World War III Is On But the Empire Has Already Lost: Spiritual Transformation Is the Only Way to Prevent Extinction
World War III is “on” but the Empire has already lost. Meanwhile, an American civil war begins. Part II
Read part I:
World War III Is On But the Empire Has Already Lost
By , September 09, 2024
How Did We Get Here?
We cannot understand the present dilemma without reference to history. This was why I wrote my most recent book, Our Country, Then and Now. Encompassing American history from the first Puritan settlers, with extensive reference to Native Americans and blacks brought first as slaves, the story focuses on the gradual descent from various peoples’ search for freedom to today’s growing submission to the globalists and the financial oligarchy. This oligarchy derives its power from the 500-year course of Western fractional reserve banking and the reign of usury.
The following narrative is based on the section of the book which begins in the late 19th and early 20th century, when the U.S. succumbed to greed in becoming a major component of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire.
Characteristics of the Empire
The Empire embodied the convergence of two major historical currents:
1) the transformation of the British Empire into a larger global enterprise knit together at first by British maritime power until this expanded by the mid-20th century into a gigantic naval/air power managed primarily by the U.S. military; and
2) the development of a nihilist social-political construct exemplified by the Terror of the French Revolution, the appearance and growth of Communist internationalism after Marx’s publication in 1867 of Das Kapital, the conquest of Tsarist Russia aka, the “Russian Revolution”; and the subversion of American consciousness by the commercialism and philistinism of a social, educational, medical, and media system controlled by the Rockefellers and other Western oligarchs.
The net effect of these developments was today’s reign of the billionaires, combined with the complete and absolute subservience of the individual to the power of a state/corporatist apparatus whose primary purpose is violent world-conquest and massive larceny of all planetary resources. The best literary depiction of this apparatus remains the epochal novel 1984.
These developments merged by around 1905, and through the agency of the British “clubs” and the monetary power of Cecil Rhodes and Nathaniel Rothschild and their “Round Table,” the Empire that had come into existence set out:
1) in Rhodes’s words, “to recover American for the British Empire”; and
2) to annihilate Britain’s main continental rival; namely Germany.
Side-by-side with these measures was the growth of Zionism, which began to influence world events after the Balfour Declaration issued by the British government in 1917 granted the region of Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire, to the Jews as a perpetual “homeland.”
It is essential to emphasize that even though the creation of Israel in 1947-1948 was claimed to be a reaction to the WWII “Holocaust,” the decision to implant a Jewish national state in Palestine was made long before.
Among the reasons the British brought the U.S. into World War I was to free a large portion of the British army stationed on the Western Front to be sent to seize Palestine from the Ottomans, with the intention of future Jewish occupation.
Later, during World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill made a secret deal with Hitler, whereby Germany would recall its North African army poised to seize the Suez Canal and Palestine, in exchange for British acquiescence in Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union. The bringing about of this invasion with full knowledge that Germany would thereby be destroyed, was the cornerstone of Churchill’s World War II strategy. These historical facts have been explained in Guido Giacomo Preparata’s masterful Conjuring Hitler: How Great Britain and America Created the Third Reich and Destroyed Europe.
It was the destruction of Christian Europe, with the German-speaking world at its core, that became the overriding objective of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire and has remained so to this day. An early key to this strategy was the so-called “Russian Revolution,” carried out by Jewish forces controlled by Rabbinic Talmudism whose primary front was the Zionist movement. Again, the best source on this aspect of the world conspiracy is British journalist Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion.
We can also observe that the creation of an oligarchical anti-Christian state based on banking and finance—usury—was at the core of a long-term project of transferring priorities and practices from the Italian city-state of Venice throughout the rest of Western Europe that began to influence England around the year 1520. For more detail see Francis Leader’s Substack of September 3, 2024, based on a lecture by Gerry Rose entitled The Venetian Takeover of England. Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice around 1596-1598 based on Italian sources.
Shakespeare was wired into the highest echelons of English society, and we may take his drama as a warning of what was going on at a time when usury was becoming widespread. Many aristocratic youth were falling victim to both Jewish and gentile money-lenders operating freely in Renaissance London. Shylock’s “pound of flesh” is an effective symbol of the deadly stakes of the game.
Dollar Hegemony
In the field of economics, the Empire’s program is to secure economic, social, and political control of the world through dollar hegemony, based, as stated above, on fractional reserve banking and usury. This system, originating in Venice and now over 500 years in the making, was intended to assure the constant flow of all money (spending power/liquidity/means of exchange) into the hands of the Western bankers. The door was opened to this historical disaster when the Papacy rescinded its centuries-long prohibition on usury under pressure from the wealthy class.
