Selected Articles: Is the World Walking Blindfolded Toward a Nuclear War?

Is the World Walking Blindfolded Toward a Nuclear War?

By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, September 08, 2024

During the fatidic year of 2024, the world’s attention was distracted, first by the on-going and expanding US-NATO provoked Ukraine war against Russia, “to weaken Russia” dixit Secretary of Defense, General Lloyd Austin, a proxy war planned a long time ago, in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

You Can’t Arm a Genocidal State Into Moderation. So Why Does the West Keep Trying?

By Jonathan Cook, September 08, 2024

In committing a genocide, a state crosses a threshold. It cannot be armed into moderation. Nor can it be reasoned into peacemaking. It must be aggressively isolated and sanctioned. There is no sign western establishments are willing to do that for one very simple reason: they cannot afford to do it. 

Creating a Revolution in the Spiritual Desert Known as America

By Emanuel Pastreich, September 07, 2024

The efforts of intellectual saboteurs, paid in blood money by the extremely rich, to launch campaigns blaming the current destruction of our economy and society on socialists, attributing the transgender psychological operation carried out by Homeland Security subcontractors to a mythical “radical left,” pinning the COVID 19 scam on the Chinese Communist Party, and attributing the corporate fascism in the Democratic Party to communism, has reached a peak.

Was 9/11 a False Flag? America’s “Just War” Against Muslim Countries: “Self Defense” Against “The Civilizational War of Islam Against the West”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 07, 2024

The war in the Middle East is edging towards Escalation. War Propaganda is the driving force. The official 9/11 consensus has created a counter-terrorism mandate embedded in US Foreign Policy. America’s “Global War on Terrorism” is not categorized as an outright “act of war” within segments of the peace movement. 

Netanyahu Refuses a Gaza Ceasefire on Any Terms

By Steven Sahiounie, September 08, 2024

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis are in the streets demanding that Netanyahu sign a ceasefire deal to release their hostages. Israeli opposition leaders and Israeli peace activists are demanding a ceasefire and a change in the government.

Bill Gates and the WHO Target 640,000 Palestinian Children

By Dr. Mark Trozzi, September 08, 2024

The Netanyahu regime and  Hamas, are currently taking daily  pauses from bombs, fires, and toxic fumes in Gaza; to administer an experimental genetically modified oral polio virus vaccine to six hundred and forty thousand children there. This experimental GMO polio virus is a project involving Bill Gates and the WHO.

Neo-Ottoman NATO Member Turkey in BRICS? Is It Really a Good Idea?

By Drago Bosnic, September 06, 2024

The BRICS+ format allows anyone to apply for membership, which could include NATO-aligned “Trojan horses”. This is perhaps best illustrated by the example of Turkey, not only a long-time NATO member, but one of the most important partners in the political West’s aggression against the world.

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