United States

Nations to Meet in Panama to Tackle Wildlife Trade
Congressional Amendment Opens Floodgates for War Profiteers and a Major Ground War on Russia
Canadian Professor Attacked by Mainstream Media for Opposing NATO Narrative on Ukraine
Truth Cops: Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation
Washington and the Destruction of Former Yugoslavia
Video: Russia’s De-militarization of Ukraine Continues. US Sending Decades-Old Arms to Kiev
The November 11 Remembrance Day Commemoration: The Command of the Donkeys Continues
‘ISIS Bride’ Returns to Canada, ISIS-ISIL, Daesh Terrorist Militia, Funded by U.S. Coalition
History of Obama’s Support for US Special Forces Operations and Drone Strikes. Massive Civilian Deaths Categorized as “Collateral Damage”
The Secret Wars of the US Imperium. “Unauthorized Hostilities”
Biden Has a Date with China’s Xi Jinping, Putin’s ‘Main Squeeze’
Covid-19 Shots: Estimated 50% of Americans Now Question Vaccine Safety
Digitized “Ready to Eat”, Ultraprocessed Foods (UPFs) Worldwide: Millions Suffer as Junk Food Industry Rakes in Global Profits
Video: Russian Withdrawal from Kherson and Its First Political Results
The Kherson Retreat. Massive Weaponization Coupled with “NATO de facto Running the War”
The ‘Persian Spring’: Attempted Regime Change in Tehran. Sudden, Violent Nature of these Riots, Whose Behind Them?
Attack on Russian Orthodox Churches in Ukraine
The Stage Is Set for US Combat Troops in Ukraine? The Russian Army’s “Kherson Retreat”
The Decline of the West: Spengler in Today’s World
COP27 Deliberations Reaffirm Imperialist States as Main Obstacle to Ending Climate Change
Trudeau Has to Go. Trudeau Has Brought Canadians to the Tipping Point
U.S. Has Now Spent $60 Billion for Ukraine’s War
Video: The Pfizer Vaccine and “Mrs. 4.5 Billion Doses”. EUC President Von Der Leyen Involved in Censorship, Surveillance, Coercion and Corruption
‘Seize the Moment’: Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley Sees Opportunity for Peace Talks Between Russia and Ukraine
Video: Dr. McCullough Facing Certifications Revocation for Alleged “False…Information” Dissemination
Canada: Federal Government Throws Away Millions More COVID Vaccines Due to Lack of Demand
Hands Off Haiti! No Military Intervention!
The Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov: Black Sea Geopolitics and Russia’s Control of Strategic Waterways
Spread the Word: Download a Free Copy of “The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity” by Michel Chossudovsky
Video: 32 Young Doctors in Canada All Dead in 6 to 8 Weeks
The Folly of War, US Militarism Continues Apace
Is There Graphene Oxide Inside the Shots? Mainstream Media Article on Physician Who Filmed Structures Resembling Circuitry and Microchips in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
“The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat against Humanity”: Book Review
Pentagon Nuclear War Plans: Fallout Would Have Wiped Out Many More Countries than Previously Estimated
Stolen Election Update. “Mysterious Sharp Upward Readjustment of the Count for Democratic Candidates”
How the FDA and CDC Are Hiding COVID Jab Dangers
The Department of Homeland Security’s “COVID-19 DISINFORMATION TOOLKIT”: The U.S. Government Office of Medical Censorship and Propaganda
Join Rally in Ottawa on Sunday November 13, and Other Public Actions to Protect Hassan Diab from Further Injustice!
The 2022 Midterm – Yet Another Steal?
CHD Rutgers Lawsuit Moves Forward, as Rutgers Announces Trial with Pfizer on COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 5
Hundreds of Fossil Fuel Lobbyists to Attend COP27
Video: Biden Thinks Russia Invaded Iraq
Reflections on the 2022 Midterm Elections. “This New Congress Is a Mere Appendage of Wall Street”
Watch: US Drops Experimental ‘Parachuted’ Missile in Arctic as Warning to Russia
Walking Wide Awake into World War III
Conspiracies Are the New Normal. Public is Spoon-fed Fear and Confusion.
White House to Send Ukraine Avenger Surface-to-Air Missiles
Video: Watch “Imran Khan’s Full Interview with Piers Morgan on Surviving Assassination Attempt”
Defense Sector Spent $101 Million on Lobbying During the First Three Quarters of 2022
The Bunker: The Trillion-Dollar Pentagon
Bamboo Diplomacy: The China-Southeast Asia Romance
“War and Peace Absurdly Juxtaposed”, Who Knew: We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here
Imran Khan Shooting: Pakistan Has Reached a Tipping Point
A Snapshot of Shifting Israeli Propaganda and Myths Over the Years
Who Is Winning, Who Is Losing, the Ukraine War?
More Thoughts on the Stolen 2022 Election
Is Turkey Changing Course in Idlib?
Brain Inflammation and the mRNA Vaccines
Pfizer Works to Fast-Track More Vaccines for Pregnant Moms, Despite Mounting Evidence Rushed COVID Shots Harmed Babies
Pfizer’s COVID Cash Powers a ‘Marketing Machine’ on the Hunt for New Supernovas
Department of Defense Driving Mass Vaccination While FDA and Vaccine Companies Are Powerless to Stop It
Apple Is Tracking You Even When Its Own Privacy Settings Say It’s Not, New Research Says
Energy Bills in Europe Are 90% Higher Than Last Year
Let’s be Clear: If World War III Happens It Will be the Result of Choices Made by the US Empire
Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters: False and Misleading Efficacy Claims—What Is the Motivation?
Another Stolen Election
Russia’s Tactical Retreat from Right-bank Kherson Region – Victory for Kiev?
Prominent Arab Tribe Denounces US Occupation of Syria
Influence of Religious Zionism to Expand with Netanyahu’s Coming Far-right Coalition
India Takes Full Advantage of Cheap Russian Oil
Between 64 and 135 Children Killed in British Military Action in Afghanistan, Analysis of MOD Compensation Payments Reveals
No End in View for Ukraine War
The Sovereignty of Micronations: Eccentric and Unthreatening
Failed Assassination of Imran Khan May Push Pakistan’s US-backed Coup Regime to Tipping Point
Italy Refusing Refugees – Human Rights Abuse? Or Pointing to Flaws in the System?
The Kosovo Boomerang in International Relations
Pfizer Appears to Have Corrupted the Entire Western World
A Slap in the Pface: Pfizer Chief Boasts to Investors that COVID Will Continue to be a ‘Multi-billion Dollar Franchise for Many Years to Come’ — As Firm Prepares to Stick 10,000% Markup on Its Vaccine
Association Between Vaccines and Excess Mortality Getting Stronger — And Is Discussed in UK Parliament
The Shortages Are Coming