
New Study Recommends Six COVID-19 mRNA Jabs for Pregnant Women. CDC Now Pushing Four Jabs: COVID, RSV, DTaP, Flu
Dozens of Elderly Gazans ‘Executed’ by Israeli Troops. Euro-Med Monitor
Gaza War: The Latest Ceasefire Negotiations
UN Office Details Alleged IDF ‘Summary Killing’ of Gaza Men in Front of Families
Disruption in Maritime Trade Routes from the Black Sea to the Red Sea Triggers Crisis of the World Economy. Escalation, from Israel-Palestine War into Iran-US War?
Red Sea Military Deployments on Behalf of Washington: Canberra Says No
‘Unprecedented’ Scale of Human Devastation in 2023, Says Red Cross
Today ‘Peace on Earth’ Must be a Demand, Not Just a Seasonal Piety
Gaza Facing a Christmas Genocide
Ukraine Cannot Mobilise 500,000 Soldiers While Artillery Shortage Compounds Problems
Bethlehem’s Bombed-out Nativity Sculpture Sends a Powerful Message
2023 to Go Down as ‘One of the Most Difficult’ Years for Children Worldwide: UNICEF
The War in Gaza: It’s Not About Hamas. It’s About Demographics
Born in a Police State: The Deep State’s Persecution of Its Most Vulnerable Citizens. “What if Jesus had been born 2,000 years later?”
Israel’s Gaza War, West Bank Raids Stole Bethlehem’s Christmas
Remember World War I, The 1914 Christmas Truce. “The Power of Peace in the Time of War”. In 2023, “Let It Happen Again” in Solidarity with Palestine. Abolish All Wars
Occupation: On Christmas, Israel Denies Palestinian Christians Their Rights
Video: Remember the Covid-19 Christmas 2021 under Lockdown. Will it Happen Again?
Jesus, Gaza, and the Murder of “Useless People”. “Christmas is about the Birth of a Boy. A Man who Sided with the Outcasts, the Poor, the Forsaken and the Peacemakers”
Bethlehem: When Will the Peace of Christmas Come Home?
A Poem for Christmas: Christmas Revels (1838)
The Unipolar World Has Ended and the Multipolar World Has Commenced
Christmas in Palestine: Then and Now
Hamas’ “Guests” — Table Manners in Israel vs. Arab Traditional Values: The History of Palestinian Solidarity with Jewish Immigrants
Can Japanese ‘Patriot’ Missiles Help Kiev Regime?
The Hidden Agenda Behind the UK Government’s Chemtrail Operations
The Forgotten Christmas Truce of 1914. Unlearned Lessons which could have Prevented More than a Century of War (1914 – 2023)
The Spirit of Christmas: War Criminals George W. Bush and Tony Blair banned from the Birthplace of Jesus Christ
Vichy-like Allies of 21st Century Zionism against the People of Palestine
Sacred Tree or Paradise Tree? The Christmas Tree and Nature
‘Not Worth the Paper It Is Written On’: US Guts Gaza Resolution
The US War on Yemen: World Superpower Versus a Starving Nation
The Antisemitic Moment. Maligning Critics by Jewish Groups to “Protect” Israel Only Damages Their Credibility
Ich glaube an das Gute im Menschen. In Kindheit erlernter Gehorsam macht uns auch zu Tätern
The War on Gaza: Why Does the “Free World” Condone Israel’s Occupation, Apartheid, and Genocide?
On Speaking Plain ‘Putin’: Because of Their Grossly Inaccurate Assessments of the Russian President and His Country, “Putin Whisperers” in the West Have Ukrainian Blood on Their Hands. Scott Ritter
Secret Pakistan Document Undermines Espionage Case Against Imran Khan
Day X Marks the Calendar: Julian Assange’s ‘Final’ Appeal
Major Shift About Whole Milk — Now a Health Food?
