Social Engineering and Occult Symbolism in ‘Woke’ Hollywood Movies and the Entertainment Industry


In the context of modern cinema, ‘woke movies’ incorporate social activism and so-called progressive ideologies into their narratives. We are told this reflects a conscious effort by studios to align their creations with contemporary societal norms. Is this true? Or is Hollywood and the mega-corporate film industry actually a protaganist of these ‘woke societal norms’ in the first place?

Most of us grew up being entertained by big-budget movies from the mega-corporates in the US. Yet, as the years rolled the ideologies portrayed by these epi-centres of perception became more and obvious. Action sequences and heartfelt storylines pull us in; however, our senses are then bombarded by vast amounts of information and images and our sub-conscious mind absorbs it all. 

Ideological themes and subliminal messages are embedded in Hollywood movies, and, more shockingly, sexual messages have been embedded in many Disney cartoons for kids as evidenced in this video (disturbing content warning). These messages are usually unrecognised by the conscious mind, but can affect the sub-conscious mind and later one’s behaviour and attitudes. This is, in effect, mass social engineering – this subject is explored in my book Godless Fake Science.

Social Engineering and the Rockefeller Banking-dynasty

Mass social engineering has been utilised to further the post-WW2 interests and so-called ‘progressive’ agendas of the globalist devastators, at the expense of traditional culture and values. According to author Daniel Estulin, the history of social engineering can be traced back to hundreds of institutes formed and funded by the Rockefeller banking-dynasty during and after World War II[1]. In the US, this influence extended to all branches of the US government, including the military, the CIA, and the entire structure of the US political and economic hierarchy[2]. This included TV, radio, newspapers, law firms, universities and think-tanks.  In Europe, Lord Bertrand Russell, in his 1951 book The Impact of Science on Society, described how the subject of mass psychology will be of most importance politically: 

“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology… Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called ‘education’… the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part… The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated.” – Lord Bertrand Russell

Various trends and ideologies were promoted via messages embedded in the corporate-owned news and entertainment super structure, i.e., in TV and radio programs, in popular music, and in Hollywood movies. 

“Motion pictures are inescapably one of the world’s greatest forces for influencing public thought and opinion, both at home and abroad.” – First Vice-President, Walt Disney Pictures

Via a spell of words and images, and the powerful medium of Hollywood movies, a false reality was created – an indoctrination of fake truths, fake science, fake history, and ideological subversion, see also these books. North American, European, and, indeed, world society was primed for the introduction of communist-type societal social changes and social and sexual ‘norms’ that many people consider as perversion of traditional Godly values.  

The movies of today portray values and sexual norms that are a far cry from the more traditional values of our ancestors. According to Aaron Russo, the feminist movement was thought up and funded by mega-bankers in order to tax the female population (create another 2 billion taxpayers), and to destabilise the traditional family unit, see this video here.  

‘Public opinion’ itself became a social engineering tool, a mob opinion created via control of the corporate media and of the movie industry. The addictive connection with TV and  Hollywood movies has damaged the traditional foundations of American, European, and worldwide culture, which is originally based on a connection with God. Instead of expressing and developing their divine God-given qualities, families sat en-masse in a hypnotized stupor in front of the ‘idiot box’; and for a new generation the phone screen or computer screen became their false gods, feeding them carefully-crafted flashy misinformation and ideological subversion via corporate ‘entertainment’. 

The word ‘television’ – when you break it up reveals the purpose – ‘tell a vision’. Most people became dependent on the system, and unable to wake up from the media matrix, even fighting for it, rather than being aware of their own bodily mortality, or of their existence as an eternal soul. The term Hollywood may derive from the holly tree, a tree used by druids and witches who were known using a wand made of holly wood. It has also been claimed that Hollywood movies are a form of sorcery using psychology and subliminal messages. 

