
Selected Articles: Mainstream Propaganda Machine Galvanizing US Public for War with Iran
Mainstream Propaganda Machine. Galvanizing US Public for War with Iran. Worldwide Military Escalation?
Canada’s Restaurant Industry Is Doing Worse Today Than at Any Time in Recent History, Including the Pandemic.
“Theater Iran Near Term” (TIRANNT). The Ongoing Planning of War against Iran
Not Just a Showman: Raj Kapoor Gave Us Four All-time Great Films Within Six Years
The Arakan Army’s Capture of the Bangladeshi Border Could Prompt a Crisis with Dhaka
The “China Threat” Theory and Okinawa
Last Acts: Time for Biden to Pardon Assange
Lights, Camera, Legislation: The Blurred Lines Between Politics and Entertainment in the Philippine Congress
Are Conditions Right for 9/11 Truth and Anti-War Activists to Finally Join Forces?
Lessons Learned and a Path Forward: COVID Select Subcommittee Final Report
Starmer do Reino Unido tenta escalar o conflito ucraniano.
Romania’s Constitutional Coup. US Potential Escalation Plans… Buy More Time for NATO in Ukraine
Foiling Rupert Murdoch: Project Harmony Misfires
Video: Anti-COVID Vaccine Dr. William Bay on His Legal Win Against the Corrupt Australian Medical Board
Russian Forces Are Methodically Advancing… Collapse of Ukrainian Frontlines, Attacks on Energy Infrastructure
Video: Charlie Chaplin’s Message to All Mankind. “You the People have the power to create happiness.”
‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman.’ Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza. Amnesty International
Selected Articles: Syria “Liberated” by Its Own Destroyers
The New Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
That Which Can be Destroyed by the Truth, Should be: “A healthy society will be a truth-based society”
From ‘Terrorist’ to ‘Freedom Fighter’: How the West Rebranded Al-Qaeda’s Jolani as Syria’s ‘Woke’ New Leader
Finding the Unmentionable: Amnesty International, Israel and Genocide
We Have Vaccine Choice Canada: The COVID-19 operation and its toxic genetic injections misrepresented as “safe and effective vaccines”. Ted Kunz
Has Bibi Achieved His Dream of Obliterating the Arab World? Mike Whitney
Anti-vaccine Doctor Wins Bid to Resume Medical Practice
Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman to Give $1 Million Each to Trump Inauguration Fund
Israel Gives Biden His Marching Orders. Philip Giraldi
Regime de Kiev ignora proposta de cessar-fogo natalino mediada por Orban.
¿Por qué cayó tan rápido el gobierno sirio y qué consecuencias tiene para la región?
Global Warfare: “We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..”
Australia’s ABC’s Colonel Blimp: Why Kim Williams Misunderstands Joe Rogan
Palestinian Syndrome
Washington Celebrates Al-Qaeda’s Victory in Syria
Syria Falls to Terrorists Who Are “a Tool of NATO, Israel and Turkey” with US Role Included
Regime Change in Syria: Another Step Towards “Greater Israel”
Lessons from COVID-19. Mass Formation. Stand for Democracy against Technocracy Transcript included
Syria “Liberated” by its own Destroyers
Video: American Armies Are the Greatest Impediment to Peace in the Korean Peninsula
“Factual Chaos” at the WHO? Dr. Tedros: Monkeypox Outbreak Is “Among Men Who Have Sex with Men”
La Siria Liberata dai sui Demolitor
Preparing the Chessboard for the “Clash of Civilizations”: Divide, Conquer and Rule the “New Middle East”
“Dangerous Times”: South Korean Defense Minister Just Nearly Caused Nuclear War
Selected Articles: “Weaponizing the Dollar”: Trump Declares War on BRICS “De-dollarization”
The Japan-ROK-U.S. Summit: Destructive Trilateral Military Alliance. “Expressway to the East-West War”
Russia and Iran Lack Strategic Vision. Paul C. Roberts
How US-led Trade War and Sanctions against China Undermine Kiev Regime’s Military Capabilities
“Weaponizing the Dollar”: Trump Declares War on BRICS “De-dollarization”
Endangering the Entire Planet? Armageddonists in the Corridors of the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon?
Video: The Destruction of Countries. Syria…
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In the West Law Is Being Separated from Truth and Justice. Paul C. Roberts
The “Fall of Assad”: A Strategic Retreat, Not a Defeat?
The Siege of Syria, Poverty and Famine: Richard C. Cook
Trump Returns to the World Stage
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Pentagon Debunks Its Own Propaganda About North Korean Troops in Ukraine
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Greater Israel Is on the March. Paul C. Roberts
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Video: On the Lebanese/Syrian Border. Craig Murray
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Video: A Brief History of the War on Syria. James Corbett
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My Internal Exile. “The USA is Run by Ruthless Killers”, “When the Lie Becomes the Truth”, Al Qaeda has Come to the Rescue of The Syrian People. Edward Curtin
‘Oreshniks’ in Belarus Deter NATO Aggression