No Ukrainian Forces Available for “Counteroffensive”: Kiev Regime’s Most Hawkish Official Changes Tune to “Low-key Defeatism”
Colorado Supreme Court Disqualifies Trump from 2024 Ballot, Setting Up Supreme Court Challenge
Turbo Cancer: Lymphoma and Leukemia Diagnosed in Pregnancy After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
The Evil Israel Does Is the Evil Israel Gets. Chris Hedges
Xi Warned Biden During Summit That Beijing Will Reunify Taiwan with China
United Nations Reports Israeli Forces Are Carrying Out Mass Summary Executions in Gaza
Yemen’s Houthis in Defense of Gaza
The Plight of Humanity Touches All Our Hearts. I Believe in the Good in People
In the Wake of Covid and its Depredations: The Unsung Digital Annihilation of the Human Soul
“Big Money” Behind the Genocide: Israeli Settlers Plan ‘Dream Beach Houses’ in Gaza. The West is Complicit
On Speaking Plain ‘Putin’: Any Retrospective on the Russian-Ukraine Conflict Begins with a Modicum of Interest in How Moscow Defines the Conflict. Scott Ritter
Anticorruption and Imperialist Blind Spots: The Role of the United States in Brazil’s Long Coup
A Merry AUKUS Surprise, Western Australia!
Gaza Genocide: Hezbollah Confronting and “Inflicting Serious Damage” on Israel. “Expect Escalation…”
Latest China-EU Summit Exposes Brussels’ Complete Lack of Sovereignty. EU Foreign Policy Controlled by Washington
Military Deaths After Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
Ukraine Weapons Fund Will Run Out on December 30, Pentagon Claims. What Next? Ukraine is Totally Bankrupt According to the IMF
“Victory Over Russia is Impossible”: Zelensky Can’t Eschew Responsibility for Rising Public Anger at Ukraine’s Conscription Crisis
‘Sacrificial Lamb’: US Troops in Syria and Iraq. Colonial-Style Occupation Ready to Sacrifice Their Lives for Israel in a Future Middle East Conflict
“Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age”. New Book by Naomi Wolf
Birds No Longer Grace Gaza’s Sky
War in Gaza: Can You Hear That Fading Cry: “Here, Here; I’m Here”?
Propaganda Roundup: Hillary Claims Climate Change™ Targets Pregnant Women
An Open Letter to Israelis from Israelis: We Deserve the Truth About October 7
Canada Is Escalating the Conflict by Joining US-led Military Operations in the Red Sea
Video: Planet Lockdown and the Corona Pandemic. The Most Devastating Crisis in Human History. Michel Chossudovsky
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: The COVID Pandemic Farce Served as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order
Russia’s $300 Billion “Frozen Assets”: Is The West Contemplating The Transfer of Russia’s Confiscated Assets to the Kiev Regime?
Disruption of Maritime Trade: Yemen Resistance Prompts Companies to Suspend Shipping through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal
America’s “Terror Watchlist” Prepares “The Way to Tyranny”
The Death of Israel: Chris Hedges
Brain Aneurysms and Brain Bleeds after Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
Ukraine’s Intelligence Chief admits there are no More Troops without “Forced Mobilisation”
The Red Sea and False Flags? Yemen’s Ansar Allah Movement Launches a Barrage of Missiles against Israel
BREAKING: “Later this Week, Denmark and the US will Sign a Defence Cooperation agreement”
Video: The World is at a Very Dangerous Crossroads. U.S. Nuclear Doctrine, “Seeking Peace on the Korean Peninsula.”
Gen Z Suffers from ‘Menu Anxiety’ When Dining Out — With Many Too Scared to Order Their Own Meals
Devastating Economic and Social Crisis: A Majority of Germans Want A New Government and Early Elections
When the Occupier Plays the Victim: The Mysteries of October 7 as the Trigger for the Gaza Massacre
Israel Attacks Hospitals in Gaza’s North and South
Towards a Broader Middle East War? The Iran-Israel “Non Official War”, Escalating at the Red Sea and Beyond with Global Consequences