United States

White Lives Matter More in Ukraine
Jerusalem Churches in Crosshairs of Escalating Extremist Attacks: Churches Council
OPEC’s Second-Largest Oil Producer Issues Arrest Warrant for Donald Trump
“How World Governments Are Run by Multinational Companies”
The Evil Strategy of “Degrading” Russia
WHO: Anti-Vaccine Activism Is Deadlier Than Global Terrorism
Prince Harry’s Great Afghan Shooting Party
Secret Negotiations for the Amendments to the International Health Regulations
Republican Warmonger Wins Contest to Become House Speaker
Children of Azov Conscripted to Die
Medvedev Suggests Parking Hypersonic Missiles Near the Potomac
The Top 100 Reasons to #StopThe Pandemic Treaty, #StopTheAmendments, and #ExitTheWHO
When Bankers Choose War Over Peace: Learning From History, Lest We Are Doomed to Repeat It
The Myth of GMOs Saving the Planet
The Plan to Carve Up Russia
Video: Bombshell Docs Reveal COVID-19 Cover-Up Goes Straight to the Top. Redacted with Clayton Morris
COVID-19 Pandemic Psychological Warfare
Video: Anti-Zionist Jewish Community Flying Palestinian Flags in Jerusalem
The COVID “Vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide
Video: Japan Orders Investigation Into COVID Vaccine Deaths as MSM Admit “The Jabs Are Killing Us”
Is a Happy New Year Possible? Sisyphus and the Feeling of the Absurd are Entwined,
Nowhere to Hide: How a Nuclear War Would Kill You — And Almost Everyone Else.
Why China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Is Back with a Bang
Dr. Jordan Peterson Accused of Heresy by Ontario College of Psychologists
A ‘Cover-Up of Evidence of Mass Murder’: The CDC Appears to be Removing VAERS Records
Yet Another COVID “Variant”: Omicron XBB & the Self-driving Narrative
Pfizer Has a Shockingly Long History of Engaging in Illegal Activities and Human Experimentation
mRNA/DNA Gene Injection “Vaccine”: Murder Charges against Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, CDC,NIH, NIAID
How to Be Your Own Bank: Holding Actual Custody of Your Digital Assets
The High Cost of Blowing Up the World: Ukraine and the 2023 NDAA
US Patriot Missiles in Ukraine: A Desperate and Dangerous Escalation
“In Politics, Nothing Happens by Accident. If it Happens, You Can Bet it Was Planned that Way.”
From Free Press to Billionaire Press: Reviewing the Top (Censored) Stories of 2022
WHO’s Cancer Research Agency to Assess 5G Health Risks — But Not Until 2025
Before the Bombs Come the Platitudes
Secret War: How the U.S. Uses Partnerships and Proxy Forces to Wage War Under the Radar
Lula Confirms Brazil’s Return to CELAC with Arce
China and India Are Buying Up Russia’s Arctic Oil
Moscow Could Retaliate if Germany Seizes Russian Assets to Help Ukraine
Is Ben-Gvir Preparing a Holy War Against the Palestinians? Jonathan Cook
Sudden Death: The No. 1 Cause of Death for Under 65s in 2021
Will the War Party Wield the Speaker’s Gavel?
Do Meghan and Harry Really Believe They Control the Narrative?
Ukraine, 2023
Nuclear Power in Ukraine: What Would Happen if Zaporizhzhia Was Hit?
Documentary: The Real Story of January 6
What to Expect from the Government in 2023? More of the Same
‘They shot them down like animals’: Massacre at Peru’s Ayacucho
Kiev Rejected Russia’s Orthodox Christmas Truce on False Pretexts
Erdogan Wants to Solve the Kurdish Problem with Assad
Jackson Water Crisis Continues Despite Federal Government Interventions
California Bill to Punish Doctors for ‘False’ COVID-19 Information Goes Into Effect
A Year of Global Displacement
Ukraine Supporters Should Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is
A Government That Assaults Liberty
What If Ukraine Had Kept Its Nuclear Weapons?
What’s Inside the Budget for the Secretive DARPA Agency?
Netanyahu Admits Israeli Government Partnered with Pfizer to Compile Genetic Database of Population
The Likud Party of Netanyahu, A Terrorist Organisation?
Ukraine’s Intelligence Boss Predicts Further Attacks Deep Inside Russia
Is the US Responsible for the Attack on Makiivka in Donetsk?
Kyrgyzstan – Next in Line for a Colour Revolution?
Eight-Year-old Debunked Lie Blaming Russia for Shooting Down Malaysian Passenger Flight in 2014 Is Given New Life by Dutch Judge
Will Confucius Marry Marx? The Quest for Legitimacy in Chinese Politics
Sportswashed: Ronaldo Heads to Saudi Arabia
The UN General Assembly Drags Israel to the World Court
The Disastrous Events of the Year 2022 Will Plague Us for as Long as We Exist
From the History of GB-EU Relations. “How Great Britain fell for a confidence trick”
The EU-Anglosphere Climate War
Oil Companies Have Plundered Louisiana’s Coast. They Owe Us Reparations.
Could Julian Assange be Released in Two Months?
Criminal Malfeasance: Pfizer Knew 275 People Suffered Serious Strokes in the First 90 Days After Vaccine Rollout
Facing the Failure of Our Cruel Venezuela Policy
2022 US Middle East Policy Review and 2023 Forecast
101st Airborne Still Deployed in Romania Simulating War with Russia
Envisioning a World Without Nuclear Weapons
Surveillance State: What the #TwitterFiles Mean for America, Ukraine and Libertarianism
Zelensky Expands Crackdown on Ukrainian Media
US Climbs Escalation Ladder in Ukraine
Alexander Mercouris: “Something Big Is on the Way”