United States

Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots
Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online “Misinformation” Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty of “Misleading” Vaccine Statements
Britain’s National Security Potentially Compromised by Government Membership of Pro Israel CFI Lobby in Parliament
Netherlands Prime Minister Apologizes for Atlantic Slave Trade. Dispels the Payment of Reparations
Christmas: Passing on the Lyrical Gift of Language
Why Russia, Which Spends One-Twentieth What America Does on Military, Is Militarily More Successful Than America
Video: The Weaponization of the WHO
Biden Admits He Does Not Want War with Russia Despite Zelensky’s Victorious Rhetoric
Why Putin’s Winter Offensive Will Prompt US Entry Into the War
The Boom of the War. Christmas gift exchange between Zelensky and Biden
Tucker Carlson and the JFK Allegations
Digital Tyranny: The EU Digital Covid Vaccine Certificate Framework
COP27: Understanding Climate Change and the UN’s Hidden Agenda Behind “Catastrophic Global Warming”
Playing Dangerously: The Environmental Impact of Video Gaming Consoles
Christmas Visions: Children and the Importance of Redemption
What Is the Rules-Based Order?
Latvia – Quo Vadis?
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME): On Far-Right Israel Government
A Grand Unified Theory of Corruption and Treachery
American Weapons Manufacturers Profit from Making Ukrainian Conflict Perpetual
Kosovo’s NATO-led “Peacekeeping Force” KFOR Ready to Establish “Peace” in Kosovo
Arms Tests vs War Drills Ad Infinitum in Korea
Eight-car Thanksgiving Pileup Blamed on Tesla “Full Self-Driving” Software
Legal Victory: Court Rules EPA’s Registration of Bee-Killing Insecticide Unlawful, Citing Failure to Assess Risks to Endangered Species
Israel: How Netanyahu Handed Ben-Gvir the Gun to Start an Annexation War
Sen. Lindsey Graham Says Ukraine War Will Only End If Putin Is ‘Taken Out’
German Press Fomented Anti-Russian Mentality When Covering Special Operation in Ukraine
Death Toll Mounts as Unrest Continues in Peru
The 1914 World War I Christmas Truce. Trenches and “No Man’s Land”
September 11, 2001, 21 Years Later: Renowned Architect and CIA Whistleblower Contradict the Official Story.
Migrant Workers in the U.K in the Wake of Brexit: Storks, Hamsters and Human Beings
America’s 2022 Allocations to Ukraine: Total $112 Billion
Suing Meta-Facebook in Kenya High Court
Ultimate Battle Between Pro-Japan South Korea and Nationalist South Korea: Democracy at Stake, Economy in Crisis, Security at Risk
The 5G Roll Out: EMF Radiation, Devastating Health Impacts, Social and Economic Implications. Crimes Against Humanity?
Israel, Former Liberal Democracy, Is Now an Extremist Nuclear-armed State
Australian Doctor Injured by COVID Vaccine Slams Regulators for ‘Censoring’ Public Discussion, Calls for More Research
Got MilQ? Fake Milk to Replace Dairy and Breast Milk
Harmful Instruments, False Solutions, and Private Interests Take Over Global Biodiversity Summit
Uncompensated Allies: How Contracting Companies and US Government Agencies Failed Third-country Nationals in Afghanistan
Warren, Jacobs Accuse Pentagon of Vastly Undercounting Civilians Killed by US Military
Washington’s Dubious Syria Intervention Continues
Cuba: When Is the Monroe Doctrine Going to Die?
We Are Still Locked Down
COVID Propaganda Roundup: They Named the New Variant ‘Nightmare’
US Sends Nuclear-Capable Bomber, Stealth Jets to South Korea
Never Enough: Zelensky Treks to DC, Begs for Billions More
Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable. America’s Post 9/11 Nuclear Doctrine
We Should Learn From the Christmas Truce of 1914
Probable Causal Association Between Australia’s New Regime of High All-cause Mortality and Its COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
NATO Decides to Attack Russia in Ukraine
Video: Panama Commemorates Those Who Died in the 1989 Illegal US Invasion, Noriega Was a CIA Asset
Australia’s Wieambilla Killings: The Sense Behind Senseless Murder
Jordan Vows Crack Down on Protestors “Tied to Terrorism”
The Hidden History of the Korean War
What “Victory” and “Defeat” Would Mean in Ukraine’s War. “Regime Change in Russia”
World War I, “An Un-Christian Like Patriotic Fervor”: The 108th Anniversary of the Christmas Truce of 1914
Green New Deal and Vegan Bullying
“Putin Has Misread the West (And) if He Doesn’t Wake Up Soon, Armageddon Is Upon Us”
New Breakthrough in Australia-China Relations
Euthanasia, Even Among Children, Is on the Rise — What’s Driving the Trend to Market Death?
Israel’s Far-right Government Removes the Mask that Enabled Western Complacency
Peru Coup: CIA Agent Turned US Ambassador Met with Defense Minister Day Before President Overthrown
2022 Was Deadliest Year for Palestinians Under Occupation on Record, with 153 Killed by Israeli Forces, Squatters: UN
Modi Ignores West’s Sanctions on Russia
Why Pakistan’s Deep State Tried to Assassinate Imran Khan?
It is no longer enough to put it in a vacuum to protect nature
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Andrew Napolitano, a 2024 Third-Party Presidential Ticket?
Balance of Power Theory: Common Threads Between Gun Control, ‘Misinformation,’ and Denuclearization
Former German Chancellor Merkel Admits that Minsk Peace Agreements Were Part of Scheme for Ukraine to Buy Time to Prepare for War with Russia
Insider Tells Tucker Carlson That CIA Was Directly Involved in JFK Assassination
Pyotr Kropotkin, 180 Years Later
U.S. Veterans Call for a Holiday Truce in Ukraine, Ceasefire and Negotiations to End the War
Over 900 Faith Leaders in the US Demand Christmas Truce in Ukraine
US Believes Ukraine Can Retake Crimea, But May Provoke Nuclear Escalation
America’s Roving Goals for Ukraine
This DC Party Invite Shows All the Money to be Made by the Ukraine War
COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects: “I Can’t Hear You”
Yes, Jesus Would Have Been Branded a Domestic Extremist Today
“Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d’état”. COVID-19 Was a Global Coup by Private Finance, IT, and Intelligence Complexes