“Communism” in the US Government and in Hollywood

It appears the U.S. government’s CIA has long been using motion pictures to alter beliefs and societal norms, and that via operation ‘Mockingbird’, the CIA funnelled information to Hollywood, and Hollywood put the information out in movies, for public consumption. Consider the following quotations:

“a number of investigations by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, and by California’s “Tenney Committee,” have unearthed a veritable hotbed of Communism in the movie colony… To begin with, the Hollywood motion picture industry is the most important vehicle of propaganda in the English speaking world today… It has therefore become a prime target for communist infiltration…” – Frank L. Britton, Author of the 1952 book Behind Communism

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, Former Director of the CIA

“The Motion Picture as a Weapon of Psychological Warfare: I. Objective To exploit the potentialities of the motion picture as a weapon of psychological warfare for the United States… The motion picture is one of the most powerful propaganda weapons at the disposal of the United States. It can serve many diversified functions.” – Leaked CIA document

In 1996, the CIA created the Entertainment Industry Liaison office, and according to a former Senior Operations Officer, specifically penetrated into Hollywood and co-wrote scripts. For example, scripts to paint the CIA and British intelligence in a positive light. The CIA website even shows the CIA’s Entertainment Industry Liaison division listing inspirations for future storylines in plain sight.  

According to various sources, influential Jews also have significant influence/control in Hollywood, for example[3]. Statements by actors such as Mel Gibson and Gary Oldman on the subject add further intrigue. Oldman reportedly said: “Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand that I guess has fed him…”,[4].

The Occult Gatekeepers of the Corporate Entertainment Industry

“Does anyone really believe that what is called “news,”…  what u r watching on TV, hearing on the radio or accessing on the web isn’t news. It’s a collective ILLUSION that poses as the “real world… Soon enough, the “World Company” and George Orwell’s 1984 will no longer b the stuff of satire or fiction – but prophetic descriptions of a very real “New World Order” gradually unfolding b4 r eyes.” – Prince, Musician (1958 – 2016)

What lies beneath the lies, ‘woke’ ideology, degradation, and perversion that has pervaded the corporate media, corporate music industry, and the movie entertainment industry? And why is the industry replete with occult symbolism? For example, Katy Perry, once a relatively unknown gospel singer is now a mega pop star, yet, it is obvious if you know what you are looking for, that her music videos, and those of many music artists, are replete with occult symbolism. 



The pictures below show many famous music artists signed to the ‘music industry’ and famous Hollywood actors all displaying the singular all seeing (evil one eye) or the 666 symbol, as displayed on the covers of music magazines. Do you think this is just a coincidence? 



It appears that if you want to be a success in the music or movie industry, you are expected to play by the rules of the industry gatekeepers. The musician, Prince (1958-2016), wrote very critically about the corporate gatekeepers and the “system’, in essays that he published on one of his websites. Some revealing quotes from the musician’s essays are listed in my book Godless Fake Science. 

“The problem is – instant access 2 what? If current trends r any indication, we won’t have access 2 much more than a slightly “enhanced” replica of the collective hallucination that TV has ended up creating… what is so entertaining about being involved in a collective hallucination? Maybe we should start calling it what it really is, i.e. unfettered MANIPULATION.” – Prince, Musician

Prince wrote Slave on his face during a long-running conflict with the music industry corporation Warner Brothers. Like most well-known music artists, he was shackled to the gatekeepers via contracts. However, he later fought to gain ownership of his own recordings, and educated others of the dangers of such contracts. He also described that one company owns more than 1,200 radio stations, thereby, dictating “what u get (or rather don’t get) 2 hear on the radio”.

What happened to truth, morality, and traditional values in the arts, literature, music, and film industries of today?

Why choose to be hypnotized by the lies, perversion and bogus messages embedded in the corporate entertain matrix? Without truth and discipline, we are all in danger of drifting aimlessly like a ship without a rudder.

My book Inspiring Quotations on Creativity, Wisdom, and Spirituality lists quotations from personalities of the past, including artists, musicians, writers, scientists, philosophers, military heroes, Vedic sages, and holy Christian saints. Words and images contain the spells (spellings) and visions that can bind us, or inspire us, each of us has a choice in what we see, hear, and read.


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Author: Reality Books 

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[1] Rockefeller’s Fascism with a Democratic Face, The Campaigner, Vol.8, #1-2, November-December 1974, pg.72.

[2] Source: Tavistock Institute Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin, pg 31.

[3] Source:

[4] Source:

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