United States

Video: Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici Sosoaca: “We have lived to witness the production of earthquakes on command.”
Jihadists Are Recruited by Washington as Russia Prepares for New Offensive
Ike Was Right About the Deep State
How We Can Stop the Coming War with Russia
Five Canadian Teenagers Ages 17-19 Died Suddenly in Their Sleep in the Past Month…
Does Israel Seek a “Final Solution for Palestinians?”
NATO Countries Militarily Weakened Due to Their Aid to Kiev
Alberta Becomes Second Canadian Province to Reject National Healthcare Digital ID
Ballooning Rhetoric: Aliens, Escalation and Airborne Surveillance
South Korea Invests $261 Million Into New mRNA Factory Located in a “Smart City”, Will Produce New mRNA Vaccines Within 100 Days in Partnership with Gates Foundation
Stoltenberg Admits Kiev Regime Is Losing
The USA Nord Stream “Act of War” and “Profitable” Attack on Europe
Biden’s Role in Ukraine War Under Scrutiny After Nord Stream Sabotage Claim
Syria Held Hostage by U.S.A. and Its Allies
How Spin and Lies Fuel a Bloody War of Attrition in Ukraine
Court Dismisses Case Against Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘This is a strong victory for freedom of speech’
Russia Is Taking on All of NATO Plus Ukraine
“Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts”: Feminism Inter/Nationalism and Palestine
Militarism and Diplomacy in the South China Sea: The Propaganda Machine Is Mobilized
India’s Leader Narendra Modi Restores India to The Empire
Video: Putin’s “Minimization of Destruction in Ukraine”. Douglas Macgregor
“Purges” in Ukraine: Defense Minister Forced to Resign, Team of Interior Ministry Die in Helicopter Crash. Who’s Next?
Social Credit Brazilian Style: Basic Income (UBI) Recipients For Poorest Families Must be Vaxxed
Justin Trudeau Wants to “Disappear Unacceptable Views”: Free Speech Won’t Live Long After Bill C-11 Passes.
Just Released: WHO Pandemic Treaty Zero Draft
Fingerprints of Unvaccinated New York City Teachers Flagged to FBI
Sy Hersh and the Way We Live Now. “The Propaganda Apparatus that Manipulates and Controls our Society”
CDC Director Blames “Misinformation” for Reduced Vaccination Rates of Kindergartners
The Global Tide Is Turning: Justice Sought in Two Legal Cases Against Pfizer and Swiss President
Ukraine: The Performance and the Reality. Manlio Dinucci
Mind Control: WEF Technocrats Openly Plot to Observe and Track Human Thoughts with Implants
Excess Deaths in Alberta Surge Past 10,000 — Evidence of Government Cover-up
The West’s Last Or Penultimate War?
Barcelona City Decides to Cut All Official Ties with Israel Over Its Systemic Violations of Palestinian Rights
Canada: The U.S. Shot Down a UFO Over the Yukon
Will the Turkish Earthquake Unleash Science from the Shackles of the Statisticians?
The War of Terror of a Rogue Superpower: Cui Bono?
This Earthquake Strikes at the Birthplace of Civilisation
The Writing on the Wall. “Genocide in The Making”. Resistance to “Governmental Lawlessness Worldwide”
US Conducts Aircraft Carrier Drills in the South China Sea Amid Balloon Tensions
More Than 250,000 People Sign Petition Asking Berlin to Stop Sending Weapons to Ukraine
Waiting for Biden’s Definition of Victory in Ukraine
Lift Sanctions Against Syria to Lessen Sufferings of the People Caused by the Earthquake
Attack of the Weather Balloons! The Yukon Cylindrical “Suspected Chinese Ballon”
US Congress Opposed Nord Stream 2, in Favor of LNG
Nord Stream: What Hersh Got Wrong
TwitterFiles Accountability: Former Twitter Execs Face Congress
Australia Must Quit AUKUS & War Links with US & UK
Lula’s Condemnation of Russia in His Joint Statement with Biden Disqualifies Him as a Mediator
Germany Prepares for Conscription and the Final War
Revelations Confirm US-backed Pakistan Military Regime Change Against Imran Khan
US, French Troops Lead NATO Live-Fire War Games in Romania
5G Dangers, 5th Generation Wireless Technology. Health and Environmental Impacts
Credit Unions and Banking Groups Warn of “Devastating Consequences” of a US Central Bank Digital Currency
Thailand Government Paid Compensation for Covid-19 Vaccine “Side Effects” and Deaths, Sets a Legal Precedent
How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline
Mind Control and the New World Order. Brainwashing Techniques
U.K. Vaccine Crime Investigation. Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court (ICC)
Video: Never Again Is Now Global. Anyone Who Wants to Start a War Has to Lie
Serbian History and Western Kosovo Mythology
Investigating the War in Ukraine and its Aftermath. A Conversation with Mahdi Nazemroaya
Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic”
Warmonger Henry Kissinger Worried About Thermonuclear War
Video: The Covid Shots. Dr. Charles Hoffe Speaks Out to the World
Who Did It? More Evidence Points to US-NATO Sabotage of Nord Stream
Full Length Documentary: The EuroMaidan. Propaganda and the Ukraine Crisis
Video: The Reproduction of Real Life, The Privatization of Politics. Michel Chossudovky
Hitler werd gefinancierd door de Federal Reserve en de Bank of England
Corruption Scandal: Did Zelensky Fire His Minister of Defense?
State of the Union Address: How Does America Perform on Biden’s Test?
Daily Mail: “Russia Demands Those Responsible for Nord Stream Blasts Must be Named and Punished After Investigative Reporter Claims Joe Biden Ordered US Navy to Destroy the Gas Pipeline”
Age-stratified COVID-19 Vaccine-dose Fatality Rate. Israel and Australia
Zelensky Tours Europe While His People Suffer on the Battlefield
Pfizer’s Deadly Covid Vaccine: “The Tide Has Changed”. Swiss President Under Investigation, War Crimes Tribunal in Thailand
Video: The WHO’s Dystopian “Pandemic Treaty”. “Victory for Australian Sovereignty”
European Parliament Embraces War Criminal Zelenskyy
We’ve Never Been Closer to Nuclear Catastrophe—Who Gains by Ignoring It?
US Congresswoman Nancy Mace Discloses Her COVID Vaccine Injuries and Blasts Twitter Execs
5G Radiation: Court Case Against UK Government
US Hits Iran with Fresh Sanctions That Target Petrochemicals