Donald Trump

A Brutal Punishment: Australia’s Sentencing of David McBride
On Nakba Day, Canada Must Address Complicity in Palestinian Dispossession
Fear and Panic Resulting from Totally Invalid Covid-19 “Confirmed Cases”, Erroneous SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Data, Falsification of Death Certificates
A Ucrânia está usando estratégia de guerra aérea desatualizada da era do Vietnã contra os russos.
The Dynamic Engagement of Women in BRICS. Their Quest for Cultural Cooperation
When and Where Will Israel’s Aimless, Endless War End?
Who Tried to Pull the Rug on Netanyahu, and Why?
UK Inexplicable Desire to Start WW3
Who’s Funding AIPAC’s Political Spending Barrage?
Argentina Threatens to Involve US and China in Antarctic Dispute with Chile
United Nations General Assembly Votes Overwhelmingly to Upgrade the Status of the State of Palestine
US Expands Production of 15-ton Bombs to Target Nuclear Facilities
Is the U.S. Fast Losing One of the Most Important Assets of Democracy: Capacity for Timely Corrective Action?
Red Alert: WHO Pandemic “Treaty” Is Now an “Agreement”
Brains, Minds and Lost Philosophies
Indonesia is not “Giving up” the Su-35 “Flanker-E” Deal with Russia
Russia’s Offensive in Kharkov: Kiev Regime Retaliates by Killing Civilians in Belgorod
B’nai Brith Canada’s Report Normalizes and Perpetuates Anti-Palestinian Racism
French-Speaking African States Under Kremlin’s Politico-Military Influence
Is Russia’s Latest Offensive Really About Kharkov?
Ignoring Worldwide Concern, Humanitarian Situation in Gaza Is Worsening, Not Improving
The Arsenal of Genocide: The U.S. Weapons That Are Destroying Gaza
Ahora, la memoria histórica
The Great Ukraine Robbery Is Not Over Yet. Ron Paul
Managing Chaos: Adventures in Alternative Media. Greg Guma
Mysterious Brand-New Heart Syndrome Reportedly Affects 90% of U.S. Population
The Mask Is Off: The Hideous Connections Between Zionism, Colonialism, Capitalism and Genocide
Dodging the Issue: The Biden Administration Report on Israel’s Use of US Weapons
The DOJ Is Trying to Protect Pfizer From a Whistleblower Lawsuit
O regime neonazista de Kiev ataca civis nas regiões fronteiriças da Rússia para boicotar as celebrações do Dia da Vitória.
Detection of Positive Covid-19 Vaccine Bias in Reports of Serious Adverse Events. Dr. Peter McCullough
Georgia Protest Against Foreign Agents Registration: Don’t Confuse Them with Facts
JFK, MLK, RFK: Three Murders Most Foul That Killed America’s Soul
Video: Naomi Wolf: The Vaccine, Pandemics, Women, and Gender Development
Video: CDC Internal Documents Reveal COVID Vaccine-Related Deaths. Dr. Robert Malone
Russia’s Putin: Meet the New Boss… He’s Not the Same as the Old Boss. Scott Ritter
Using a Fictional Antisemitism Crisis to Support a Real Genocide
A Clubbable Admission: Palestine’s Case for UN Membership. Binoy Kampmark
From the River to the Sea: The “Day After” Will be Based on Equality and Justice, Not Zionist Supremacy
36 Case Reports of Cancers After COVID Vaccination
Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill
Can a Country as Far Gone as America Recover?
“Treat Everybody Equally! Treat Everybody with Justice!” In Solidarity with Palestine. Louay Alghoul
Israel Invades Rafah and the Genocide Will be Completed with US Complicity
Canada’s Online Harms Act Bill C-63: Life in Prison for Thought Criminals
‘Genocide Joe’ Suffers Another Mortifying Slap-Down at the United Nations
Antisemitism and Antizionism: A Dangerous Conflation
Pfizer Made Special COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Batches for Their Employees That Were “Distinct” from the Toxic Injections Sold Globally
“Una mente más amplia que el cielo” – Xi y la cultura francesa
Video: Digital Tyranny and the QR Code. The WHO Pandemic Treaty is the Back Door to “Global Governance”
Nonviolent Strategy to Halt the Genocide in Gaza, Liberate Palestine and Defeat the Global Technocracy
Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the World’s Population
Top Legislators, Sovereignty Coalition Members Join Forces to Oppose WHO’s ‘Global Governance’
Victory Days: Military Without Militarism?
Women’s Rights and Social Justice: Julia Ward Howe’s 1870 Anti-War Mother’s Day Proclamation, A Day of Peace
Video: The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know. James Corbett
The World: Economically Bicentral, Geopolitically Multipolar
A Modest Proposal: The UN General Assembly and Palestinian Recognition
The JFK Assassination Chokeholds That Inescapably Prove There Was a Conspiracy
Globalists Plot Worldwide Genocide Via WHO Pandemic Treaty
Kiev Neo-Nazi Regime Hits Civilians in Russian Border Regions to Boycott Victory Day Celebrations
Europe and the Middle East, Two Scenarios of the Same War
US Planning Gaza Aid to Fail
Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky
Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three?
Revealing the Myths and Realities of Israel-Palestine Struggles, and of October 7.
Europa e Medioriente Due Scenari della Stessa Guerra
Prime Minister of Italy Refused to Condemn Fascist Salutes But Supports NATO
Illegal Alien Voting: Tucker Carlson Interviews Catherine Englebrecht
Canada on WHO’s Global Power Grab. Urgent Message and Call to Action from the World Council for Health (WCH)
Plot to Kill President Zelensky Revealed by Ukraine Intelligence (SBU)
Mark Zuckerberg Has No Duty to Fix the World, Judge Rules
It’s Not “Radical” to Oppose Genocide
The Nation’s Conscience — US Student Protests and Encampments in Solidarity with Palestine. Chris Hedges
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