
“Worldwide Genocide”? History of U.S. Mass Killings of Civilians: The Monstrous Plan to Kill Palestinians Is Fully Endorsed by Washington
Historical Analysis (1897-Present): Crimes Committed against the People of Palestine. “Israel, State Sponsor of Terrorism”
Beyond Orwell’s 1984, 5G and the Launching of 6G: “Easy to Take Down a Society that Is Digital”. 
 UNCTAD Attempts Accomplishing this Doom Scenario
The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech “Vaccines”
The War on Gaza: Might vs. Right, and the Insanity of Western Power
From Shutting Down Farms to Global Control: Is This the End of Good Beef Products?
Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: January 6 Was an “Insurrection” and a Hoax
Henry Kissinger: Snake Oil Salesman of Gangster Realism
Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep. The Prodigious Machine of Control. The 24/7 Digital Life. Edward Curtin
Henry Kissinger, Top US Diplomat Responsible for Millions of Deaths, Dies at 100
Power Struggle Rages in Ukraine: Head of Intelligence (GUR) Budanov’s Wife, Other Officials Poisoned. Former Spy Chief
Pilot Incapacitations: Pilot on Flight from London, Became Incapacitated, Plane Diverted to Krakow and Landed Safely
The Genocidal State of Israel
Israel-Gaza War: Anything Is Now Possible
An Influential Scientist’s Abominable Dereliction of Duty: Exclusion of Significant Variable, Covid Mass Inoculation and its Devastating Impacts
Kissinger and the Destruction of Sovereign Nation States. Color Revolutions. His Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna
Why a Global Government Is the Ultimate Goal of Billionaires. “The Goal Is for You to Own Nothing”
Global Nuclear War and Staged Pandemics: Michel Chossudovsky and Mike Adams
Overshooting Technology’s Limits: Elon Musk’s Visions of Conquering the Universe. “10,000 Square Miles of Solar Panels could Power the Entire U.S.”
The Media’s Fatal Compromises. The Practice of “Embedding”: “Undisguised Effort to Control What War Correspondents See and Hear”: Patrick Lawrence
Netanyahu’s Insistence on the Continuation of the War. “Will the War Get Out of Control”: Interview with Dr. Ahmad Alderzi
Pentagon Blames Somalian Pirates for Attempted Vessel Seizure
National Citizens Inquiry Commissioners Report: Inquiry Into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada
Genocide in Occupied Palestine and Collective Punishment for the People of Afghanistan
Israel-Gaza War: Enough! Stop the Terror on Both Sides! “Let us Implement Peace”
Joe Biden Moves to Lift Nearly Every Restriction on Israel’s Access to U.S. Weapons Stockpile
How F-16s for Kiev Regime Could Spark Wider NATO-Russia War
The White House Goes Rogue: “The Government’s Definition of a “Bad” Guy”. Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws
Baltic States Ignore Basic Principles of European Security
Fake Obituaries Are Being Created to Taint “Died Suddenly” Reporting. Dr. William Makis
Serbian President’s Wife and Associates Support Ukraine, Sparking Controversy in Serbia
Acclaimed Novelist Criticizes Liberal Arts Community for Selling Their Souls to the COVID Agenda
The Media’s Nord Stream Lies Just Keep Coming. “Now They Peddle A Preposterous James Bond Style Story”
New York Just Made It Legal to Quarantine and Isolate Citizens Indefinitely
“Mr. President, Tap the Brakes”: 3,900 Auto Dealers Warn EV Demand Crumbling
September 11 in the Middle East: Israel’s Intelligence and Military “Caught by Surprise” by Hamas Attack? Was It a “False Flag”? Manlio Dinucci
The Dublin Riots and BLM – A Comparison of Reactions
NATO Further Postpones Ukraine’s Membership
Sovereignty Surrendered: Subordinating Australia’s Defence Industry
US Military Aid to Ukraine May be Postponed Until After 2024 Elections
An Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress on Hamas-Israel-Gaza Genocide. Ralph Nader
The End of US Nuclear Superiority. Scott Ritter
The Islamic State (ISIS), the Pentagon’s “Caliphate Project” and the “Global War on Terrorism”
The Dublin Riots: The Aftermath
Can U.S. Threats Prevent a Wider War in the Middle East?
Video: Japanese Are Protesting Sudden Deaths From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines. ビデオ: 日本人は新型コロナウイルス感染症 mRNA ワクチンによる突然死に抗議している
“The Died Suddenly, Jabbed Recently” Phenomenon : Canada’s “Do No Harm” Initiative
Israel Lies Exposed Amidst Shifting Global Tide for Palestine. Soaring Death Rate.
Ukraine’s Latest Paranoia About Russian Sleeper Cells Is Dividing Its Security Services
Russian Advanced Fighter Jets for Iran Amid a Massive Increase in U.S. Military Presence in Israel and the Broader Middle East
The Rise of the Desk Clerk Academic
Selected Articles: When Zionism Invaded Africa: The Story of General Idi Amin and Israel’s Influence in Uganda
When Zionism Invaded Africa: The Story of General Idi Amin and Israel’s Influence in Uganda
Israel-Palestine: The Two-state Solution Is the New Mantra? It’s A PR Stunt?
Young Cardiac Sudden Deaths Are Being Blamed on “Congenital Heart Conditions.” Are Some Doctors Deliberately Covering Up COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Sudden Cardiac Deaths?
To Bury or Not to Bury: Muslim Migrants and the Politics of Funerary Rights in Contemporary Japan
Why Vaccine-Pushing Cardiologists Never See Myocarditis
Kiev’s Military Official Believes Conflict Will Go Beyond Ukraine
Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: Netanyahu Has Ordered Mass Murder, a Blatant Violation of International Law
Shortage of Weapons: Germany’s Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr: “Would Only Last Two Days in a Battle” Due to Excessive Weapons Deliveries to Kiev
Germany’s ‘Military Schengen’ Proposal: To Ease the Movement of NATO Troops across the European Union”
The New York Times Reports Gaza Civilians ‘Are Being Killed at Historic Pace’
“Lucifer’s Banker: The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy”
Zelensky Paranoid About the Military and Warns Commanders to Stay Out of Politics
The Myth that Putin Was Bent on Conquering Ukraine and Creating a Greater Russia
UNESCO’s Insidious Plan to “Regulate Social Media” and “Control Speech Online”
The History of US-NATO Led Wars: “Exporting Democracy” through Acts of Subversion and Infiltration
From a Released Hamas Captive: “I will forever be a prisoner of gratitude because she did not leave here with a lifelong psychological trauma.”
Israel’s Insidious Narrative About Palestinian Prisoners
In Photos: Israel Leaves Trail of Destruction in Gaza After 48 Days of Bombing
What Exactly Are US Special Forces Doing in Israel?
The Lord of “Vaccines” and the “Health Terrorist Ideology”. Where Do You Think this Is Going? Get Off that Crazy Train
Why First Nations People Regard America’s Thanksgiving Day as a National Day of Mourning
Marching for Israel? American and Israeli War Criminals Celebrate Together
Israel Is Assassinating Journalists in Gaza
America’s Military Deployment in the Asia-Pacific Region. “Deter China from Invading Taiwan”
How Glycine Fights Viruses
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination — A Disabling Illness
The One Quadrillion Dollars Derivatives Bubble: “The Great Taking”: How They Plan to Own It All
“Netanyahu’s Vicious Attack on Civilians, The Violence is Unlimited”: Unintended Consequences of Israel’s Assault on Palestine