The money thence stolen from society would be valued in terms of gold. Fractional reserve banking would multiply the amount of paper money—credit—released into circulation. The gold would be held by the bankers in their vaults. Every weekday morning a group of the wealthiest men in England would meet at the Rothschild Bank in the City of London to set the price of gold during the upcoming day’s trading. They thus controlled the monetary value of every article bought or sold in the world.
The London Gold Fix was first held on September 12, 1919, to kick-start London’s gold market after the end of the First World War. For 85 years until 2004 the five member banks of the London Gold Fix would meet face-to-face at the offices of N.M. Rothschild, erstwhile chairman of the Gold Fix, on St. Swithins Lane in the City of London.
The money thus accumulated as bankers’ profits would be selectively doled out to proxies, eventually including the mass media, to first control the minds of the masses, then their incomes, living conditions, health care, food supply, etc.
A key part of population control would become the manufacture and distribution of addictive drugs by the CIA and other Deep State agencies. Closely related was the prescription drug regime of Big Pharma. The profits from both legal and illegal drug sales today support the Deep State’s “black” agenda, enrich the monetary centers, especially the City of London and Wall Street, and prop up the global financial system, always on the verge of over-extension and collapse as happened with the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009.
Targeting of Germany
Germany was the original target of the Empire. Germany was targeted not only because, as everyone knows, the German Empire, formed in 1870, was Britain’s chief naval and commercial rival, but also because Germany, during the 19th century, had become the focal point within Europe of numerous profound spiritual currents related to Europe’s Christian heritage.
These currents not only promised to revitalize Christianity, but also hoped to attain breakthroughs in spiritual fields related to study of Eastern religions, including those of India, China, and Japan, tolerance and unity with Islam sheltered by a budding alliance between Germany and the Ottomans, and the appearance of advanced teachings of comparative spirituality.
The latter were exemplified, for instance, by the discourses of Rudolf Steiner and the even more important teachings of Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), whose books garnered over a million readers in the German-speaking world.
The way had been paved by the rich traditions of German music, culminating in the works of composer Richard Wagner, German literature exemplified by Goethe, Schiller, Schopenhauer, and the Grimm Brothers, and scientist/historians like Leibnitz and those he influenced.
Further back were the treasures of medieval and Renaissance mysticism, exemplified by Meister Eckhart and religious reformers like Martin Luther and the German Anabaptists. Thousands of German artists, musicians, and writers carried these teachings forward around the world, with special impact in Japan and America. The brilliant fiction of America’s greatest woman writer, Willa Cather, testifies to this movement with her persistent motifs of Germany thought and spirit, especially regarding Wagner.
It took World Wars I & II to reduce Germany to ashes, but the German economic miracle of the 1950s and 1960s showed that nation’s irrepressible spirit. Once again, the Empire has targeted Germany by forcing it to buy into Project Ukraine at the cost of its own cheap energy sources from Russia. But the failure of the Empire’s assault on Russia in Ukraine may also lead to the liberation of Germany and the rest of the E.U. from the shackles the Empire so painstakingly forged through the wars of the 20th century.
Role of Wagner
The great German composer Richard Wagner, persecuted in his youth as a social radical, had figured out the bankers’ tricks. In the Ring of the Nibelung, Wagner portrayed the evil dwarf that sought to control the world through the power of the ring made of gold he stole from the safekeeping of the Rhine Maidens. This ring gave power over everything in the world. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is the English-language version of the story.
The British bankers knew they were the evil dwarves Wagner had discovered and that the Germans now knew it too. So Germany had to go. Wagner had also discovered, through his production of Parsifal, that there existed in the world an order of high spiritual guardians who kept the secret of the Holy Grail—Christ’s path to the Spirit. The path to the Grail’s power had been interrupted by human failings, but a new community of innocents was discovering it, so Wagner had to be eliminated on those grounds too. Young people especially were not to be allowed to realize that a new spiritual age was dawning.
Of course, today’s money masters have attempted to scare people away from Wagner by harping on the fact that Hitler liked to listen to his music. But so have millions of people around the world for almost two centuries now.
Similarly, the Empire felt compelled to destroy Russian culture along with the German. A quick look at Netflix tells you what they replaced them with and why a majority of people today are without fundamental values.
[This is Part II of a seven-part series.]
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This article was originally published on VT Foreign Policy.
Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting the event in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his analysis in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book giving a revisionist view of U.S. history: Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023.
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