United States

Russia: From Boris Yeltsin to Vladimir Putin
The Bivalent Booster Disaster
Media Reporting, Justice and “Induced Political Dementia”
On Western Support for Nazism
U.S. Regime Now Tempts Ukrainian Kiev Regime to Invade Russia
Billions of Euros Paid by Us. They Feed War and Corruption in Ukraine.
500,000 Internally Displaced Palestinian Citizens of Israel Prevented from Returning to Their Villages
How the Wrong Dietary Fat Can Wreck Your Health
‘A Moral and Political Disgrace’: Just 11 Senators Vote No on $858 Billion Military Budget
World Health Organization Publishes Video Calling COVID Jab Skeptics a ‘Major Killing Force’
Erdogan Jails His Main Rival in the 2023 Election
Aussies Go 100% Coal! Imagining Life Out from Under the Climate Cloud
Bulletproof Armor Made of Human Cells? Scientists Create Gel that Stops Supersonic Projectiles
Xi of Arabia and the Petroyuan Drive
Bill Gates Patent Gives Him ‘Exclusive Rights’ to ‘Computerize’ Humans
Transcending COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis Deceptions
Bill Gates’ Sinister Plan to Force You to Eat “Fake Meat”
John F. Kennedy on Nuclear War and the Threats to World Peace: “Together we Shall Save our Planet, or We shall Perish in its Flames”
Revealed: Brits Are Paying the Highest Electricity Bills in the Entire World
The Road to World War III: How US-NATO Forces Turned Libya into Hell on Earth
The War Moves Forward as Outlined by the RAND Corporation on Behalf of the Pentagon. “NATO is Not Part to the Conflict”
Modern Prophet in the Age of US Empire: A Tribute to David Ray Griffin
Financial Warfare, 25 Years Ago: The Recolonization of Korea. Seoul Black Monday, 1997. IMF Intervention in Korea
America’s “Long War” against the Korean Nation
‘Disability Culture’ and the Allure of Victimhood
White House Summit with African Leaders Result in More Promises
Space Debris Expert: Orbits Will be Lost—and People Will Die—Later this Decade
The Pentagon Budget Normalizes War
“Israeli Exceptionalism” Is a Canadian Value that Forgives Apartheid Israel All Its Crimes
Putin’s Conundrum
People Died from mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German Study Provides Direct Evidence
Putin Attempting to Prevent a Repeat of the Clinton-Yeltsin Destruction of Russia
UK Marines Conducted Covert Ops in Ukraine, General Claims
Is Russian Restraint Averting the Risk of Nuclear War – or Inviting It?
Taking ‘Peace’ Out of the Nobel Peace Prize
The Activities of Far-right Death Squads in Interwar Germany
The Inflation Hoax
Patriot Missiles in Ukraine – NATO’s Bluff or Real Escalation?
US Sanctions Are Killing Syrians and Are a Human Rights Violation
Existential Threat to Israel from Russian-Iranian Alliance
The Climate Farce and More
This Is Britain’s War. “The Drive for Nuclear War”
“Recycled Food”: Black Market in Broad Daylight
Finland’s NBI Suspects Arms Sent to Ukraine Might be in Criminal Hands
Why Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US-style Preemptive Strike Doctrine
White House Flips Out After Musk Says Fauci-Funded Research “Killed Millions”
Cambridge University’s Course for Spooks
European Values: French General Suggests Bombing Russian Victory Parade
The Chains of the “Free Market”. The Prices of Petrol Continue to Rise
Zelensky Abolishes Court in Ukraine Prosecuting Neo-Nazism
Another Political Framework Signed in Sudan
The World’s Largest Arms-Producing Companies
COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries. U.S. Senator Johnson’s Roundtable
FDA Records Show Significant Number of mRNA Test Rats Born with Skeletal Deformations
Sleeping with the Enemy?
Israeli Election Results Shatter Illusion About the Possibility of a Two Party State
You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It
Protests Spread in Peru Demanding President Pedro Castillo be Reinstated
A Peek at Russia’s Response to the G7 Oil Price Cap
If They Get the Opportunity, They Will Transform Our Society Into a Dystopian Hellscape
‘Challenge the U.S. Justifications for This War’
Germany and Peru Coup Attempts? WEF Engineered False Flags?
The Globalists’ Secret Tool to Undermine National Sovereignty: The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)
The US Unveils Its New Bomber but the Real Future Is Next Door
How to Trash a Movie in Support of a Lie
Giving Young Kids Smartphones or Tablets to Calm Them Down Can Stunt Emotional Development
Escalating Crisis in Kosovo
Rapprochement Between Superpowers? Towards A US-China “New Détente”?
US-NATO is at War with Russia? Military Experts
New Study Details Coca-Cola’s Big Influence on Public Health Organizations, Conferences and Events
Conservative Risk Benefit Analyses Decide Against COVID-19 Vaccination
Drone Attacks on Russian Airbases: A Major Escalation in the War Authored in Washington
BABY-CIDE Jabs: Dr. Cole Receiving Placentas from COVID-jabbed Women That Are Inflamed, Calcified and Full of Spike Proteins
UN: More Than 11,000 Children Killed or Maimed in Yemen War
British Empire Killed 165 Million Indians in 40 Years: How Colonialism Inspired Fascism
The Mother of All Economic Crises
Putin Shrugs-Off Washington’s Provocations and ‘Sticks to Business’
Peruvian President Pedro Castillo Ousted and Jailed in Political Coup
“Violence will escalate as long as extremists are allied to Netanyahu”: Interview with Tawfieq Toameh
Did Baby Will of New Zealand Receive Blood from the Unjabbed After All?