
The AUKUS Cash Cow: Robbing the Australian Taxpayer
VIPS MEMO: The French Road to Nuclear War
Ataque terrorista na Rússia – os inimigos querem gerar instabilidade interna.
The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, Has Been Diagnosed with Cancer
Where Does Israel-Gaza Go From Here? Jared Kushner Has Some Interesting Ideas
Putin’s Election Victory
Jewish Holiday of Purim at the Time of Genocide The Jewish holiday of Purim, related in the Book of Esther, celebrates deliverance from a genocide.
Voices from Gaza
Usual Suspects US and Ukraine Behind Moscow Terrorist Attack
The Empire Doesn’t Hide Its Worst Deeds, It Just Manipulates How People Think About Them
Senior U.S. Diplomats, Journalists, Academics and Secretaries of Defense Say: The U.S. Provoked Russia in Ukraine
Putin’s Re-election and Election Interference: Ukraine style
Scorecard of U.S. Lies About Its Wars and Proxy Wars
Moscow’s Terror Explosion, Macron’s NATO Troops to Ukraine
Three Soccer Players Collapse on the Pitch on Live TV
Why So Many Voted for Vladimir Putin – Remarkable Growth, Wage Rises and Social Provision
‘Paving a Digital Road to Hell’
The Pentagon’s “Ides of March 2024”: Best Month to Go to War?
The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia
Gaza and “The Greater Israel”: “A Territory or Country Is Targeted for Previously Established Geostrategic Goals”
“Partisans russos” ou inteligência ucraniana? Quem realmente ataca Belgorod?
Yugoslavia March 24, 1999 The Founding War of the New Nato
Iugoslávia 24 de março de 1999. A guerra de fundação da nova OTAN.
Jugoslavia 24 Marzo 1999 La Guerra Fondante della nuova NATO
The War on Yugoslavia 25 Years Later: NATO’s Blueprint For the Conflicts of the Twenty First Century
O Reino Unido está decepcionando a Ucrânia – mídia ocidental.
Netanyahu’s US Visit Will Postpone the Great Extermination
Jared Kushner, Trump’s Son-in-Law and Former Advisor, Suggests That the Gaza Strip’s Waterfront Property Can be Prime Real Estate
Where Are We Going? Artificial General Intelligence. “Robots Are Already Humanized in Appearance”
The CIA Takeover of America in the 1960s Is the Story of Our Times. The Killing of the Kennedys and Today’s New Cold War
Covid Mandates, Pandemic Treaty. Demand to Exit The WHO: Open Letter to the People of Switzerland, the Federal Council and Parliament
“Iraq’s oil wealth is in the hands of Washington, while Iraqi go hungry,” Interview with Hussein Askary
The CIA’s Secret War — Using Russian Fascists to Fight Russia. Scott Ritter
Video: Australian Pilot Captain Graham Hood Urges Australian Government to Stop the COVID Shots
U.S.-trained Niger Junta Kicks Out U.S. Troops, Drone Base
25 Years Ago, US-NATO War against Yugoslavia: The October 2000 Overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic. Serbia’s Day of Infamy
The 5G and Effects on Mice, Rats and Humans. Ten New Studies. Dr. William Makis
The EU’s Approach Towards Ukrainian and Russian Agricultural Imports Harms Polish Farmers
Foreign Mercenaries Fighting for Kiev Regime Forces Should Leave Immediately
Senator Chuck Schumer Blasts Bibi for Derailing US Strategic Objectives in Middle East
A Message to Israeli, U.S. and NATO Soldiers and Pilots: It’s Genocide, “Disobey Unlawful Orders, Abandon the Battlefield”
New Book: Empire of Lies by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Climate the Movie: Excellent New Documentary About the Absurdity Behind Climate Alarmism
If the World Can’t Stand with Gaza, It Won’t Stand for Anyone
Unconditional Obedience to Authority: The Roots of Military Violence, Tyranny, Cruelty in Child-Rearing, Censorship and What Motivated the Commandant of Auschwitz
Yemeni Armed Forces Conduct Drills in Preparation for Possible Imperialist Ground Invasion
Baltic Sea a NATO Lake? Russian Electronic Warfare Would Like a Word
Driving Under the Influence of mRNA: Collapsing and Crashing Your Car While COVID-19 Vaccinated
Goodbye Google. “Surveillance Capitalism”
The Biggest U.S.-and-Allied Lies About the War in Ukraine
Absurd New York Times Hit Piece: First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. Matt Taibbi
US Troops on Taiwan’s Kinmen: A Powder Keg
Democracy, Russian Style. Scott Ritter
France Escalates Tensions in Europe
The Language of Force: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power
Why the US Is Banning Independent TikTok Now
Israeli Government Starves Palestinians in Gaza
Blinken Says 100 Percent of Gaza Population Facing Unprecedented Food Insecurity
Inequalities and Concentration of Wealth in the USA Have Wide Implications
Washington Post Calls on VP Kamala Harris to Step Down
A França está a elevar as tensões na Europa.
O regime de Kiev está a extinguir as aldeias ucranianas devido às suas políticas de mobilização total
We Call for the Respect of Haitian Popular Sovereignty and an End to Western Imperialist Intervention
Is Israel Committing Terrorism in Gaza? You be the Judge. Paul Larudee
Genocide, Coup d’Etat and Militarization: Palestine and Haiti
Over One Million Gazans Are Starving
Israel’s Trojan Horse
“Russia will be remembered as a pioneer of the multipolar world, daring to challenge the Globalist system”, Interview with Alexander Markovics
France’s Draft Law: Citizens Who Speak out against the Covid-19 Vaccine. “3 Years Prison and €45,000 Fine”?
France, Now the United States, Suspended from Military Operations in Niger?
How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election
To All COVID Vaccine-Injured, Watch This Video. Fraud Is Identified, You Were Tricked and Lied To to Take an Unsafe Vaccine
What Are US Green Berets Doing Less Than 10 km Away From Mainland China’s Coast?
Рат САД-НАТО против Југославије, Глобализација рата
It’s Journalistic Malpractice to Say Gazans Are Starving Without Saying Israel Is Starving Them
Kiev Regime Promotes Terror in Belgorod – Field Report
Rainbow Baby Born to a COVID-19 Vaccinated Nutritionist, Died Unexpectedly at 17 Days Old
Three Outspoken Evangelists of the mRNA Clot Shot Have Had Their Vaccine Ministries Come to Sudden and Sad Ends
Kiev Regime and NATO Divert Attention from Losses by Attacking Transnistria
Five-Eyes Intelligence Ally Questions Trudeau’s “Evidence” that India Is to Blame for Separatist Leader’s Killing