Ukraine’s “Mobilization Law” Which Allows Prisoners to Join the Army Has Contributed to Deepened Corruption
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França isolada na sua proposta de enviar tropas para combater a Rússia.
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Hunter Biden’s Conviction on Firearm Charges Is a Red Herring. “Obstruction of Justice by the FBI”. Paul C. Roberts
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The Ugly Israeli Denounced
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Non-Citizens Register to Vote in Washington D.C. Democrats Outnumber Republicans by Ratio of 10 to One!
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Evil Can Destroy the World. Paul C. Roberts
Ukraine: Has P.M. Trudeau Succumbed to Nazi Ideology?
Kiev Irritated by US Ambassador Asking ‘Too Many’ Questions About Corruption
Israel Prepares to Open a Second Front in the North
Biden Plan: Rebuilding Gaza to Erase Palestine
“Rip Van Winkle” Awoke to the Medical-Industrial Complex
Desesperado para manter a sua política de mobilização, Kiev considera recrutar mais mulheres.
D-DAY, 1944:  Essential Historical Context