinians Are in Danger More Than Ever
The Bond Vigilantes Get Busy
Progressive Caucus Reversal Shows U.S. Congress Allows No Antiwar Voice
Post-WWII Ukrainian Immigration to Britain. The “Waffen-SS GB / Ukraine”
Camelot’s Slurs: Secret Agreement of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Libelling of Adlai Stevenson
Arterial Shower of Blood Clots for “Neon Deion”
The Ever Widening War
Extreme Right-wing Bloc Poised to Take Over in Israel’s Knesset
Den Menschen zur Natur zurückführen. Paul Thiry d’Holbach
Bringing People Back to Nature. Paul Thiry d’Holbach
Republic of Srpska Newly Elected Leader Faces Mortal Threat
White House Mulls Plan to House Haitian Migrants at Guantanamo Bay
Revealed: The Former Israeli Spies Working in Top Jobs at Google, Facebook and Microsoft
Ukraine War Could Force Russia-China Into Military Alliance to Counter the US-NATO Threat
Anarchy in America: We’re Being Gunned Down Like Dogs in the Street
Must Serbia Harmonize Its Foreign Policy with the EU and the Rest of the West?
Pfizer’s Lack of Transparency, Accountability ‘Creates a New Tyranny’
Global Digital IDs Are Coming to America and Nobody Is Allowed to Talk About It
Ukraine Bans Last Opposition Party
New Plan to Secure US Weapons in Ukraine Leaves Gaps: Experts
Ukraine, Asterix and Rules: Notes from the Birthplace of American Empire. Nebojsa Malic
Why Are NATO and Russia Both Now Training for Nuclear War?
Dr. Peter McCullough Is Being Progressively Stripped of His Medical Credentials
Pfizer Increases Price of COVID Jab by 400%
‘Military Madness’: US to Deploy Nuclear-Capable B-52s to Australia, Provoking China
War Without End. What Is Wrong with the United States of America?
Latin America and the Caribbean – Between Cooperation and Intervention
COVID-19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
Elon Musk Alarmed After Apparent Inclusion on Well-known Ukrainian ‘Kill List’
Brandon’s “Usable Nukes” Are the Fast-Track to Jopocalypse
Self-Destructive Social Habits, Loneliness, and Propaganda
Public Health Nutrition
A Crippling Shortage of Diesel Fuel Threatens to Devastate Western Economies in 2023
“Let’s Get Out of NATO”: Discontent Soars Across Europe as Russian Sanctions Backfire
Video: U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy, an Oral History
Virtuous Hypocrisy: The Socceroos and the Qatar World Cup
Unholy Alliance — Faith Leaders Pushing Covid Pharma Fraud
Advocating World War Three Is Just Mainstream Punditry Now
NATO Had Plans for a Preemptive Strike on Russia Using the Cover of a French-Led Naval Exercise in the Mediterranean
The Kosovo Knot and How to Solve It?
How the Media Quarantined Evidence of Cancer in Iraq and the Role of B.P.
Video: His Wife’s Plea: The Case for Julian Assange
What Is in the So-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”?
COVID Reset: The Day of Reckoning Is Coming
Putin: ‘The Situation Is, to a Certain Extent, Revolutionary’
How the Media Quarantined Evidence on Nord Stream Sabotage
Biden Surrenders First Use Nuke Policy to Pentagon Neocons