United States

“Terrorist groups in Syria receiving earthquake aid from the US and EU,” Interview with Kari Jaquesson
The World Wants to be Deceived
Trudeau Government Stopped Reporting COVID-19 First & Second Booster Vaccination Data and Deleted It. Are They Preparing for a Digital ID?
From Indigenous Colonial Struggles to the Freedom Convoy. Raising Funds for Global Research News Hour
The Great Western Crusade Against “Evil”
A US-Led ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Foreshadows the Splintering of NATO
Video: Klaus Schwab Calls for Global Government to “Master” AI Technologies
“Propaganda Attacks”: How NATO Is Committing “Cyber Warfare” Against the Global Masses
Medical Marvel or the Second Coming of Al Capone? Pfizer’s Sins and Crimes. “We have a Vaccine which is Killing People”
Former CEO of Google: Building the Perfect AI War-Fighting Machine
Children’s Health Defense Sues CDC to Obtain Documents on COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Reported in VAERS
EU Prepares New Sanctions Against Russia and Iran While Both Countries Advance Military Cooperation
President Lula Is A “Fellow Traveler”, Firmly Aligned with U.S. Strategic Interests
Australia’s Drug Regulator Hid Vaccine Deaths from the Public, Concerned that ‘Disclosure Could Undermine Public Confidence’
Study on National Pollinator Declines Blames Pesticides, Pests, and Extreme Weather
First National Rally Against Ukraine War, Threat of Armageddon: Feb.19
Pompeo Claims Israel Has Biblical Right to Palestine
Is the Egg Shortage Another Conspiracy?
In East Jerusalem, Resistance to Occupation May Lead to Deportation, Loss of Israeli Citizenship for Arabs
The US May Have Shot Down a Small Hobby Balloon with a Sidewinder Missile
The “Great New Wall” Between Russia and the West: Geopolitical Trends that Began with the War in Ukraine
Balloons, Toxic Water, Radiation Sickness. Slow Motion Into the “Forever War”… Searching for Food
The Bayer/Monsanto Tie-up: Is the Marriage Over?
Americans’ Soaring Distrust of News-Media
US Uses UFO Psyop to Hide Crimes and Advance Military Agenda
BlackRock Will Evade Responsibility for East Palestine Ohio Environmental Disaster
U.S. Sanctions Against Zimbabwe Condemned as “Crime Against Humanity”
Global Research Donation Drive: How Twitter Censors the Truth
Critics of The 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles?
Fidel Castro Ruz: Nuclear Weapons and the Survival of the Homo Sapiens
Schools Are Indoctrinating Children Into Believing That “They Are in the Wrong Body”
African American Resistance in the Rural South
Irresponsible Politics: Australia’s B-52 Nuclear Weapons Problem
“Plug and Play” Guides US Domestic and Foreign Policy – And It’s Not Working
“African Unity” and the Failure of Regional Integration, Current Geopolitical Changes
Geological Study Refutes Green Energy Agenda: Not Enough Metals to Replace Oil
As Health Concerns Escalate After Ohio Train Disaster, Advocates Want to ‘Take Back Our Rail System From Greedy Profiteers’
Chemical Desolation in Appalachia
Biden to Syrian Earthquake Victims: Drop Dead
We Need a Huge Rage Against the War Machine. Mass Antiwar Movement
Devastating Impacts of Earthquake: Prevailing Sanctions Against Syria
Thyroid Problems Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination — New Japan Study Shows Increased Thyroid Auto-antibodies After Two Doses & Booster
Musk Says He Restricted Ukraine’s Use of Starlink to Avoid World War III
In Syria, the West’s Humanitarian Claims Crumble to Dust
Washington’s Incitement of Unrest in Xinjiang
The US Destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline. Interview with Seymour Hersh
Nord Stream Terror Attack: The Plot Thickens
A graffiti of Naji al-Ali's Handala on the West Bank separation wall
Canada Must Act Against Israeli Settlement Expansion
Post Covid mRNA Vaccination: Immune System Dysfunction, Neuropathic Symptoms
Germany: “The Manifesto For Peace”. Stop the War in Ukraine. Cease Fire and Peace Negotiations
Celebrity Privilege and Modern Decadence
Man Is Good, But Irritated
“Palestinians are being attacked by Israeli settlers, and weapons are replacing stones.” Interview with Dr. Stephen Sizer
What is Reality? The Rise of Fake Truth. The Case for a “Constitution of Information”
Crimea and the Final War
From the Peak of Fitness to Wanting to Die — How the COVID Vaccine Ruined One Man’s Life
The War on Cash Is Here
Rare Interview with Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel in Davos in Jan. 2023. New mRNA Vaccines Coming
Don’t Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government. America Is a Prison Disguised as Paradise
John Podesta: The Trilateral Commission Link to UFO/Alien Mania?
Mexican President AMLO to Lead International Campaign Against US Blockade of Cuba
EU Wants to Use Frozen Russian Funds to Pay for Ukraine’s Reconstruction
Zelensky Signs Agreement with JP Morgan on Ukraine’s Reconstruction
The Largest Environmental Disaster in US History? The Entire Ohio River Basin is Affected, 30 Million People
Merger Mania in the Military-Industrial Complex
ICC Resumes Full-blown Investigation Into Duterte Administration’s Drug War
Sri Lanka: Talk of ‘Prosperity’ a Smokescreen for People’s Ongoing Suffering and State Violence
Ukrainian Purges Deepen. State Structure Breaks Down. Ministries of Defense, Interior, Governors of Key Regions
Western Countries Urge Citizens to Leave Russia and Belarus
At the Very Nexus of the War Machine: “The Best Speech I Never Gave”. Scott Ritter
US Lawfare as a Weapon of War. The Destabilization of Latin America
U.K. : Covid Vaccines Increased Risk of Hospitalization, 6-9 Months Following Jab. Surge in Hospitalization Rates per 100,000
Open AI’s ChatGPT: Boon for the Lazy Student Learner
FDA Injects Just Under $2m to Investigate mRNA COVID-19 Vax-Induced Myocarditis—Led by Dr. Supriya Jain New York Medical College
So Many People Recently ‘Died Suddenly’ – What’s Going On?
US Escalating Its WWIII Brinkmanship by Directing Kiev Regime’s HIMARS Strikes
Church of England to Explore Gender-neutral Terms for God – Women Clergy’s Suggestions for Replacing ‘Our Father’
Stopping ‘Subversives’: The BBC and the Spooks
NYT to Challenge Von der Leyen on Missing Pfizer Texts
New Report Charges Major Corporations as Complicit in Israel’s Water Apartheid